My country is dying

Chapter 276 The Real Regent

Chapter 276 The Real Regent
The self-crime letter is clear, and there is a date on it, which is the day when she was convicted of the Manchurian crime. A detailed inspection was carried out and it was not discovered until after the accident.However, a big mistake has been made, and it is hard to escape the blame.

Rather than a self-crime letter, it is better to say it is a suicide note, because it can be seen from the description that Li Gu committed suicide, and in the memorial book he begged to exchange his life for a pair of children, that is to say, when she Li Zirong and Li Gu were married. Zhan's survival was not an accident, it was the court's forgiveness that his father sacrificed his life for.

Li Zirong was so startled that her whole body went limp, and for a while, she didn't even have the strength to stand up.

In other words, all her hatred and resentment over the years were all a waste of effort?His father used his life to get her and her brother's chance of survival, but she did not hesitate to fight the court again and again!
"In order to keep his black hat, your father did not hesitate to entrap thousands of soldiers who defended the country on the frontier. The two of you, brother and sister, one is a bandit in the mountains, looting and killing people, and the other is creating black fire and colluding with foreign enemies in an attempt to split the Jinyan country. A father must have a son." Hou Junli stood in front of her, his voice was cold and condescending.

"You're talking nonsense!" Li Zirong raised her head suddenly, but saw a face exposed to the flames that was as delicate as a painting, that face was cold and solemn, and the phoenix eyes were peaceful but possessed a soul-stirring power.

At that moment, the only thing that flashed in Li Zirong's mind - this is the real regent, the regent who monopolizes the power with one person under ten thousand!

She was stunned for a moment, then gritted her teeth suddenly, "You gave me these things, of course it's up to you to say what you want, your court is selfish and will use any means to achieve your goals, how do I know these things are true?!"

Hou Junli sneered, "There is an old acquaintance, you may know him."

He clapped his hands, and not long after, a guard brought out a white-haired old lady, but the old lady was sitting in a wheelchair, being pushed, her eyes were closed, she seemed to be blind.

As soon as she came in, Li Zirong was still a little dazed, until the old lady called her with trembling hands: " it Miss?"

"Xu...Xu Niang?"

Li Zirong was seven years old when she was convicted of Manchurian crimes. Although most of her childhood memories are unclear, those close to her still remember some.

As soon as she heard the old lady's voice, she felt familiar, and a vague figure suddenly flashed in her mind, and she was caught immediately.The moment she yelled, she almost rushed over.

"It's an old slave, it's an old slave!" The old lady cried bitterly, reached out to touch Li Zirong's face, and muttered as she touched, "You really look like you, you look exactly like your mother back then!"

Xu Niang used to be the nanny of Li Zirong's birth mother. When Li Zirong was born, her birth mother suffered from heavy bleeding, so she invited her former nanny to take care of her, and she took care of her for many years.Except for her father, mother and brother, this Xu Niang is the closest in the whole Li Mansion.

Li Zirong cried on Xu Niang's lap, as if she wanted to vent all the grievances she had suffered for so many years.Xu Niang also hugged her and slowly told about the events of the year.

When she learned that her mother was already seriously ill and that her father's death was just the last straw that crushed her, Li Zirong burst into tears.

As for what the nanny said, everything was exactly as said in the self-crime book, and it was indeed written by Li Gu back then, and no one persecuted her.

(End of this chapter)

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