you are so nice lady

Chapter 1298 It's Just a Bodyguard

Chapter 1298 Just a Bodyguard
After the two of them ran around, they quickly left the people behind them behind and went to another venue.

She saw a person riding a horse behind her, and her posture was pretty good, so she couldn't help but take a look, and the next second, she felt a force that broke her head and turned her gaze back. "Don't look at others, focus on yourself."

Ning Xiaoman looked away in an instant, and said without changing his face and heartbeat: "I just glanced at others, and I didn't want to do anything. Besides, we are the fastest runners, so we should Watch how the guys in the back are riding."

Qin Shen smiled coldly, apparently not believing her words.

She just wanted to see if there was any good-looking person in the back, or she just wanted to see Huo Shishen. When he met Huo Shishen in the fitting room just now, he didn't think much about it. He just thought it was a coincidence that there happened to be a group of people At least because he had heard of Huo Shishen's reputation in the circle, he would not break his face with him, so he took the initiative to greet him.

Later, when he came out of the fitting room, he saw Huo Shishen and Ning Xiaoman talking, which made him a little dissatisfied.

Because he thought of the intersection between these two people before, Ning Xiaoman seemed to have a bit of natural admiration for this man, even if she didn't like him, but if a man has a high position and power, he will definitely attract some different eyes, absolutely There is no doubt that Ning Xiaoman is not immune.

In the past, Qin Shen thought this kind of thing was very normal and would not give too many eyes, but this time for some reason, he felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart, as if Ning Xiaoman and Huo Shishen were betraying him in everything they did.

He didn't know why he had such an idea. He knew very well that it was just a coincidence. It was normal for a person like Huo Shishen to discuss business in such a place, or ride a horse with a client, but he just I feel that Ning Xiaoman will be attracted by him. There is no other reason. He is indeed a man who is too good. Whether it is appearance, family background, personality, work ability, every gesture is exuding, even a man like him cannot ignore it. The charm makes people surrender.

In the past, he regarded Huo Shishen as his target, or as an imaginary enemy, his opponent, but now he has a sour hostility towards him inexplicably, and he doesn't want to see Ning Xiaoman's amazing eyes when he looks at him , especially when he saw those two people talking outside the fitting room just now, Ning Xiaoman's undisguised astonished gaze made him feel more and more uncomfortable.

He couldn't help but sneered in his heart, didn't she say she liked her?Why do her eyes shine when she sees a man who is prettier than herself? This is what she said that she has liked her for many years, and she likes her so much that she must marry her, and she will marry no one but him?

She suddenly let go of the rope with one hand, and pinched Ning Xiaoman's chin, making her turn her head to look at herself, "Who is prettier, me or that man just now?"

Ning Xiaoman's eyes widened all of a sudden, a little surprised, thinking that the man he was talking about should be Huo Shishen, and somehow he didn't know why he wanted to compare with a bodyguard.

That's what she thought, and she also said what she said, but she didn't directly say that Huo Shishen was her bodyguard, because she thought Qin Shen already knew about it, and Qin Shen never thought of Huo Shishen like this The character would condescend to be Ning Xiaoman's bodyguard. He didn't have any motive or even any reason, so he never thought about it, and normal people would not think about it.

In his cognition, Ning Xiaoman and Huo Shishen still knew each other. After Ning Xiaoman woke up from an illness last time, she forgot about her previous events, including her forgetting about Huo Shishen, but Qin Shen obviously didn't think of this. At one point, I just thought that the two of them were still the two people who had briefly met at the airport.

Hearing what she said was so true, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, "I will be your fiance in the future, so I can't say something nice? What is the relationship between him and you, and what is the relationship between me and you? You have no idea ?"

After hearing what he said, Ning Xiaoman felt that what he said made sense, and was surprised that she seemed to be paying too much attention to Huo Shishen's bodyguard. It was also to cover up her inexplicable emotions. She said to Qin Shen: " You should be more handsome, you are the most beautiful man in the world, and you are the most beautiful in the universe."

Qin Shen was speechless for a while, although he knew that she said this kind of thing just to make him happy, and she didn't even mean it sincerely, but he was still pleased by her.

His finger tapped the corner of her mouth lightly, only this mouth speaks nicely, who knows how true or false you are.

When he said this, his tone was a little serious, not at all joking, and even a little uncertain.

Ning Xiaoman was a little baffled, and his heart sank as he looked at him, "Aren't you very clear in your heart whether what I said is true or false? If you don't know, go back and look in the mirror yourself. Are you that unconfident? Or are you just too confident?"

