you are so nice lady

Chapter 734 Huo Shishen Lost Contact

Chapter 734 Huo Shishen Lost Contact

Huo Shishen turned his head to the side, looked at her darkened eyes, stretched out his hand to hold her palm, and rubbed it comfortingly, "What do you want to do for them?"

Ning Xiaoman looked at the man holding his hand, and was silent for a long time, just looking at it, his eyes were a little empty.

After a long time, she raised her head seriously, looked straight into the man's eyes, and said solemnly: "I want to bring down Pu Zimo, I don't want to see any more children under his wings , a lifetime of nightmares."

She may hate Qin Qingqing, but their goals are the same at this point.

No matter how much she didn't want to see her, she wouldn't want to see Qin Qingqing become a victim of Pu Zimo's win over power.

This world is like this, despicable is the passport of the despicable, noble is the epitaph of the noble.

The more people have a bottom line, the harder it is to live.

Huo Shishen looked at her with burning eyes, took her hand and kissed the back of her hand, "No matter what you do, I will always be by your side."

Ning Xiaoman smiled at him, and suddenly felt that his previous thoughts about Qin Qingqing were groundless worries.

How could such a Huo Shishen, such a good Huo Shishen, have other feelings just because that person resembled his former self?

She couldn't help but touched her stomach with her hand, and said with emotion: "I used to just want to be alone, but after having a baby, I suddenly had an urge to work hard with you to become a child that can make you happy in the future." A proud parent to a child."

After speaking, he...Looking at Huo Shi, he smiled deeply.

Huo Shishen rubbed the corner of her mouth, and said a word in a hoarse voice, "Okay."

There are two kinds of parents in this world. There is a kind of parents that children are unwilling to become, and there is a kind of parents that children strive to become.

For Huo Shishen, his parents were the former type, but now he has to work hard to achieve the latter type.

This is not an easy task, fortunately Ning Xiaoman will always be by his side, slowly groping.


It's another weekend, classes are dwindling and time at school is slowly getting shorter.

Lin Huanxi and Si Wen seem to have fallen into a strange cold war now.

Two people still talk to each other, but the atmosphere is worse than that between strangers.

Ning Xiaoman felt tired for Lin Huanxi, but she couldn't take that step for a long time.

Lin Huanxi sometimes felt that she and Si Wen might really be incompatible, her father was right, two inappropriate people could not go far together.

But at that time, she only believed in the supremacy of love, and thought that one day she would be able to influence Si Wen's heart.

She took Si Wen's short-lived tenderness towards her at that time as a life-saving straw. Now that those shallow likings have faded, she finds that the essence of the two of them seems to have nothing to do with being together at all.

She was just a girl who had just tasted love for the first time, and she didn't understand anything. It was Si Wen who taught her what liking is, what love is, what is jealousy, and what is bitterness...

She felt that she and Si Wen were slowly coming to an end, but she still didn't want to let go.

After she and Li Yuan came back that day, she told him in the car that she had actually been with Si Wen for a long time.

Although Li Yuan was surprised, he quickly accepted the fact.

Originally, he planned to bless the two of them with tears in his eyes, but after a period of time, he saw Lin Huanxi was depressed, and felt that Si Wen didn't seem to care about Lin Huanxi as much as he imagined, so he started thinking about Lin Huanxi again. Snatch it from Si Wen's hand.

Moreover, he heard from Ning Xiaoman that Si Wen had no clear relationship with that woman named Yuan Yalan, so he felt even more that Si Wen was not worthy of his Xiaoxi.

So those loves that were originally planned to be buried in the bottom of my heart grew wildly like spring grass.

The more you can't get it, the more you want to get it.

Li Yuan's liking became stronger and stronger, and it began to show on the surface.

He finally made a decision to compete with Si Wen openly.

He doesn't care even if he is told to steal the corner of the wall and steal someone's girlfriend.

Anyway, Xiaoxi is not happy with him now, even if he robbed him, he still wants to snatch Xiaoxi's happiness back.

The four-cornered love of these few people makes Ning Xiaoman one head and two big ones, plus Pu Zimo's affairs, they don't have much energy to take care of them.

After talking with Qin Qingqing that day, she called Pu Zimo directly.

Pu Zimo promised her that he would not do anything to Qin Qingqing again.

"Xiao Man, I really didn't expect that one day you would actually beg me."

"I'm not here to beg you, just to inform you." When Ning Xiaoman was talking to Pu Zimo, he had already recovered his calmness.

For this man who once shaped her worldview and created a strange and dark prison, Ning Xiaoman felt that maybe only when she heard the news of his death would she feel a little turmoil in her heart.

She didn't contact Pu Zimo for Qin Qingqing, but when the two of them were negotiating that day, they had already agreed that Qin Qingqing would provide her with information about An Gang over the past few years, and Ning Xiaoman would protect her from being taken out by Pu Zimo to trade.

This is an easy task for Ning Xiaoman, no matter how lawless Pu Zimo is, it still depends on her face.

Huo Shishen had been away for three days. He took Li Yuan to the small island, intending to negotiate with the aborigines in person, but he hasn't come back yet, and there is no news.

Ning Xiaoman knew that there might be no signal on that island, but he was still a little worried.

And Lin Huanxi hadn't come downstairs to accompany her for a long time. She and Si Wen were like strangers living in the same house, alienated from each other, but neither of them wanted to leave first.

On the contrary, Ning Xiaoman often sees that woman Yuan Yalan in the elevator.

This woman also has no self-knowledge at all, and often comes in and out of Si Wen's house, as if she regards herself as the hostess.

Lin Huanxi was reluctant at first, but after seeing Siwen's attitude of turning a blind eye, she also found it boring, so she let Yuan Yalan go.

Ning Xiaoman felt that the relationship between the two of them was already in jeopardy, and there was only one trigger that could completely break the relationship between Lin Huanxi and Si Wen.

But now Ning Xiaoman is not in the mood to think about this, her mind is full of Huo Shishen.

I don't know why, I haven't heard from him for the past few days.

He would call her tomorrow night, but he didn't call last night.

Ning Xiaoman was afraid that something might happen to him. The island was uninhabited. Unlike other islands that were half-developed, the terrain was steep and he didn't know what would happen.

(End of this chapter)

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