Zhizhang Datang

Chapter 457

Chapter 457
After that, the Tang army moved to Baiyan City again. When Lin Sen had climbed the city wall and was about to start a massacre, Goguryeo Black Bone City sent more than 1 troops to support Baiyan City.

This time, Lin Sen and the others who attacked the city wall must not be allowed to come down to fight again, that would be a severe blow to morale.

What's more, Lin Sen wasn't the only fierce general in the army, so he sent Qibi Heli, a Huren fierce general who was loyal to Datang, to lead [-] cavalry of his own tribe to meet the reinforcements.

Qibi Heli himself entered the enemy's position and was stabbed in the waist, but this one was really brave, he tied up the wound by himself and insisted on continuing to fight.

The cavalry who followed him were encouraged by him, their morale was boosted, and they attacked with all their strength. With this morale, they defeated the Goguryeo army who came to aid them.

They chased and killed for dozens of miles, beheaded more than a thousand levels, and did not stop until sunset and dark.

The scene was like a pack of wolves driving a flock of frightened fawns to flee.

I have to say that in several battles, Tang Jun has shown confidence from top to bottom. There are countless examples of winning more battles with less. Take it for granted.

But someone as brave as Qibi Heli is still relatively rare, and he has also won the praise of the whole army.

After Lin Sen led the leader to capture Baiyan City, he rushed over immediately to treat the injuries of this brave minority general. On the contrary, this brave and loyal man was very moved, probably because of his recognition. Feel it.

After that, the Tang army ushered in the biggest tough battle of this battle, because they were about to face Anshi City, which was said to have made Li Shimin fall into the sand in history, and Yang Wanchun, the city lord who was notoriously tough. Yuan Gai Su Wen didn't pretend to speak, and even made the other party helpless.

More importantly, when the Tang army arrived outside the city of Anshi, they really encountered the local army.

It seems that Goguryeo also understands that it is useless without reinforcements, and if Anshicheng is destroyed, the entire western front of Goguryeo will almost fall, and Goguryeo will be like a rich girl with an open door. Let Datang ruin it at will.

So this time, Goguryeo has put all their money into it, and the north's Sa Yanshou, Huizhen led Goguryeo, and Mohe soldiers with a total of 15 troops came to rescue Anshicheng together.

Yanshou led the army to a place forty miles away from Anshi City, and watched the Tang army from the sidelines.

In order not to make the Tang army fall into a passive position, and try to bring the enemy to the preset battlefield that is beneficial to one's own side, it is time for these Goguryeo people to see the truth.What is the art of war of Erbajing? It is also time to play the role of Li Ji, a new generation of military god.

Li Ji ordered Ashinasheer to lead [-] Turkic cavalry to lure the enemy. They had superb riding skills and coquettish running positions, so they were undoubtedly the most suitable candidates.

Ashinasheer led his men and pretended to retreat as soon as they fought the enemy.

The Goguryeo army thought that there were few soldiers in the Tang Dynasty, so they were really afraid, so they rushed forward and reached eight miles southeast of Anshi City, and lined up against the mountains.

Li Ji had already observed the situation in the mountains and rivers, and Lin Sen's alien golden eagles were also helping to explore the terrain. They had already selected the places where they could ambush and enter and exit, and prepared to set up pocket formations, so that the enemy troops could feel the ten sides. Ambush sour.

Li Ji ordered Niu Jinda to lead an army of [-] to set up an army in Xiling, and Cheng Mingzhen led [-] elite soldiers to attack the enemy's rear from the narrow valley in the north of the mountain.

Li Ji personally led an army of [-] troops, held the drums and horns, lowered the flags, climbed the northern mountain, and ordered all the troops to attack together when they heard the sound of the drums and horns.

Yanshou saw Niu Jinda set up an formation, and formed an formation to fight.Li Ji knew that the time was almost up, so he directly ordered the beating of drums and horns, and the raising of flags, so that the troops from all walks of life marched forward with clamor.

Yanshou and others knew that they had accidentally fallen into a siege, and in a panic wanted to divide their troops to resist.

On Tang Jun's side, a burst of burning pots went down, which further disrupted the enemy's formation. When they were a little at a loss, Tang Jun began to charge.

If it wasn't for the fact that the burning pots I brought were almost used up, I would have saved some for emergencies, and I would have set up a fire camp for these grandchildren a long time ago.

Lin Sen led his guards, as well as his cavalry, took the lead, and rushed into the Goguryeo army with shouts, invincible and invincible.

Seeing the terrifying figures of Lin Sen and the others riding a takin, the Goguryeo army could hear the panic-filled shouts of "devil gods" from time to time, and more than [-]% of the [-]% combat power was scared away first.

Tang Jun followed closely at the gap opened by Lin Sen, and the Goguryeo army was defeated again. This pass was easy to kill. In the end, Tang Jun beheaded more than 2 people, and the real kills were countless.

Yanshou and others led the rest of the army to defend themselves against the mountains.Li Ji ordered the troops to surround it.The bridge was withdrawn and the return route of the Koguryo army was cut off.

Yanshou and Huizhen, who had no choice but to retreat, led the remaining remnants to surrender helplessly.When entering the military gate of the Tang Dynasty, he could only walk forward on his knees, bowing down and begging for orders.

It is impossible for Li Ji to select some people to move to the inland, as Li Shimin did in history, and let the rest go casually.

Although he is the chief executive with discretionary power, he is not the emperor after all, and there are only two choices for the captives: kill or keep them.

A smart person like him would not engage in overreaching things just because of a "general who is not accepted by the king's life". Hou Junji, a lesson learned from the past, has just died not long ago.

Li Ji himself was on the verge of life and death when the new emperor ascended the throne, and he would definitely not make such a mistake.

Finally, after thinking about it, I decided to take these captives into custody temporarily, and just find a suitable place to draw the ground as a prison.

Just like the previous siege, there was no way for them to escape, and the Tang army had to rely on the supply of food and grass. In this way, only a small number of soldiers and horses need to be left to guard them, and the others can continue to attack Anshi City with peace of mind.

This battle also seized 1 horses, [-] cattle, more than [-] armored collars, and a large number of other weapons.

Hearing the news of the defeat of the reinforcements, the whole country of Goguryeo was shocked and frightened. It was a full 15 troops. Goguryeo could not mobilize such a large-scale army in a short period of time to rescue them. Therefore, everyone felt in danger. .

The Goguryeo people in Houhuangcheng and Yincheng all abandoned their cities and fled, and there were no people for hundreds of miles.

However, the most important target, Anshi City, which was about to be besieged, did not respond. Not only did Tang Jun's hope of winning without a fight come to naught, but the posture seemed a bit like a dead end.

However, the Tang Army used the incendiary tanks very well before. Such things are inherently dangerous, and transportation is extremely difficult. After these cities were defeated, the stocks brought by the army were almost thrown away. Shicheng, the hardest nut to crack, couldn't help feeling a little bit worried.

After getting used to quickly capturing the enemy's cities, it will undoubtedly be very effective in improving the overall morale of the Tang army.

But because I haven't experienced any long battles before, when I really face the tug-of-war, I am afraid that I will not have enough patience and my morale will be easily drained.

(End of this chapter)

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