Book of Changes Great Wisdom

Chapter 13 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 13

Chapter 13 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 13
The ninth day of the ninth day is not far away, and I will return in time, without much regret, and I will be lucky.

If you return happily on June [-], you will be lucky.

Liusan's frequent return is bound to be dangerous, but it is not likely to cause any disaster.

On June [-]th, he acted right in the center and returned alone.

Sixth Five-Year returns honestly and honestly, and will not encounter distress.

If you go astray and don't know how to return, you will encounter dangers and disasters; if you launch an army to fight, you will be defeated and endanger the king. The prospect is very dangerous; so that you cannot send troops to fight for ten years.

The elephant said: "Thunder is in the ground, come back."The former king retreated to the sun.

Business travel is not good, and the future is not easy.There are more than ten million roads in the world, and it is inevitable to make mistakes for a while.As long as the route is adjusted in a timely manner, the destination can be reached after correction.This is the truth of "Fu Gua" - knowing how to return when you are lost.

The hexagram of "Fu Gua" says: "Fu: Heng, there is no disease when you go in and out, and there is no blame for friends coming; repeat the same way, and come back in seven days." - Repetition is not random repetition without direction, it must be repeated according to a certain law In order to achieve the desired effect; Shangliu Shang also said, "Mistakes are fierce, and there are disasters. Use the teacher, and there will be a big defeat"-going astray without repenting, there must be danger.

Those who have lost their way and found their way back will not only be able to get on the right path themselves, but also others and even the law will be lenient to these people.This is also an important reason why our country's criminal law gives lighter sentences to those criminals who surrender and surrenders, and an important reason for the reduction of sentences for those criminals who have performed well in reeducation through labor.

When Zhu Bo of the Han Dynasty was Zuo Fengyi (an official under the jurisdiction of the capital), there was a surname in Changling named Shang Fangjin. When he was young, he raped other people's wives and was cut on the cheek with a knife.The meritorious Cao of the government was bribed, but he did not get rid of Shang Fang's ban, but turned him into a guard.When Zhu Bo heard about this, he found an excuse to summon Shang Fangjin, and when he saw his face, there was indeed a scar.Zhu Bo avoided the people on the left and right, and asked Shang Fangjin: "What kind of injury is this?" Shang Fangjin knew that Zhu Bo had understood the truth, kowtowed quickly, and reported what happened.Zhu Bo smiled and said: "It is inevitable for a man to have such a thing. I want to wash away the shame for you. Can you do it?" Do not disclose the situation of the conversation to anyone, and regard him as a confidant, eyes and ears.Shang Fangjin often cracked down on criminal activities such as thieves and adultery, and it was very effective. Zhu Bo promoted him to be the county magistrate of Lian Shou County.

After a long time, Zhu Bo summoned Gongcao.After closing the door, he listed the incidents of Shang Fangjin and others one by one, and even more severely reprimanded Gongcao, gave him a pen and paper, and asked him to write down all the incidents of his bribery, without any concealment, and warned him that if If there is half a sentence of deceit, he will be punished according to law.Gong Cao was terrified, so he wrote all the things about being a traitor and a thief, and he didn't dare to hide anything.Zhu Bo knew that he was telling the truth, so he ordered him to wait for the verdict on the spot and asked him to reform.Then draw out the knife to cut the crime he wrote into scraps of paper, and send him out to take up his original post.Later, this hero often trembled, as if walking on thin ice, dedicated his responsibilities, and dared not make the slightest mistake.Zhu Bo reused him.

If you have made a mistake, you must be aware of it, and then try to correct it, so that you can walk on the road of light.If you make a mistake and don't think about repenting, or if you correct it duplicity, you can only go further and further down the wrong path.

Life wisdom
Proceed with caution, even mistakes are inevitable.As long as we have the courage to make corrections, we will "learn a wisdom from a pit" and gradually grow up in the process of correcting mistakes, which is also a good road to success.

no falsehood
Small words and righteousness
Wu Wang: Yuan Heng, Li Zhen.The banditry is in trouble, and there is trouble in the future.The ninth day of the ninth day is innocent, and it is auspicious.On June [-], if you don't plow and harvest, if you don't grow plants, there will be profits and futures.Six or three, there is no calamity, or the cattle tied to it, the gain of pedestrians, and the disaster of townspeople.September [-]th is chastity, no blame.Ninety-five without falsehood, the disease, do not medicine to be happy.In the upper nine, there is no wrongdoing, and there is no profit.

