Sword Sorcery

Chapter 384 Heresy

Chapter 384 Heresy
With a muffled sound, everyone jumped to the ground, and a burst of dust was brought up.

Fortunately, everyone has a certain night vision ability, so there will be no confusion. Soon, everyone tidied up their robes and looked at the surrounding environment.

"It's so quiet."

Aaron glanced at the environment, and immediately frowned: "The whole castle seems too quiet."

At this time, everyone had climbed over the outermost city wall and came to the interior of the Eclipse Castle.

The structure of the entire castle has a retro style, very similar to the castle structure in ancient times. It is mainly divided into the lord area, the domestic servant area and the civilian area, which is different from the five-area structure that is popular on the east coast today.

What surprised Aaron the most was that he had personally seen their house architecture in the village of the giant ear people before, which was a mix and match of primitive style + Japanese style.

Today, the building in front of him is full of an ancient style, and many places have not even polished the edges and corners, purely showing a point of view with "sharpness" as its aesthetic feeling.

This is a typical ancient style.

However, the group of giant ears moved away from the vicinity of the Eclipse Castle not long ago. Logically speaking, their house style is similar to the Eclipse Castle, and they should never appear. They are two completely different architectural styles.

If it was said that they changed their living style, Aaron would never believe it. It is impossible to change the living habits of a person for decades, let alone the living habits of a tribe.

In addition, most of the nearby buildings and houses are extinguished, and only a few isolated houses are lit with small lights, which proves that there are people living inside-the 'people' here refer to underground creatures.

There are so few houses with lights on that Aaron finds it too 'quiet'.

It's not as quiet as a normal castle.

"Exactly, there are very few residents in this castle."

The coyote glanced at the surrounding environment and nodded with satisfaction: "And it's getting dark, which is very suitable for our actions."

Of course, the coyote also noticed the lack of lights, and thought it was due to the poor governance of the lord, which caused a large number of civilians to flee, so they didn't pay much attention to it.


The hyena took the lead and rushed towards the main mansion in the center of the castle.

Seeing this, others followed suit one after another. Everyone walked under the shadows, and under the cover of the dark night, they quietly approached the main mansion in the center of the castle.

At this time, the streets in the castle were deserted, and there was not even a single pedestrian on the street, which made it easier for the hyena and others to move - they planned to attack and kill the city lord who controlled the magic circle.

No matter how bad the eclipse castle is, it must have a defensive magic circle, just like a wizard's lair must have many layouts, both are the same reason.

Even if the inheritance of witchcraft in the underground area is not as good as that on the east coast, at least, there is still the ability to arrange a witchcraft circle.

As a peak-level elemental wizard, the eclipse city lord, this castle is his lair, and the witchcraft circle he arranged must not be weak. With the top-level elemental strength of the upper city lord, it will be a bit troublesome for them to solve it.

Everyone present thought of this trouble.

So, they decided to use a sneak attack instead of a frontal attack.

As long as the eclipse city master is killed, the remaining miscellaneous soldiers and weak generals are nothing to fear.

Back then, the giantess' village was stationed on the outskirts of the castle, and it was considered the strongest nearby village. The other villages didn't even have a wizard level. It can be seen that the power in the underground area is really not that good.

Soon, everyone arrived in front of the main mansion.

The so-called lord's mansion was actually a small noble castle, surrounded by a big castle outside in the center, where only the lord of the city and some confidantes lived.

"We have arrived!"

The coyote stopped, turned around and ordered: "I'll go up and check the situation first."

After finishing speaking, the hyena climbed up first, turned over from a window on the black and blue wall, and entered the interior of the main mansion. After a while, he poked his head out of the window and made a gesture of safety.

Seeing this, the others also climbed up and entered the main mansion from the same position.


After Aaron opened the window, his eyes suddenly brightened. It turned out that they were in a brightly lit hall, but the entire hall was empty, but the lights were turned on for some reason.

The walls of the hall are a rose red color, there are many oil paintings hanging on the walls, the floor is covered with fluffy brown blankets, pale candles are hung on the walls, and the wicks that dance from time to time sway with the candle light.

The figures of the people were illuminated by the flames on the wall, twisting obliquely, like monsters with teeth and claws, jumping from time to time, as if they were 'living'.

Aaron glanced at the wall and found that the oil painting on it was different from the Lost Islands and the art style of the east coast. It was not a realistic painting mainly featuring landscapes and figures, but an abstract painting with a mixture of various colors.

After traveling to this world, Aaron has seen quite a few medieval oil paintings, but he has not seen an abstract painting yet. Right now, he is curiously looking at the latest oil painting——

Red, green, purple-black. All kinds of colors were mixed together and piled up on the white paper, forming a faintly distorted humanoid face.

This face seemed to be 'flowing', and in less than a minute, it transformed into another human body, a cross-shaped human body.

It looks like a victim on a cross, with his hands separated on both sides, his body standing upright on the central axis, and constantly 'twisting' due to the flow of the oil painting, which looks very awkward.

The more Aaron looked at it, the more uncomfortable he felt in his heart, he couldn't help but shook his head, and when he looked at it again——


The oil painting returned to its original appearance, like a large amount of paint scattered on the drawing paper, and the face and body of the person could not be seen at all, it was just a messy abstract painting.

"Red Eye, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, the voice of the water rabbit came from one direction. Aaron looked up and found that she was standing at the exit of the hall, looking at him with a puzzled expression, while the others had already left the hall.

"Hurry up, we're running out of time."

The water rabbit said something, turned around and walked outside the gate. Seeing this, Aaron immediately followed.

"Water Rabbit, you've seen abstract oil paintings before."

Aaron ran out of the gate and found a brightly lit red corridor outside the gate, but the figures of Water Rabbit and others had long since disappeared.

At that moment, Aaron's face sank, and he turned to look at the hall behind him. As a result...
Behind him is a red wall, how can there be a hall? !

(End of this chapter)

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