Anti-Japanese Jagged Captain

Chapter 741 Persuade to surrender

Chapter 741 Persuade to surrender
Hearing this, Tang Zhan was not to mention how angry he was, that man lied to himself!

Looking at it now, this kid is trying to deceive Tang Zhan and gain his trust.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhan didn't talk nonsense, turned around and came to the mysterious man.

"Boy, who are you? Why do you say you are a member of the Revolutionary Army?"

The man laughed immediately, and he said with a smile: "Battalion Commander Tang, I admit that I am not a member of the Revolutionary Army, but a member of the little devil!

But what does it matter? Good birds choose trees to live in. You don’t know this truth, do you?

Although the little devils are being pressed by the revolutionary army every step of the way, they still have the ability to continue to wage wars. As for you, you have made great military achievements, but it is difficult to even the most basic food and clothing.

I heard that your subordinates eat a kind of unpalatable fried noodles every day. Do you think it is fair in this situation?
And, think about it, your subordinates don't even have the most basic military pay, so how can you do that?
This is the struggle within the Revolutionary Army. As long as you are not direct descendants, no one will care about you. ,

Aren't you angry that you don't care?

Battalion Commander Tang, why don't you just take refuge here and join us. At that time, we can join hands and dominate China together. Isn't that better? "

Hearing this, Tang Zhan didn't know how to laugh.

Are all these sobering people so mediocre? What they say is the same as what a machine says, and what is repeated cannot be repeated.

"Boy, do you think I care about the so-called military pay and food and clothing? The reason why we gritted our teeth and fought to the death with the little devil was not for military pay, nor for food and clothing. We were defending our own nation. dignity!
You will not understand this truth at all, because in your heart, there is no concept of family and country at all!

No matter how the revolutionary army fights, I can't use it as a basis for not resisting the war!
This is our internal matter. After driving your master out, I will definitely find someone to settle the matter, but sorry, my main task now is to drive your master out!

Er Gouzi, don't think that I, Tang Zhan, is a villain like you. To me, my country is the most important thing, and the little devil will definitely lose! "

The two devils also laughed, "Battlemaster Tang, why are you so stubborn? You see, the little devil has given you very good conditions!
They said that as long as you join them, they can treat you very well, and you and your subordinates can also retreat to the rear to recuperate. They will never use you as a weapon!

As long as you promise not to participate in the war, they will give you what you want, and they will raise you for the rest of your life! "

Tang Zhan suddenly sneered, "Don't talk, you think I have such a large army for this purpose?

Let me tell you, the domestic resources of the little devils are quite scarce, and they will no longer have oil and steel for them to participate in the war. Take a good look, the little devils are no longer as rampant as they were before, and their army also has The old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled, in other words, the little devil will undoubtedly lose!
I admit that we do not have enough food and clothing, but I am sorry, even so, we will never surrender! "

Just as the second devil was about to speak, Tang Zhan felt a little annoyed, and then without any nonsense, he took out his pistol and shot the boy between the eyebrows, killing the second devil on the spot!
To be reasonable, Tang Zhan is also cruel and cold-blooded in this regard!
Because there is no need to keep this kind of person, he doesn't want to make peace with the little devil, for him, driving the little devil out is his idea, and in order to implement this idea, he must let the little devil understand, What they encountered was a revolutionary army that they could never defeat!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhan said to the dead body of the second ghost: "You who are on a horse, wasting a bullet on me, it's really disgusting to be on a horse!
Let me tell you, if your master dares to send someone again, I will kill one of them!
Horse riders, do you think Lao Tzu is easy to bully?I will never betray my country in this life, don't even think about it 1"

This is Tang Zhan's idea, and it is also the idea of ​​his revolutionary army. Everyone gritted their teeth and persisted until today, and they will never negotiate peace with the little devil!

Because for them, the little devil has a sworn hatred with them, if they are cowarded today, how can they mess around when they go out in the future?

Damn, I don't want to be pointed at the nose and scolded by future generations for not resisting!

It's not shameful to die on the way to charge, what's shameful is not to dare to charge, this is what Tang Zhan taught them, and it's what they have been implementing.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhan suddenly laughed.

At this time, Liu Badou walked in.

"Commander, what's going on?"

Tang Zhan explained the deeds of the second devil to his chief of staff.

After Liu Badou heard about it, he smiled and said: "Battle Commander, this is also a good thing for us, the reason why the little devils dare to recruit us like this is because they are afraid!

As long as they feel scared, we really deserve to win!

Because they have no way to talk to us anymore, they must be finished at this time! "

Tang Zhan nodded and said: "Yeah, our threat is too great, and they have no way to confront us head-on, so they can only do something wrong!

By the way, tell me to go on, strengthen the defense line for me in the future, and don't let the little devil get in again!
This group of people is so cunning, I don't even know why, but he was able to enter our place!

I tell you, if they infiltrate and kill our people, it's over!
So we must be careful not to be taken advantage of by them! "

Liu Badou nodded and said: "Yes, you can't be taken advantage of by these bastards!"

On the other side, the little devil also knew clearly that his plan had been exposed.

Since they were unable to recruit the revolutionary army, they once again came up with a novel idea, that is, beheading!
The so-called beheading operation was aimed at Tang Zhan. They stubbornly believed that if Tang Zhan was eliminated, they would win.

They forgot that the whole of China has already united as one. If they go forward bravely at this time, the little devils will not be able to compare with them at all!
Soon, a mysterious force of the little devil entered the territory of Linjiang Province, and their target was Tang Zhan.

But all of this was known to Chen Ying in advance!

His intelligence network was perfect. After getting the news, Chen Ying didn't talk nonsense and quickly reported the situation to Tang Zhan.

"Beheading operation? Horse riding, these little devils are really shameless, dare to attack me, and turned against them! Let me tell you, I will definitely face us this time. I will see how they will deal with it then." I, the horse rider, turned against them!"

Chen Ying smiled and said: "Comrade Tang Zhan, this is a bit too much, this mysterious army has a small number of people, I think it will be difficult for you to deal with them!
You must be careful, don't be taken advantage of by the little devil, this is a special situation, don't be sloppy! "

(End of this chapter)

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