Sword Sorcery

Chapter 366 Resistance

Chapter 366 Resistance

Stormwind City, in a room in the Mentor District
Aaron sat cross-legged on the ground, and there was a large circle of witchcraft spell marks on the ground beside him. They echoed with the "Book of Naia" in midair, creating blue spell marks suspended in the air. Lights up the room like a star.

A large number of thin black lines extended from the blue seal and connected to Aaron's body, 'connecting' the two together.

At the same time, streams of pure energy gushed out from the blue curse seal, passed through the black line and entered Aaron's body, continuously increasing the elementalization of his spiritual power.

Soon, the blue spell seals in the air were continuously transported, and the color of the body surface became dim. Finally, they all exploded with a bang——


All the blue curse marks dissipated in the air, and the "Book of Naia" also put away its own thin black thread, and returned to its normal state, indicating the end of a sacrificial ceremony.

Thus, the "Book of Naia" floated in front of Aaron, and said softly: "Okay, this ceremony is over, your elemental level has increased by about 2%."

Aaron opened his eyes and gave an order to the chip at the same time:

"Number zero, check my physical condition."

"Drip, the scan is being completed during rescanning, the current situation of the host is as follows—"

Host: Aaron

Power: 20.3
Agility: 20.5
Constitution: 20.3
Mental Power: 30.0
Elementalization progress: 72.4%
Strength Stage: Elemental Wizard (Advanced)

Aaron couldn't help frowning. Sure enough, his situation was the same as the "Book of Naia". This ceremony only increased his elementalization level by two percentage points.

So, Aaron asked the "Book of Naia": "Niazi, the number of swamp shadow stones I sacrificed today is not less than last time. Why is the effect not as good as last time? I remember that the last sacrifice was an improvement Now, this sacrifice has only increased by two percentage points.”

"I guess, it's not that you 'swallowed' part of the sacrifice?"

Upon hearing this, "Book of Naia" immediately pleaded 'in a rage': "You, you bastard! What kind of guy do you think I am? He is a fair person who follows reason and would never do such a thing !"

"My 'rules' never allow such behavior!"

Aaron didn't look like a fake when he saw the "Book of Naia". In addition, the object of the sacrifice was extremely reliable, so he believed the words of the "Book of Naia".

What's more, the other party seemed to be under a certain restriction and could not do anything during the sacrifice ceremony, which showed that the "Book of Naia" had never deceived people, and the problem did not lie with it.

It seems that the problem can only lie on myself——

"Is it my problem?"

Aaron asked a question, and immediately got the nod of the "Book of Naia": "Nonsense, of course it's your problem, do you think that the ritual ceremony is an unlimited means of improvement? If that's the case, the ancient wizard We are all going to hold the sacrifice ceremony, who will go to research and develop spiritual potions?"

"The ancient wizards are not idiots, why do they do thankless things?"

The "Book of Naia" found a rare opportunity to vent its anger. The foot of the proud page turned up, and said with an 'old-fashioned' face: "Hmph, young people just think about once and for all. How can there be such a good thing in the world? Even in the festival Rituals are nothing more than 'processing' materials for you, and are essentially no different from spiritual power potions."

"I see."

Aaron immediately asked back: "According to what you said, the essence of the sacrifice ceremony is similar to that of spiritual potions. Both are a special means of dealing with witchcraft materials, but their characteristics are different-I'm right. ?"

"Good understanding."

"The Book of Naia" praised: "The understanding is very good. The essence of the sacrifice ceremony is to 'process' witchcraft materials. For example, I will process the materials you sacrificed in a 'rule' way. At the same time, absorb part of it as the price, and absorb the rest as 'feedback' for you, allowing you to improve your witchcraft strength."

"That's why I said that the essence of the sacrificial ceremony is the same as that of the spirit power potion. The former is the object of sacrifice to process witchcraft materials, and the latter is used by wizards to process witchcraft materials."

"Both are extracted from the essence of witchcraft materials, allowing users to absorb them into the body and further enhance their own strength."

Aaron suddenly realized: "Understood, it turns out that the reduction in my effect is not due to other reasons, but the reason of 'drug resistance'-the essence of the sacrifice ceremony and the spiritual power potion are the same."

"Therefore, they all have the problem of 'drug resistance'!"

As he spoke, Aaron pointed to the remains of the sacrifice on the ground, and speculated: "If I want to avoid this situation, I have to find a new sacrifice. It seems that you really didn't 'privilege' my things, but It was my 'resistance' that made the sacrifice less effective."

"Huh!" "Book of Naia" couldn't help snorting softly: "Now you know you're wrong, don't you? To think of others as the object of black-hearted evil sacrifices, hmph, it's too much!"

Knowing that he was wrong, Aaron chose to apologize: "Well, I blamed you this time."

The "Book of Naia" suddenly trembled, as if he was about to ascend to heaven with joy, and said in a proud tone: "Hmph, for the sake of your sincerity, I won't argue with you. In addition, my lord will give you a special gift A private message."

"If you are promoted to a liquefied wizard (third-level wizard), then you will find that all mental power potions are useless to you!"

"Because the physique of the liquefied wizard cannot be improved by witchcraft materials - they are invalid for the liquefied wizard!"

"Similarly, the sacrificial ceremony and the potion of spiritual power belong to the same nature. Therefore, the ritual ceremony cannot improve your spiritual power. If you want to go further, you have to rely on other methods from ancient times, or your own Try to meditate."

Aaron stared blankly at the "Book of Naia" that revealed a lot of secrets, but still had a self-satisfied look, which made Aaron even have an idea——

"Did I treat her too badly before? If you spoil her a little, this guy won't be able to find Bei"

"Well, I won't tie her up with old cloth strips today."

So, Aaron tore off a new piece of cloth from his body, picked up the "Book of Naia" that he wanted to resist with one hand, tied her up again, and finally threw her into the storage bag——

"Wu Ru. No. Not good. Tear up! Woo. Woooooo!!!"

The next moment, Aaron pulled the seal of the storage bag and completely 'shielded' the sound.

Then, looking at the trembling storage bag, he muttered to himself:
"Looks like I have to find a new offering to replace the Swamp Shadowstone"

(End of this chapter)

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