What to do if the charm is too high

Chapter 28 Is there friendship between humans and wolves?

Chapter 28 Is there friendship between humans and wolves?
This game is really horrible, eating corpses raw, drinking blood... although the beasts seem to kill their prey first and then eat them.

The level 0 trumpet encountered a pack of wolves... It seemed that An Xiaoqi ran into it by herself.

Regardless of these miscellaneous things, An Xiaoqi secretly used the [Investigation Technique] given by the system just now to randomly investigate the situation of one of the gray wolves.

It's full of question marks!

It means that the level of the gray wolf is at least level 5 or above.

The 0-level trumpet faced a group of question mark-level monsters. Apart from running, An Xiaoqi couldn't think of any other way to survive.

It's just that the gray wolf belongs to the beast type monster, and its intelligence should not be high.

According to low-end logic, when they find fleeing creatures, their first reaction must be to chase them.

An Xiaoqi hesitated, and over time, the hesitation turned into a stalemate.

It is strange that the wolves are willing to confront her.

"No, they're actually afraid of people. They don't have detection skills, and they can't tell whether I'm strong or weak, so they didn't dare to come up and bite me." An Xiaoqi said silently in her heart.

After 1 minute, the two sides are still in a stalemate.

An Xiaoqi couldn't guess what the other side was thinking, she absolutely couldn't spend her time here.

There are not only wolves and other monsters in the forest, if they attack in groups, she will definitely die.

At this time, a gray wolf with a bigger body came over. The ordinary gray wolf howled twice, and the big bad wolf nodded humanely, seeming to understand.

It came to An Xiaoqi and stretched out a front paw.


The claws of the big bad wolf are bigger than An Xiaoqi's hand. I don't know how many prey have been shot to death. Most importantly, is there a friendship between humans and wolves?

It's just a game, it's just a game... An Xiaoqi keeps amending herself.

Naturally, humans and wolves do not coexist peacefully in the real world, but not in games.

Anyway, she can't outrun a pack of wolves 1000%, what if it is not malicious.

Making up her mind, An Xiaoqi made dodging movements, closed her eyes vigorously, reached out her hand, and touched the big bad wolf's paw.

Fuzzy, soft, and warm.

An Xiaoqi was overjoyed immediately, "You guys don't eat people, right? Tell me earlier, you scared me to death."

Then there was another big mouthful of gasping.


Facts have proved that there are good wolves in the wolf clan, such as the wolves in front of An Xiaoqi.

They eat meat and come from blood inheritance. The law of nature stipulates that the weak eat the strong, and they are not bad in essence.

And the gray wolves are very fun, jumping around and biting their own tails, the big bad wolf is the most fun, and is good at climbing trees.

After playing for a while, An Xiaoqi touched the wolf's head and said: "I have to go to Sheng'an Village first, find a job, and upgrade two levels, otherwise this world will be too dangerous for me. If I have time, I will come to play with you again." .”

Two ordinary gray wolves gripped her pant legs tightly and would not let her go.

The big bad wolf growled, turned its head and pointed its nose at its own back, and the ordinary gray wolf also arched her in this direction.

"You mean to take me to Sheng'an Village?" An Xiaoqi asked.

The gray wolves nodded in various ways, and the big bad wolf was lying on the grass, ready to be ridden.

"Then...well, thank you, I will help you if you encounter any troubles in the future."

An Xiaoqi turned on the wolf, the big bad wolf started, and after a while, one person and one wolf left the Wuming Forest.


[Apocalypse] In the afternoon of the world, the sun is shining and it is suitable for going out.

As soon as the sun shone, all the haze in An Xiaoqi's heart evaporated.

"Da Hui, yes, Da Hui, from now on I will call you Da Hui."

The big bad wolf howled happily in return.

"Do you know any human beings like me?"

"Wow", the big bad wolf responded in the way of a wolf.

"Are all humans in this world as friendly as you?"


"How do you know Sheng'an Village? Have you ever been there?"


Chatting along the way, due to the language barrier, the specific content of Big Bad Wolf's answer was entirely up to An Xiaoqi's brain.

It ran very fast, so while chatting, An Xiaoqi saw Sheng'an Village with only half of the big sign left.

The plaque represents the facade, and half of St. Ann's plaque is missing but no one has repaired it, which proves that... this village is not rich.

The big bad wolf rushed into the gate, passed the houses without stopping, passed the hotel without stopping, passed the villagers without stopping, and reached the fountain in the middle of the village.

Several workers dressed as civilians are "dangdang" repairing the pool, and a team of armored guards patrolled here.

The script was a bit different from what An Xiaoqi had imagined... She was wondering if it would be impolite for a stranger to rush into someone's house.

Turning over Gray Wolf, An Xiaoqi greeted subconsciously, "Hi, hello, I'm an adventurer from another world."

In an instant, the sound of knocking and the footsteps of the guards disappeared, and more than a dozen eyes focused on her.

"Hehe, is my way of greeting you wrong? It's okay, I can leave, I will leave right away, and I will definitely not delay your work."

An Xiaoqi felt that the NPC in Sheng'an Village had a bad look, so she was about to retreat first, but she turned her head to look for the gray wolf, but she couldn't find it. When she looked again, the big bad wolf was gesticulating wildly at the front guards.

St. Ann's NPC is hostile to the player?
The craftsmen huffed and surrounded her.

Listen to the conversation between the guard and the big bad wolf.

Guard: "You mean you found her acting suspicious, so you brought her here?"

Gray Wolf: "Awwhhhh."

Guard: "You're welcome, this is what you should do?"

Gray Wolf: "Awwhhhh."

Guard: "You were ordered by Young Master Li Cha. Do you know Young Master Li Cha? Oh, you look a lot like the dog in the Young Master's house. It turns out that you are also Young Master Li Cha's pet."

After listening to the conversation, An Xiaoqi's eyes widened, and her first reaction was: She was cheated!
Saint Ann Village is looking for adventurers from other worlds.

What a good wolf, what kindness, friendship, are all deceitful!
What about the most basic trust between man and wolf?

The big beta tester, leading people online, was tricked by a wild wolf with low intelligence...

An Xiaoqi suddenly felt that the world was gloomy.

She wants to go offline.

[During the battle, you cannot log out normally.If you log off forcibly, your character will stay online for a period of time, and what happens during this period is out of your control].


Surrounded by the villagers and guards of Sheng'an, things were out of An Xiaoqi's control, but she did not forget the punishment of not being able to log in for a period of time after consecutive deaths.

This closed beta is only 1 day in total, 3 days in game conversion, the real world is forbidden to go online for half a day, and it is 1 and a half days in the game.

Large beta test, lead people online!
An Xiaoqi was looked down upon by a certain inch-cut male passer-by just now, she can't look down on herself!
At this time, the big bad wolf who had completed the "task" sat on the big rock by the roadside, condescending, and seemed to look down on her.

"I fought with you!"

An Xiaoqi exploded! ... Then he was held down by several spears on his shoulders and pushed back.

"I think there must be a misunderstanding between us."

"I am indeed an adventurer from another world, but I am here to help you, I can help you solve any problems!"

An Xiaoqi showed a strong desire to survive.

Immediately after—

(End of this chapter)

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