My country is dying

Chapter 489 The Savior

Chapter 489 The Savior
"Natural disasters and man-made disasters, no one is willing to suffer, but things have already happened, the plague has spread, can fear of death solve the problem! If you really want to live well, you must obey the court's arrangements and obey the emperor's orders! The emperor is already here I'm with you, don't you feel relieved!" Xiao Qi said in a big way.

Seeing this, Haiqing quickly comforted everyone: "The Holy Majesty has not closed his eyes for several days because of the affairs of Qihou County, and today he even went up to the tower to see you in person, regardless of his own safety. May I ask, if the Emperor really doesn't care about your life and death, how useful is it?" Spending the past few months treating the drought for everyone? Risking your life to visit you?"

The drought has just passed, and the people in the city have all experienced it. After hearing the words, everyone's expressions relaxed a little, but when they thought of the horror of the plague, they all panicked again.

"But our lives are about to die, do you believe it will work?"

"Yeah, go out to survive, stay here and wait for death!"

"Your Majesty, let us go out, let us live!"

"I beg your majesty, open the city gate and let us live!"

The morning sun finally rises, but despair is imprinted on everyone's faces.

"Will you die if you leave?"

Suddenly, a sharp voice came from the top of the head, and Mi Le yelled loudly at the people below: "You leave, let more people be infected, let the court lose control, and then the whole country will be full of people suffering from the plague. Jinyan Kingdom has since become Plague country, mountain and wild towns, corpses everywhere, homeless and homeless people everywhere, at that time, your money is exhausted, rice and grain are exhausted, you will either starve to death or be tortured to death by disease, this is what you want to see The result!"

Everyone was shocked, never expecting such a result.

Mi Le continued: "You want to go out because you are afraid of dying in the city, so I will give you a choice today. As long as you are willing to stay in the city, I will spare no effort to save you. On this city tower, the plague will last for a day, and I will not return to the capital for a day! Similarly, if you don’t want to stay in the city and want to go out, you can, I will let someone open the city gate to let you out, but you Remember, from the moment you stepped out of the city gate, you tacitly refused to be treated by the court. If you contract the plague in the future, in order to prevent the spread of the plague, you can only wait to be burned like those livestock. From then on, I will be removed from Qihou County and will never be recalled!"

Speaking of this, Mi Le said loudly: "I have a golden mouth, and all the subjects present today are witnesses, General Xiao."

Next to him, Xiao Qi also shouted loudly: "Here!"

"Open the city gate!"

The people stared blankly at the direction of the city tower, as if they couldn't believe that this moment was real, until the dull "creaking" sound came from the front, and the city gate they had been waiting for for many days opened, revealing the outside of the city. In the vast and vast official road, they really believe that the emperor's words are true!

The emperor was willing to let them out, but...


Suddenly, there was the sound of a raging fire burning somewhere. Everyone followed the sound and saw thick smoke billowing from the northeast corner of the city tower. Familiar - every corpse that died due to the plague will be transported to that place for unified incineration. Every morning, it is the beginning of the incineration of the corpses, and once they walk out of this city gate, once they are infected with the plague, those burning places will be theirs. home.

At this moment, the people were afraid, and for a while, no one dared to move.

Hai Qing watched the scene silently. At first he thought that the emperor made this decision because he was overheated. Only when he saw that everyone was looking at the city gate from afar but no one dared to move—

Both grace and grace.

This law is wonderful!
If they stay in the city, they will get the help of the king of the country, but if they leave the city, they will become sinners through the ages. From then on, the imperial court regards their lives as worthless, and all of this is their own choice!

Leaving Qihou County, although they saved their lives, their future was ruined, and even their children and grandchildren would not be able to develop well. A commoner who is an enemy of the imperial court is like branded as a traitor. Could it be that they are kings, how can they have a good life?
One is living lingeringly, and the other is living aboveboard. As long as he is not a fool, no one will be willing to fight against the court!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Just when everyone was hesitant and silent, there was a surprised and hasty voice from outside the city tower.

"What's the hurry?"

Xiao Qi went up to the scout and asked.

"It's Mr. Qi! Mr. Qi has brought food and supplies for disaster relief!"

The man pointed to the distance, and Mi Le turned his head, only to see someone riding a fast horse in a blue shirt from far to near on the official road in the distance, with an outstanding figure.

Her eyes lit up, and she felt a shock in her heart: "Qi Moxuan is here! That's great! Qihou County is saved!"

 Surprised or not?Hahaha

(End of this chapter)

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