My country is dying

Chapter 454 Please enter the urn

Chapter 454 Please enter the urn
"By this time, it's no longer important to keep it secret." Mi Le sat on the imperial case with his eyes closed, and opened his eyes after some deliberation. Looking for Aunt Chun, remember, to be secretive and powerful at the same time."

Xianglan was taken aback: "What does this mean?"

There was a little light in Mi Le's eyes: "Since they are so eager to push me to a dead end, then I can only fight back! Only by letting them know that we are in a mess can we win this battle, understand?"

Xianglan was startled, and immediately nodded: "Your servant understands, I will do it now!"

In the days that followed, the palace was calm and peaceful, but more and more secret reports were delivered to Mi Le every day.

Knowing that the next tough battle is a matter of life and death, Mi Le quietly waits for the counterattack of Guan's party.

July [-]th is Ghost Festival.

According to the custom, everyone in the palace washes up and rests early on this day. After nightfall, the whole palace looks like an empty city, standing silently on the mountain road.

It was late at night, and Mi Le, who had finished approving the memorial, drank the lotus seed soup brought by Concubine Shu overnight, and then rested. It was just after midnight, and the night was quiet, and the eunuchs and guards who were watching the night outside the palace were also swaying and dozing off .

Someone sneaked into the hall through the side door without a trace, and went straight to the inner room.

Mi Le was fast asleep on the bed, and someone called her in a low voice, and after finding that she hadn't moved at all, he lighted the lamp with confidence, then approached the bed step by step, and opened the curtain.

Under the flickering light of the candle, Mi Le breathed evenly and fell into a deep sleep.

Concubine Shu stared at her face nervously for a while, then turned her gaze to her chest, removed the thin blanket, and the rest was Mi Le sleeping peacefully in pajamas.

Concubine Shu took a deep breath, and then stretched out her hands to untie her pajamas.

Layer after layer, the sleeping person always breathes evenly, without noticing it.

When a wide and long white silk ribbon appeared in sight, Concubine Shu heard a "boom" in her head, and for a moment she forgot to breathe.


She muttered, then lowered her head to look at Mi Le's neck, when she found that the neck was flat and there was no Adam's apple, her head went blank, and her face suddenly turned white.

"how come……"

Seemingly still unwilling to give up, she stared at Mi Le tremblingly for a while, and finally mustered up the courage to slip her hand in through her skirt.

However, the hand could not reach in.

A hand landed on her wrist. It seemed that the strength was not strong, but it could no longer make her move forward.

Concubine Shu raised her head, and met a pair of bright black eyes, but at this moment, those eyes were cold and cold, watching her quietly.

"What is Concubine Shu doing?"


After Concubine Shu yelled twice, she suddenly broke away from Mi Le's hand, but she moved so quickly that she fell to the ground with her ass.

At the same time, a sharp sword came out from behind her and landed on her neck.

"Don't kill me...don't kill me, I don't know anything, I haven't seen anything!" She raised her hands, closed her eyes, screamed and shivered.

"Don't scream!" Xiangsi pressed the blade a little closer, feeling the coldness of the blade, Concubine Shu really didn't dare to speak loudly.

She huddled there and looked at Mi Le tremblingly: "Your Majesty, a husband and wife will be gracious for a day, you bypass the concubine, let the concubine go, please..."

(End of this chapter)

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