Chapter 259 Five Years
"Mother, second aunt and third aunt, I knew you were coming back."

What Mu Qingyin expected was good.A few months later, she really waited for Kuang Guya and Mu Jingyan, as well as the second and third aunts besides the eldest aunt, and several cousins ​​at home.

Seeing someone coming, she was very excited, and ran to Kuang Guya's side like a child and acted like a baby to her: "Mother, I miss you."

"Mother misses you too." I haven't seen you for a few months, and Kuang Guya was also very excited when she saw Mu Qingyin again. She pulled her to look closely and then said distressedly, "I'm thinner, but people look better than at home." I was much more refreshed at the time.”

"Mother, the aura here is abundant. Even if you don't practice for a long time, it will be good for your body. How can I actually lose weight? It's because my bones have been adjusted better."

Mu Qingyin said to Kuang Guya with a smile: "It's a pity that my grandfather and grandmother didn't come, otherwise they would definitely not leave after they came.

When I selected people to go back to report the letter, everyone was afraid that they would not be able to come back when they heard that they were going to leave, and they were all dejected and reluctant to part.In the end, it was the second uncle and the third uncle who said that the third uncle would go back with them this trip, and that they would need to escort the Kuang family members back, so they were relieved and happy. "

With a smile, Mu Qingyin told Kuang Guya and the others about the current situation of the Midi in detail, and talked about her herb growing well and about to mature. Not only Kuang Guya but others couldn't help listening Bewitched.

This time, apart from Kuang Guya and others, the people from the Kuang family also came with a large number of guards and clan members.The number of people is even higher than that of the first batch.There were 2000 guards alone, and more than half of the Kuang family members came.

Most of them are not warriors, but almost all of them are warriors from the younger generation of the Kuang family.

The old man Kuang sent a message, saying that since there is no great danger in this boundless forest, let them all come out to see it and suffer a little bit, so that they will be of great use in the future.

When people came, they also learned that even the residence in Midi needs to be built by themselves. Except for the materials such as rocks and trees, which can be directly taken from the boundless forest, almost nothing else is needed.

So they also brought a large amount of various supplies this trip.

With previous experience, after the group left Cangma Valley this trip, they used the armored rhinoceros that stayed in Cangma Valley.The Iron Armored Rhinoceros is a herbivorous monster with a fairly docile temperament.They will not bully beasts and monsters that are weaker than them for no reason.

Moreover, the biggest sharp weapon on their bodies, their horns have been broken.So the Kuang family left them alone in the Tibetan horse valley, and kept them together with the ordinary horses, so they didn't have to worry about them harming the horses.

In the blink of an eye, five years passed in the blink of an eye.

There are many people and strength, and five years of non-stop day and night are already enough for the Kuang family to dig through the underground passage leading to the boundless forest near Midi.It is also enough to cause earth-shaking changes in the secret place.

In addition to enough sturdy, beautiful and practical residences in today's Midi.There are also medicine gardens, pharmacy refining rooms, and breeding gardens.And the spiritual grains, spiritual vegetables, spiritual fruit trees, spiritual tea trees, etc. that have been found with great difficulty from various places in the boundless forest over the years.
Of course, the Kuang family was able to find all of these in just a few years, and Mu Qingyin was the number one contributor.In all likelihood, she took people out to "find" them and brought them back.

After teaching Kuang Guya and others how to refine medicine, although they gradually became more proficient, the speed of refining medicine was still far behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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