you are so nice lady

Chapter 562 Almost Shed Tears

Chapter 562 Almost Shed Tears
Maybe every cowardly boy has hidden heroism in his heart, but he just lacks an opportunity to be inspired.

There are so many nerds in this world, most of them are unknown in their lives, but no one knows how much blood and justice are hidden in their hearts.

They may be inconspicuous, ordinary, and cowardly in the crowd; no one notices them, they are not social, ignored by most people, and do not know how to deal with people.

When someone looks at you, you will cherish that look carefully.

They are actually very kind, but they are too easy to be used by others.

When seeing the father and daughter, Tian Qiusheng felt for the first time that he was such an indispensable existence.

Without him, Yiran's future life might be bleak.

He may not be so perfect, but at this moment he was indeed Tang Yiran's hero.

He is very satisfied, even if he faces the price of dropping out of school.

"Uncle, I will surrender to the school tomorrow and say that I did all those things, so that they will not hold Yi Ran accountable anymore!"

"No! How can I let you do such a thing? As long as I can prove my daughter's innocence, I can't kill you!"

Tang's father rejected his approach, shook his head, with a stubborn face, "No, no, you can't do this, you are also a child of your parents, you can't do this!"

Tian Qiusheng was a little anxious, and quickly persuaded him, "It's okay uncle, my grades are not good, and whether I can graduate is still a problem, but Yiran is different, her grades are so good! She can't be expelled from school!"

"That's...that's not okay either!"

Tang's father also blushed anxiously when he said that.

He lacked vocabulary and didn't know how to express his thoughts, so he just kept waving his hands, "How can this be determined by grades? It's not the same thing at all, it won't work... no, no!"

Tang Yiran at the side remained silent.

She understood Tang's father's temper, he was always stubborn on such insignificant things, pretending that he didn't want to take advantage of others, but he was really stupid.

For a person like Tian Qiusheng, even if she doesn't use him, someone else will show up in the future, so why not just let him help her?
She could understand her mother, why she would abandon her husband and daughter and go away, even though Tang's father tried his best to give her living conditions without worrying about food and clothing.

That's because a man like Tang's father is too dull to be flexible, and it's impossible to live with such a person.

But right now she can't turn against him, so she can only wink at Tian Qiusheng, and said in a low voice: "I also think this is not good, you can't go and take the blame for me! There is a wrong and a debt, you don't You can't be punished for doing something wrong, unless...unless you actually did something like this."

The big stone in Tang's father's heart fell to the ground at once, and he felt that Tang Yiran was still sensible.

If his daughter really agreed to this boy's suggestion just now, what kind of distortion would his daughter's heart have become?
However, Tian Qiusheng understood Tang Yiran's implication, he rolled his eyes, his fleshy face turned red, he clenched his fists and said to Father Tang: "Uncle, I actually did this thing! I just didn't want to see Yiran take the blame for me, that's why I stood up! I didn't say it just now, I just didn't want you to look down on me!"

After finishing speaking, he bowed to Tang's father, and said apologetically, "It's all because of me that Yiran was misunderstood by others! It's what I should do to clarify for her!"

Father Tang looked at him in shock, as if he didn't quite believe what he said, "What you it true? But I think you are an honest could you..."

"So what about honesty? Will honesty get me to graduate? Will honesty get my grades up? Will honesty make me respectable?"

Tian Qiusheng suddenly gave a wry smile, with a sad expression on his face, "Uncle, even if a person like me puts in a hundred percent of effort, he may not get back a single point of fruit. People who cheat, you just tell others, and no one will be surprised..."

He raised his head and looked at Tang Yiran, his eyes were much gentler, "But Yiran is different, Yiran is such a beautiful existence, I can't let others destroy her, I must protect her! I am already a piece of mud anyway, and I will step on it again." It doesn't matter how many feet you have, but Yiran must be clean!"

Tang Yiran's eyes were a little red, with tears glistening in her eyes, she pursed her lips, looked at him gratefully, her voice choked up, "Thank you..."

The next day, Tian Qiusheng went directly to the teaching office and confessed his crime.

Many of the details he explained are correct, and from the perspective of motivation, compared with Tang Yiran, who is both excellent in character and learning, and Tian Qiusheng, who has repeatedly failed exams, it seems that the latter is more suspicious.

In addition, Tian Qiusheng had already taken the initiative to recruit, and he swore that there would be no accomplices, the school quickly resolved the matter, issued an announcement, apologized to Tang Yiran, and issued a notification to Tian Qiusheng to withdraw from school.

After knowing the result, Father Tang breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he still has a little selfishness in staying in this city, that is, he wants to know what the male classmate plans to do in the future.

If he needs it, he might be able to squeeze it, squeeze it, and help him a little bit.

After all, he was just a child, and he didn't have much money when he was away from home.

He himself has a bad stomach recently, and he can't eat breakfast, but he can save a lot, so he can give the poor child some food.

It's just that after this matter came to fruition, Tang Yiran didn't see him much.

Calls are often not answered, and text messages are basically not returned. Father Tang is not only worried about her situation, but also wants to know how the male classmate is doing.

So taking advantage of the reason of sending chicken legs, I went to the school to find Tang Yiran.

He didn't meet that male classmate, but he found out that the girl he had always been proud of had always been ashamed of him...

Father Tang admitted that he was incapable and would do nothing but move bricks.

Every day, regardless of the wind and rain, the sun and the rain, just repeat a mechanical action, moving bricks from one end to the other.

Once, the steel bars hanging from the construction site accidentally slipped, and something with a thick bowl rim hit him on the shoulder. All the flesh and blood except for the bones were smashed, and he didn't even have red eye sockets.

After a simple bandage, he continued to move bricks the next day. Although he was thin, he thanked God for giving him a tough bone.

This man was able to hold on with his teeth tense when he was carrying steel and iron bones, but when he heard his own daughter say that she felt ashamed for him, she really couldn't help the red eyes and tears almost fell out.

He is ashamed...

He was also embarrassed to cry in front of his daughter, so that she would not find him annoying, so he just rubbed his face with his rough hands indiscriminately, "If you don't like it, Dad won't come here in the future, study hard, don't always Lost your temper, dad is gone, eat your fill, don't lose weight..."

(End of this chapter)

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