you are so nice lady

Chapter 502 No such trouble

Chapter 502 No such trouble
Before waiting for a reply from the other side, Ning Xiaoman woke up as if someone had slapped him in the face, rushed over and hung up the phone as if he had just woken up from a dream—


She listened to the blind voice on the phone, her mind was like a pot of boiling paste and she couldn't think anymore.

Subconsciously, I don't want that man Huo Shishen to know my current state, and I don't want him to know the dark thoughts in my mind...

After going through the torture in her previous life, she was no longer that pure Ning Xiaoman, but she suppressed those darkest thoughts deep in her heart, pretending that nothing happened.

If it was Ning Xiaoman in the past, he would not have the idea of ​​strangling Tang Yiran to death.

Si Wen frowned at her and was about to say something when the phone rang again.

It was Huo Shishen's call, Ning Xiaoman looked at the words jumping on the screen, and suddenly turned around and left the infirmary as if wanting to escape, no matter what Si Wen called her from behind, she didn't stop.

The phone was still ringing tirelessly. Si Wen picked up the phone and rubbed the center of his brows. Before he could speak, Huo Shishen's deep voice came from the other side, "What's wrong with her?"

"I want to ask you this too. Could it be that your wife was hit by something?"

"You said just now that she was bullied, what's going on?" Huo Shishen's voice was deep and serious, as sharp as a pen scratching on fine paper.

Si Wen told him about Tang Yiran, and couldn't help but taunt him, "You are so capable, why didn't you help your wife solve it?"

There was silence for a while, and then came Huo Shishen's helpless voice, "She won't let me meddle in her school affairs."

He wanted to get rid of all the difficulties for Ning Xiaoman, and just let her walk the path he paved for her, but Ning Xiaoman is a stubborn person at heart, once she has something she insists on doing, No one else could shake her no matter what.

Just like before getting married, she used to stubbornly not let herself love someone, so she closed the door of her heart and refused to open it.

He was afraid that if he went too far, he would force Ning Xiaoman back into that thick shell again.

Huo Shishen suddenly felt a little tired, sighed slightly, and asked Si Wen, "If you encounter this situation and your wife refuses to let you protect me obediently, what will you do?"

Si Wen thought for a while, hooked the corners of his mouth, and said in an arrogant tone, "Sorry, there is no such trouble, my girl is very obedient, no matter what I say, she will do it, she dare not go west if she is told to go east. no."


Huo Shishen hung up the phone directly.


Ning Xiaoman went straight back to the classroom, where Lin Huanxi was waiting for her.

There was going to be a mid-term exam commendation meeting in the afternoon, and the two of them didn't go back to the dormitory at noon, but stayed in the classroom directly.

There is only a two-hour lunch break at noon, because the commendation meeting in the afternoon is usually held in advance, so many students did not go back, but just spent a noon in the teaching building.

Tang Yiran returned to the classroom behind Ning Xiaoman, with a few bandages on his wrists, his face was not very good-looking, and when he came in, he gave Ning Xiaoman a look.

Ning Xiaoman didn't pretend to be invisible anymore, but stared back at her directly.

Tang Yiran gritted her teeth, turned her head away from her, and wanted to hold her hand tightly, only to realize that that hand couldn't exert any strength at all.

She had cut Ning Xiaoman into pieces long ago in her heart, but on the surface she didn't dare to confront her head-on.

Ning Xiaoman's ruthless appearance before left a shadow in her heart, and she was a little afraid to provoke her, fearing that she would go crazy like before and take off her wrist.

She didn't expect that Ning Xiaoman, who looked so petite and weak, would have such a trick. She underestimated Ning Xiaoman!

But what happened next was not so lucky for her to get away with it. She must ruin Ning Xiaoman's reputation, otherwise she would not be able to swallow this breath no matter what!

The meeting room is held in the school auditorium, and students from all colleges must be present to summarize and commend the work since this semester.

Except for the lengthy and boring speeches of the school leaders, the rest of the time was basically a commendation meeting for those with excellent midterm exam results, which was also the highlight moment of these top students.

At this moment, regardless of appearance, height, personality, and family background, only excellent grades are the only criterion for judging them, making them shine.

No. 10, No. 9... No. 2...

Everyone who comes to the stage to give a speech will have their own learning experience, some are sincerely sharing, some are purely pretending to be x, but no matter what, as long as they can stand on this stage, they are already destined to stand out among the crowd Outstanding.

The last person to come to the stage is the most important, No.1 in the midterm exam.

Everyone's eyes were on Ning Xiaoman, no matter how bad the public opinion about her was before, or how complicated those people's eyes were when they looked at her, but at this moment, no one could question her absolute glory as No.1.

Ning Xiaoman stepped onto the podium, but what greeted her was not applause and flowers, but the livid face of the teaching director, "As your teacher, I regret to announce a news, that is, according to an anonymous classmate's report, the test results No.1, Ning Xiaoman, has dishonest behavior in the exam, according to the school-level school regulations, we discussed and decided to cancel Ning Xiaoman's exam results, cancel all her qualifications for merit evaluation, and give her the sanction of staying in school for probation."

As she said that, she threw the certificate of honor that should be awarded to Ning Xiaoman into the trash can in front of everyone in the hall.

This change came too fast, and the audience was in an uproar, watching this scene on stage in disbelief.

Ning Xiaoman's face was also pale, he didn't expect such a sudden change, he clenched his fist tightly, trying to calm his voice, "Teacher, do you have any evidence for saying that I cheated?"

The dean looked at her, sighed with great regret, and clicked on a video on the big screen without saying anything.

This is a surveillance video, and the time shows that one week before the midterm exam, Ning Xiaoman crept from the corridor to the door of the principal's office, and then opened the door to enter.

From this angle, it can be seen that she walked around inside, as if she was looking for something, and came out after a while, looking around, as if she was avoiding something.

The dean turned off the video, and said to her heartbroken: "When a classmate reported that you stole the test paper, the teachers actually didn't believe it, but they couldn't believe it after watching the surveillance video...Why are you so confused? You didn't do well in the exam. Which is more serious than cheating, don't you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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