The good atmosphere just now was suddenly broken by Ning Xiaoman. Qin Shen twitched the corners of his mouth, gave her a speechless look, shook his head and smiled again, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you."


Nan Ye regretted riding the horse so fast. He and Huo Shishen naturally participated in this movement. Almost everyone in the circle knew each other. Even if they didn't, they had heard of Huo Shishen's reputation. Although Nan Ye didn't hang out in the circle very much, his name was still somewhat intimidating. He saw Qin Shen and Ning Xiaoman riding fast and wanted Huo Shishen to take a look at them. I want Huo Shishen to think clearly about the relationship between the two of them, so as not to ruin the rest of his life because of temporary confusion.

He could see how important Ning Xiaoman was to him, so he didn't want to let him go just like that.

What he didn't expect was that the two of Qin Shen actually started to flirt with each other. He could tell from the beginning that Ning Xiaoman didn't care much about Qin Shen. It's timeless, but not too over the top.

It's just that seeing the two of them getting along this time, he regretted a little. The intimacy was obviously a trend of reconciliation, and the relationship between the two seemed to be pretty good.

He was a little embarrassed, wandering not far from there, looking at Huo Shishen's gloomy face from the beginning to the end, he didn't know what to do for a while, he didn't go too far, but he was definitely too embarrassed to get too close to them.

So he glanced at Qin Shen, and could only pour Huo Shishen's haze on him, "What do these two people look like in the public, and they ride a horse together? It's not that they can't afford it. There are so many horses here who want Ning Xiaoman to be with him, who is disgusting?"

I don't know how long it took before Qin Shen's group of friends followed. They also rode horses and greeted Huo Shishen and Nanye.

Huo Shishen stood by Nanye's side, just blocking Ning Xiaoman's view, she only thought they were greeting Nanye when she looked over, and didn't see Huo Shishen.

She stretched her head, trying to see his shadow clearly, but when she heard the man beside her kept talking to her, she could only look away, listening to what he said, not wanting to distract herself.

Just a bodyguard.

Why, she told herself, was she always distracted by him?This is unreasonable.

Qin Shen's friends also saw the two of them riding a horse together, and they didn't come over much. They were afraid of ruining their good deed. They didn't ride their horses until Qin Shen made a gesture with them. side walked over.

Ning Xiaoman subconsciously looked over there, only seeing Qin Shen's friends, but not Huo Shishen.

Not only Ning Xiaoman, but even Nan Ye looked at Huo Shishen and said, "There seems to be a competition over there, do you want to go over and have a look? Use your superb skills to compare with that Qin Gentleman."

Huo Shi took a deep look at him, feeling bored, and without saying anything, turned around and left on his horse.

Seeing him leaving, Nanye shook his head with a smile. People with duplicity are not cute at all, so he turned around and walked towards Qin Shen without saying anything.

He rode up to Qin Shen's side and glanced at him, "Do you mind if I join you?"

Qin Shen looked at him and nodded without saying anything.

Of course he saw that Nanye and Huo Shishen were in the same group, but he didn't understand why Huo Shishen let Nanye come over when Huo Shishen didn't come. Such an attitude was very subtle, and he didn't know whether he was interested in Ning Xiaoman or not. After all, if he had no interest at all, his friends would not suddenly come over and propose to join them, but if it was interesting, why didn't Huo Shishen come here himself, but let his friends do it for him?

But no matter what, Qin Shen knew that he must not lose this time.

He glanced at Ning Xiaoman, said nothing, at the end of the team division, Nan Ye didn't care what Qin Shen was doing, he just pulled the rope and rushed out.

A gust of wind blows, and the determination to win or lose is already obvious.

Before Ning Xiaoman was ready, he felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him, a flash of white light, and then there was no one in Nanye.

She patted her heart and felt a little scary. After letting out a breath, she turned her head and asked, "Qin Shen, why is he the only one? Where is the other him?"

She used some intimate words, Qin Shen frowned, "Don't you know his name?"

Ning Xiaoman shook her head, she really didn't know Huo Shishen's name, so she could only use him instead.

It's just that the single word "he" is harsh to Qin Shen's ears. Why is it that he is called with the same name and surname, and others are called by this kind of pronoun?
In fact, it is a very normal title, but at this moment, he feels that it is inexplicably ambiguous and close.

(End of this chapter)

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