The hexagram Wuwang symbolizes not acting rashly.Good luck, good fortune.If you do not adhere to the righteous way, there will be disasters and disasters, so it is not appropriate to take any action.

Don't act rashly on the ninth day of the ninth day, and you will get auspicious if you do something.

[-]. Thinking about harvesting without plowing, wanting to cultivate good fields instead of cultivating wasteland, is conducive to taking action.

June [-] encountered an unexpected disaster: Someone tied a cattle here, and passers-by took it away and took it for themselves, and people in the town will be arrested.

September [-]th can be occupied, and there will be no disasters.

Jiu Wu suffers from an unexpected disease, and he will recover without medication.

Do not act recklessly in the upper nine, but doing things will cause disasters, and there is no benefit.

Xiang said: Thunder in the world, things and things, there is no falsehood.

The former king Yimao nurtured all things with time.To behave in the world, although one should be daring and informal, but blindly sticking to one's own opinion and acting recklessly is a taboo in life.If you don't change, you will suffer.

The "Wu Wang Gua" mentioned "Wu Wang" refers to the absence of falsehood.Its hexagrams say: "Wuwang: Yuanheng, Lizhen. The bandits are evil, and the unfavorable ones are going." "An indiscriminate disaster".

Wei Qing, the most famous general during Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, was a general who did not act rashly, so he was highly regarded by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

When Wei Qing sent troops to Dingxiang, the two armies of Su Jian and Zhao Xin, with a total of more than 3000 cavalry, encountered the troops of the Xiongnu Shanyu.After a day of fierce fighting, almost the entire army was wiped out.

Zhao Xin was captured and surrendered to the Huns, but Su Jian returned to the army alone.Yilang Zhou Ba of Wei Qing's tent said: "Since the general sent troops, he has never beheaded a general. Today Su Jian lost his troops and fled back alone. He should be beheaded to show the majesty of the general." A long history named An said: "You can't do this! Su Jian fought hard for a day with thousands of soldiers against tens of thousands of enemy troops. The soldiers didn't dare to change their minds. The whole army died in battle. Now he escaped by himself, but instead Beheaded. This is to tell the people who came later that if anyone loses the battle, he should not come back. It is better to surrender, so he cannot be beheaded." Wei Qing said: "I, Wei Qing, will treat him sincerely, and I am not afraid that I will lose prestige because of it. Zhou Ba persuaded me to show majesty by beheading the generals, which is too inconsistent with my wishes. Besides, although the general can behead the generals when he is on an envoy, but with my dignity and favor, I dare not go outside the capital. Kill the general without authorization. Send him to the emperor, let the emperor personally judge this matter, so as to form a minister who does not dare to be arbitrary, isn't it good?" So Su Jian was imprisoned and sent to the court. When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty approved it, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty pardoned his capital crime as expected.

It is often said that "one thing more is worse than one thing less", and this sentence is very reasonable.Really smart people are more rational than sensual, never do things that shouldn't be done, and can treat people and the world with a low profile. This is also the mystery that they will not encounter "flying disasters".

Life wisdom
The three words "don't act rashly" are very good. When deciding on a major event, you must not be overconfident and self-assertive. You must seek evidence from multiple parties to get the best results.

It is not as good as cultivating morality in the Big Animal Hexagram

Small words and righteousness
Big animals: Lizhen;On the ninth day of the ninth day, there is a lot of strength, and it is beneficial.Ninety-two Yu said it.Ninety-three good horses are chasing, and the benefits are hard and chaste;The June [-]th boy and bull, Yuanji.Sixty-five hog teeth, auspicious.The thoroughfare of Shangjiu Hetian, Heng.

