One Piece God Bucky

Chapter 6 Black-bellied Robin

Chapter 6 Black-bellied Robin

The atmosphere on the field suddenly became very strange, and Bucky continued to wail, "Oh, it hurts me to death."

Then, his other arm was broken and fell to the ground.


Robin stared at the arm that fell on the ground, was stunned for a moment, and took two steps back vigilantly, but put on a calm smile on his face, "Hehe, Mr. Red Nose... how did you know my name? "

Bucky, who was still howling, suddenly regained his vitality, and said angrily, "Don't call me Mr. Red Nose, I'm Bucky!"

Robin smiled lightly, and tied Bucky's body even tighter with Huahuaguo's ability, "Okay, Mr. Red Nose."

"Well... well, Miss Robin, why should such a romantic first meeting be like this, wouldn't it be nice to sit down and drink two cups of delicious black tea, and talk slowly?" Ji's head was twisted at ninety degrees, but he still tried his best to express his emotions and said to the sky.

"Thinking about it this way, it's really a romantic encounter, Mr. Red Nose, your idea is really exciting."

The faint smile on Robin's face remained the same, but it looked a little panicky.

"What a black-bellied guy..." Bucky murmured, his whole body was torn apart, and his six arms turned into petals and scattered in the air because they had no support points.

Bucky's body was reintegrated together, showing a smile that looked very sly at any time: "You are too rude, Miss Robin."

"Devil fruit users..." Robin didn't show much surprise on her face, as if she had expected this result, she said calmly, "Are you chasing me here to hand me over to the government? Get my bounty?"

"Neither, my purpose is the same as yours, which is the ruins." Bucky bowed a gentlemanly, a little messy, but he didn't care, "I see the esoteric and complicated text under the parchment scroll. I don’t understand, but if it’s you, you should be able to understand, why don’t we use each other’s power to become temporary partners and go find the relics of our ancestors?”

"'s really interesting. Since you know my name, you should also know that I am a devil's son who survived the betrayal of countless companions, a woman who walks in the dark." Robin smiled half-smile, eyes flickering A little bit of self-mockery.

Anyone who has read the original book knows that Robin's life experience is actually very pitiful. His hometown of O'Hara was wiped out after the Navy launched the Demon Slaying Order.

In just a few minutes of contact, Bucky more intuitively felt the sadness and loneliness emanating from the other party, or a unique temperament.

Bucky smiled: "I don't care about whether you will betray the process, but the final harvest. As a pirate, what I need is treasure and wealth, but I think what you need is not these vulgar things, but more interesting I don’t think we will have any conflicting points of intersection, driven by no interests, you probably, probably have no reason to betray, and neither do I.”

Robin was taken aback when she heard this, it was the first time she heard someone speak so bluntly, without concealing her ambition.

Bucky continued, "Why should we be enemies if we can be friends?"

Robin chuckled: "Mr. Red Nose, you are such an interesting person. If you cooperate, I have no objection."

Bucky: "Don't call me Mr. Red Nose!"

Robin: "Hehehe~ Okay, Mr. Red Nose."

Sure enough, is she born with a black belly...

Finally, under the premise of the same goal, Bucky and Robin reached a short-term peaceful coexistence agreement, and temporarily cooperated before exploring and completing the ancestral ruins on the island.

Bucky glanced at Robin, who was a little taller than him. With a height of 188 centimeters and high heels, he had a perfect golden ratio figure and elegant temperament. If he was on the stage, he would definitely be a supermodel figure. Looking at myself again, with a height of 175 centimeters and a red nose, compared with the other party, it makes people feel a little bit unmotivated...

Bucky quickly threw the negative thoughts out of his mind, and asked insincerely, "Miss Robin, why are you here?"

"Mr. Red Nose, it is not polite to ask a lady's privacy." Robin said without leaking.

According to the direction of the original book, Robin should now be her miss.allsunday at the Baroque Work Agency, why did she appear here? Crocodile sent her here?No, it shouldn’t be so, these two people seem to be close, and Robin will not do things for Crocodile sincerely. Since she came to Jiali Island, it is very likely that she has received some news or hidden information like herself. treasure map...

Bucky thought about it quickly in his mind. As a traverser, he tried his best to take advantage of the plot he knew. With the ancient cuneiform writing just now, this ancestral relic is not so simple.

Along the way, Bucky tried to get closer to Robin, but the other party's vigilance reached an extreme point, and finally returned without success.

The two walked in the primeval forest, and when they pushed aside the oblong leaves that blocked their vision, their eyes suddenly opened up.

A ravine more than 20 meters wide divides the forest into two sections, and underneath is a stream flowing all the way. Tiny bubbles appear in the stream, and black shadows can be faintly seen inside, lingering and swimming.

Bucky pushed a rock the size of a bucket down.

The rock rolled down, and suddenly a huge crocodile flew up in the stream, opened its mouth wide, and bit the whole rock with its sharp teeth and powerful jaws, and then drilled back to the bottom of the rock. water.

This amazing bite force... Bucky took a deep breath, looked at the gully in front of him with difficulty: "Miss Robin, we think we should look at the map on the parchment."

"Of course, Mr. Red Nose." Robin opened the parchment and browsed it. "There is a rope bridge about 300 meters to the south, and we can cross it."

"300 meters to the south." Bucky murmured, and then carved a mark on the ground with stones, so that Kabaji and other pirates could come along the mark later.

Seeing Bucky's movements, Robin smiled lightly and said, "What a considerate captain."

Bucky didn't answer. After marking the way, the two came to the cable bridge. The wooden boards used as pedals were already rotten, and the iron cables connecting the two banks were crumbling. The whole bridge looked very dangerous.

Bucky pulled the iron chain hard, and the iron chain was not as fragile as it seemed, but unexpectedly firm.

"Miss Robin, let me find the way." He tried to gain the other party's trust and favor. For the Straw Hats in the original book, Bucky maintained an attitude of appreciation and approval, and if he could absorb the other party into his boat , then maybe it can add a fighting force.

Robin chuckled lightly, and let out a melodious laugh like silver bells: "Mr. Red Nose is really an unexpected gentleman!"

Bucky organized words in his mind: "Companions are for protecting each other, Nicole Robin-chan!"

"Let my fiery friendship pass to your heart and water your withered flower fields, Miss Robin!"

After struggling for a while, because he was too ashamed, Bucky didn't say anything, and walked up the rope bridge with very small and cautious steps, while Robin followed him some distance away.

Walking on the swaying cable bridge, Bucky couldn't help feeling a little parched and his heart beating faster. He looked back at the indifferent Robin, and suddenly felt that the other person was charming, and he was shocked: Is this the legendary suspension bridge effect?

Bucky turned around, and just took a step forward, and before he landed on the pedal, he heard a rattle, and the loose pedal fell down, and then fell into the water.

It's really dangerous... Bucky couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Red Nose." Robin looked at Bucky solemnly, "If you fall, the crocodiles below will be divided into several steaks, and the blood will be splashed on the fresh steaks like tomato sauce, tempting the crocodiles. appetite."

Bucky suddenly seemed to be poured by a basin of cold water from the top of his head, and instantly cooled down to the soles of his feet. The charm in his heart disappeared, and his face darkened: "Don't say such a terrible thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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