My country is dying

Chapter 433 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Chapter 433 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Mi Le glared at her. If it wasn't for someone watching from behind, she would have been able to get started directly.

"Your Majesty, the imperial chariot is ready!" Fortunately, Quan came in to ease the embarrassment.

After washing up, Mi Le immediately went out to sit on the imperial chariot, and she was relieved until the imperial study room was far behind.

After going to court, Mi Le deliberately moved the breakfast place to the Imperial Garden, fearing that Hou Junli would be there after returning, which would be embarrassing.

After she had finished her breakfast, Yu Quan secretly reminded her: "Your Majesty, Mr. Gao sent King Qi's clothes. Where do you think they put them? This servant understands, and this servant will arrange it now!"

After receiving her staring gaze, Yu Quan immediately turned around and left the gazebo, leaving Mi Le with a dazed expression—did she speak!

Ordering Xianglan to have the memorial brought to the gazebo, Mi Le simply stayed in the gazebo all day long. When the memorial was approved and it was almost evening, she left the palace servants and walked alone by the lake, but suddenly there was a small The maid fell in front of her, Mi Le saw that the little maid was thinner than her, subconsciously stepped forward to help her, but the little maid stuffed something into her palm.

Open it and see that there is only one sentence on it: Come to the North Point Pavilion.

Mi Le was baffled, and when he went back to look for the little maid, she had already disappeared.

"Your Majesty, Acacia is back!" Suddenly someone spoke behind him, Mi Le turned his head and saw Xianglan coming with Acacia.

Xiangsi hurriedly walked up to her, and after saluting, she looked at the wound on her neck: "Your Majesty, how is your injury? Otherwise, the servant should come back. With the servant standing in front of you, the assassin can be more or less afraid!"

Mi Le shook his head: "You are no match for that assassin."

Thinking of something, she looked at Xiangsi: "Since you're back, follow me to a place."

Taking the second daughter and turning around to go to the North Point Pavilion, the second daughter was a little surprised.

"Your Majesty, isn't this the direction to the Leng Palace? It's already dark, what is the Emperor doing here?" Xiang Lan couldn't help asking.

Xiangsi also looked at Mi Le curiously.

"Just follow along, don't need to ask carefully."

After the words were finished, Mi Le stopped in his footsteps, because from a distance, the lights of the North Point Pavilion were dotted with stars, but the figures in the pavilion could be vaguely seen.

There were two people, a man and a woman, but they couldn't tell who they were.

The three of them spared the path, and only when they got closer did they see who the people in the pavilion were.

"The Empress Dowager and King Qi... why are they together?" Xiang Lan was surprised.

Mi Le didn't speak, but just stared at Ting Zhong intently. Since someone recruited her, things shouldn't be that simple.

The people in the pavilion were talking, and the Empress Dowager Guan Tang seemed a little excited, as if she was questioning Hou Junli, but from the beginning to the end, Hou Junli was as immobile as a mountain. From their point of view, the two seemed to be in a relationship. quarrel.

Suddenly, with a bang, the teacup in the pavilion was smashed by the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother pointed at Hou Junli and cursed loudly. The words "ungrateful" were clearly heard even from a distance. .

"...Is that pure nanny?"

Acacia's suspicious voice suddenly came from the side, Mi Le was startled, and looked away, and sure enough, he saw a person entering the entrance of the gazebo, but it was not Aunt Chun's face after her disguise, but her original face.

As soon as she stepped forward, she rushed to Hou Junli, grabbed something in his hand, and pointed at him with a particularly excited expression.

Mi Le frowned, and after thinking for a while, he walked over.

"Your Majesty..." Xianglan and Xiangsi saw each other and hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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