The big animal hexagram symbolizes great savings.Useful for accounting.If you don't ask for food at home, but pay for food in the court, you will get auspicious.It is suitable for fording large rivers and giant currents.

The ninth day of the lunar month is dangerous, so it is advisable to stop moving forward temporarily.

The ninety-two body is separated from the axle.

Ninety-three galloping horses are good for taking difficult matters, and practicing the defensive skills of chariots and horses all day long is good for taking action.

On June [-]th, it is very auspicious to tie a crossbar on the head of a hornless calf.

The teeth of castrated boars can be auspicious.

Shangjiu is such a smooth road to the sky!Prosperity goes well.

The elephant said: "The sky is in the mountains, big animals."A gentleman acts with a lot of knowledge,
Animals have their virtues. "Da Hu Gua" uses Da Hu as the hexagram name. In addition to saving and raising animals, it also has a meaning of stopping.

The hexagrams in "Da Hu Gua" say, "A gentleman acts with a lot of knowledge, and uses his virtues." It means that people should learn more from the words and deeds of the former sages and sages, so as to cultivate and accumulate their own virtues.

However, this is not the case.People often prefer to pursue fame and fortune rather than to accumulate virtue.Many great disasters in history were caused by this. As the saying goes, "Cultivating one's name is not as good as cultivating one's virtue."Those who cultivate virtue can be good at themselves, but those who cultivate fame are often ruined.

Guo Ziyi, a great general in the Tang Dynasty, was a man of morality, so he was able to protect himself in the officialdom after becoming famous.

Guo Ziyi taught her son a lesson and said: "As a commander, the emperor is always worried. The traitor harmed me, because the traitor is deeply trusted by the emperor, so they dared to attack me. If I don't bear it, things will only worsen." Bad. They are trying hard to force me into their trap!"

Guo Ziyi guessed right, Yu Chaoen and others just wanted to force him to fight, so they could take the opportunity to put Guo Ziyi to death.Guo Ziyi was not fooled and escaped a major catastrophe.

Later, Yu Chaoen sent someone to dig Guo Ziyi's ancestral grave, but Guo Ziyi still held back.Yu Chaoen was so angry that he couldn't get rid of him.

Accumulating fame can only attract more jealousy from villains, and give them more excuses to attack themselves; while accumulating virtue, while self-cultivating, does not give villains any chance of revenge, and avoids disasters silently. .

Life wisdom
Do not compete for fame or profit, clean oneself and cultivate one's own character is the best medicine to avoid disasters.

Yi Gua
Small words and righteousness
Yi: Zhenji; Guan Yi, ask for the truth.In the ninth day of the ninth day, the Sheer spirit turtle, watching me eat, is fierce.Liu Er Ding Yi; brush the scriptures, Yu Qiu Yi, and levy evil.Sixty-three strokes; chaste and fierce, don't use it for ten years, no profit.It is auspicious for June Fourth to be overthrown; if a tiger looks at it covetously, if it wants to chase it, there is no blame.Sixth Five-Year Brushing the scriptures, living in Zhenji; not to be involved in Dachuan.Shangjiu Youyi, Liji, Lishe Dachuan.

The hexagram Yi symbolizes nourishment.If you ask questions, you will get auspicious samples.Observing the maintenance phenomenon of things, one should understand that the way of maintenance is to find food for one's own mouth.

On the ninth day of the ninth day, abandoning the tortoise omen you have predicted, and watching me eat with my cheeks down, there must be danger.

Liu Er's two cheeks are constantly shaking, which is contrary to reason; seeking support from a high place, it must be dangerous to start an army and fight.

Liu San violates the way of taking care of himself, and it is dangerous to ask questions. You must not display your talents within ten years, otherwise there will be no benefit.

If the six or four cheeks keep shaking, you will get auspicious.Like a fierce tiger with eyes wide open and staring at everything, eager to get food continuously, there will be no disaster.

Although the Sixth Five-Year Act is contrary to the principles, it will be auspicious if you ask about the matter of living in peace.Don't wade through huge rivers.

Although the upper nine is dangerous from the two cheeks, it will still get auspicious samples, which is good for crossing the huge river.

(End of this chapter)

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