Chapter 512

Originally, he just planned to try it out, but Ning Xiaoman's reaction seemed to directly ignite a certain fuse on the man.

She could feel the tense muscles in his arms holding her, as well as the suddenly heavy breathing.

Ning Xiaoman finally woke up like a dream, and quickly pushed him away, "No..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Huo Shishen grabbed her wrist directly, cut her arms behind her back, and said in a hoarse voice with a hint of impatience, "Why not?"

Ning Xiaoman was a little flustered, and didn't want him to go any further, so he quickly pressed his forehead against his, and said anxiously: "This is the backstage of the multimedia classroom, what if someone comes in?"

"Li Yuan is guarding outside, no one will dare to come in."

"But there's no sound insulation here!" Ning Xiaoman could say anything when he was in a hurry, and it was too late when he realized it, and he couldn't take it back.

Huo Shishen was directly amused by her words, and his deep eyes were stained with a smile, which forcibly put a soft filter on his powerful and domineering aura.

He couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed her earlobe, "cute."

Ning Xiaoman felt a little itchy and blushed a little, and couldn't help but shook his head, not wanting him to speak into his ear: "Stop making trouble, it's almost done, and I'll be on stage to receive the award later."

When the process of the external commendation conference is almost completed, the dean should issue the No.1 certificate that was not given to her before.

After all, she had thrown her glory into the trash can in front of everyone before, and this time she must make him return it in a graceful manner.

In the small backstage room, although the sound insulation is not very good, you can hear the voice of the dean holding the microphone on the podium outside, and more often, you can hear the breathing of each other when they talk to each other.

Ning Xiaoman actually likes this feeling very much, no matter how many storms there are outside, when they have each other, there will always be a quiet world that can only accommodate the two of them.

Huo Shishen put a point between her eyebrows almost reverently, "Come back after receiving the award, my husband has been waiting for you here."

Ning Xiaoman's eyes suddenly became hot, and he almost shed tears.

She suddenly felt that the man in front of her seemed to have been waiting for her all her life.

Because there was no consummation in the previous life, it was extended to this life to make up for regrets.

But she in her previous life could never go back.


When the dean called Ning Xiaoman's name, there was a round of warm applause outside.

Ning Xiaoman was about to go up to the stage and heard such a loud commotion, so his footsteps moved slightly, but then he walked out expressionlessly.

She was dressed very simply, and her expression was also very simple. When she received the certificate of honor handed over by the dean, she just smiled slightly, "Thank you."

Perhaps because he had thrown Ning Xiaoman's certificate of honor into the trash can with his own hands before, when he looked at Mrs. Huo, who was clearly distinguished but never publicized, the dean felt a little guilty in his heart, "Shouldn't you say something?" ? No.1, how can I impart a little learning experience.”

Ning Xiaoman originally wanted to refuse, but she glanced at the crowded group of students below, seeing the same light in their eyes as her own, she took the microphone handed to her by the dean like a ghost.

"Hi everyone, I'm Ning Xiaoman. I believe that many people have heard my name these days, and have commented on me more or less, whether it's good or bad, I know Everyone's thoughts on me are more or less complicated."

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, then smiled with the corners of her lips curled up, "But this is also normal, people are inherently complicated, there is no completely good person, and there is no completely bad person, life is like a kaleidoscope. Looking at the past from every angle, the colors are different. We may not be able to choose the information we receive, but we can always be firm in whether we look at everything in this world with good intentions or malicious intentions, and whether we will always go with the flow. Speculate, or believe what you see with your heart.”

Her tone suddenly became serious, and her expression also became very serious, "Actually, studying is just like being a human being. You must find the right way to stay in your own world persistently, refusing to listen to the voices of the outside world, deceiving yourself and others, and only willing to be stubborn , In the end, it will definitely form a split with this world.”

In fact, she and Tang Yiran in her previous life were also a little similar, that is, she was always shrunk in her own shell, only thinking that she was right, and only seeing the small world of sitting in the well.

The difference between her and Tang Yiran is that Tang Yiran would hurt others for her own benefit, while she would rather hurt herself in order not to hurt others.

These are two extremes.

She breathed a long sigh of relief, as if she had unloaded some burden, "I hope everyone can be frank and open in both study and life, with a clear conscience, and when the dust settles, they won't regret that they didn't work hard. You have worked hard, and don’t blame yourself for not doing anything in the past, because there are still every present worth cherishing, and there are still many futures worth looking forward to. The past is the past, and the future must be grasped.”

After she finished speaking, there was no movement in the audience for a long time, and the entire multimedia classroom was completely silent, even the sound of a needle falling on the ground could be heard.

Ning Xiaoman returned the microphone to the dean.

He also didn't react a little belatedly, and mechanically stretched out his hand to pick it up, looking at Ning Xiaoman with a dazed gaze.

After she left the podium with her certificate of honor, there was a burst of warm applause from the audience.

The teaching director also applauded. The applause lasted for a long time. No one spoke, and they only expressed their inner excitement with applause.

Amidst such excitement, Tang Yiran felt as if she was isolated from the whole world.

Those boys who had vowed to follow her before now sat far away from them, not even looking at her.

And the girls who had flattered her before and said she was pretty all looked at her arrogantly, expressing their disdain for being with her with a mocking attitude.

She didn't understand why these people had such drastic changes to her, they were all her admirers before, and such applause belonged to her before.

She just wants everyone to love her, is that wrong?

Tang Yiran's eyes were so red and swollen from crying that she couldn't shed a single tear.

It was as if a hole had been dug out in her heart, only the cold wind was blowing back and forth, it was so empty that it made people panic.

(End of this chapter)

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