Chapter 515 Reminder
"This decoration is quite pleasing to the eye. Since it is already the best, there is no need to replace it. It is necessary to buy home robots and planting robots. But you don't need to accompany me to the mall."

Both Xuanyuan Changxu and Mu Qingyin nodded to Gener's pertinent suggestion, but both of them rejected his kindness to accompany him to the shopping mall. Xuanyuan Changxu smiled and said: "We want to go shopping slowly by ourselves. .”

Go shopping in the mall here, of course, only myself and Qingyin can shop more comfortably.

"Hey, that's fine. But it's inconvenient for you to come in and out without a speeding car. You haven't got your ID card yet and you can't buy a speeding car. Why don't you just use mine first."

Gener obviously understood Xuanyuan Changxu's thoughts in seconds, winked at Mu Qingyin behind his back, and said with a smile: "If you don't like my speeding car, maybe there is a spare one in my garage. You will like it.

You don't have to worry about not being able to drive it. Every speeding car has an intelligent brain that can be set to automatically drive. You don't need to do it yourself. You only need to order where you want to go. "

As he spoke, he enthusiastically invited the two of them to visit his home, and said that it would not delay them for too long.This time, Xuanyuan Changxu and Mu Qingyin didn't refuse his invitation and the kindness of borrowing the speeding car, and they readily agreed to go.

After going to Xuanyuan Changxu and Mu Qingyin, they found that Gener's house was much smaller than their newly bought residence, with only gardens in front and back.

However, there are many different kinds of flowers planted in the garden, which look very well maintained, and there are a large number of blooming flowers.There is also a beehive in the garden, and the two of them saw a lot of bees coming in and out, busy collecting nectar...

Looking at the two of them, Gener smiled a little embarrassedly and said, "My house is not comparable to your manor, I got a genetic disease before and was abandoned by my family.

The family can afford to buy me a house here, and they agreed to put this house under Linna's name. This is the result of my mother begging my father.

But fortunately, although it is small here, it is far less luxurious than our old house in Imperial Capital, but Linna likes it very much.It is said that living here is quiet and comfortable.

So I used to think that what I did to get Lina here was the last thing I could do for Lina, but I didn't expect that fate would make me meet you.Thank you and thank you Lena.She has always been my goddess of luck. "

When Gener talked about the excitement, tears filled his eyes for a while, and then he looked at Xuanyuan Changxu and Mu Qingyin with some embarrassment, grinned and said to Xuanyuan Changxu meaningfully: "My mother once told me that the Huaxia people follow us People in the Shaya Empire are not monogamous, she said that most women are affectionate, as long as you let her feel your sincerity, they will treat you with the same sincerity."

Gener rolled his eyes with a smile, and said with a blissful expression of someone who has come here: "Do you know that among the people I know or know, there are not all people who have the same genetic disease as me.

But without exception, although they married many wives, they all left them quickly in the end.

And although I only married Linna, Lina's background is not high, they have always been teased by them in the past, laughing that it is not worth giving up more and more beautiful women just for one Linna.

But later when they were all left alone, Linna was still by my side and insisted on never leaving me.This made them all regret, jealous and jealous. "

(End of this chapter)

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