Anti-Japanese Jagged Captain

Chapter 614 The Little Devil's Defense

Chapter 614 The Little Devil's Defense
Hearing what Tang Zhan said, Zhu Xuelian was obviously happier. She smiled and said, "How many/"

"I didn't count them in detail, but when we seized the car before, I kept my eyes open!
Although we won't be able to use it for a while, I still let the soldiers maintain it as soon as there is nothing to do. Among other things, as long as there is gasoline, it is no problem to move! "

"What about the plane? I heard that we still have planes!" Zhu Xuelian's eyes became even brighter!

To this, Tang Zhan smiled helplessly.

"We don't have such powerful refining equipment yet, let's Huaxia, it's different! The oil extracted is not very good, and needs some sophisticated equipment for further refining.

But Olson probably couldn't manufacture those devices.As for airplanes, the oil they eat is different, and their requirements are relatively high, so we don't have airplanes to use yet. "

Zhu Xuelian was a little disappointed, but the loss is the loss, or the same sentence, what kind of bicycle do you want?

It's enough to have a car, and Zhu Xuelian really didn't think about it.

In other words, she didn't even think about trains and cars. When she first met Tang Zhan, this kid was useless.

Even when he first fought with Tang, he didn't even liberate the provincial capital of Taixi, he was just a prince.

But with her joining, Tang Zhan suddenly went crazy like a carp jumping over the dragon's gate, and became the strongest.To be honest, she really couldn't imagine it!
Tang Zhan is not so satisfied with his glorious achievements. He only has one idea now, and that is to drive the little devil out as soon as possible.

He is now a soldier with self-respect, and the combat effectiveness of his men is relatively strong, and his weapons and equipment are also the most powerful in China and even in the whole of Asia, so he has to do something with his own ability, so that he can be worthy of his status as a time traveler.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhan simply had nothing to do, so he came to the bank of the Jiangsu River to inspect the situation.

He looked at the triangle crossing opposite, his eyes were full of longing and anticipation, he was looking forward to the scene where he got there.

But Cui Kangfang who followed him gave him a blow to the head.

Cui Kangfang pointed helplessly and said: "Battle Commander, there is a hill called Tianci Mountain behind Sanjiaodu, and the 'Ghost Shimanzi' division that fought against us is stationed on that hill.

According to our reliable information, they have hollowed out the whole mountain!
And you see, there are bunkers in front of the mountain, and there is no danger on the surface, but the tidal flats are relatively narrow. In other words, no matter how we charge, it is estimated that we will suffer heavy casualties! "

Tang Zhan looked at the situation through the binoculars and was also taken aback.

From his perspective, the trees on the opposite hill were dry, and the barren land was exposed in front of him. The only living things that could be seen were the three trenches and dots of bunkers in front of the hill.

But after Cui Kangfang said this, he realized what he was facing.

He is also familiar with this battle example, so he borrowed the tactics of his predecessors and said: "If we use explosives to blow up the little devil's secret passage, wouldn't it be better?
And our special forces are proficient in infiltration. If they infiltrate and blow up all the passages with explosives, the effect should be significant, right? "

But the reality is that situations are slightly different from situation to situation.

This is not Nantianmen, this is Tianci Mountain.The so-called Tianci Mountain, its name already shows its nature not to be trifled with.

The geology of Tianci Mountain is hard and the structure is solid, and it is said that it took the little devil just three months to dig through it, and the number of people he mobilized was 6 to [-]!

Except for the "Ghost Stone Manzi" division and the original troops, they kept recruiting farmers and building them day and night!
And according to people familiar with the matter, the tunnels built by the little devils were not as simple as digging through. They poured cement inside and made a lot of reasonable load-bearing structures at the same time.

To put it bluntly, there is a reason, the ground here is relatively hard, and bombs cannot blow it down in a short time.

Secondly, the load-bearing structure here is perfect, in other words, the damage caused by the bomb is very limited.

It seems that there are only one or two regiments on the opposite side, but inside, in the mountain, there is a whole division!

With the help of the terrain, Tang Zhan had almost nothing to do with them.

"Then how did they dig through?" Tang Zhan was also very surprised. Since the ground is hard, why can the little devil be able to dig through?

"Of course it was piled up by people! It is said that the little devils also thought about using bombs at the beginning, but the bloody reality is in front of them. They can only dig with shovels and shovels!

There is also an unreliable piece of information. In order to dig through here, the little devil used tens of millions of shovels!Think about it, the shovel is worn out, how can we blow it up with a bomb in a short time? "

"What about the stone, how did they open it?"

"Use the most stupid way, chisel and chisel! Similar to Lei Gong, hammer and hammer can finally build this kind of spectacle!"

Hearing what this kid said, Tang Zhan was a little taken aback.

You must know that in the real battles he heard in the future, the revolutionary army was not facing a field army of an entire division, but a regiment.

Even so, the casualties were very large. In other words, the victory was piled up with human lives!
Wave after wave of people went to die one after another, until the little devil's ammunition was exhausted, and the dark fort was conquered.

But now, Tang Zhan is facing an entire well-equipped first-class division!
The "Ghost Stone Manzi" division is even the best in the little devil's field army. This kind of person's combat ability is self-evident, and he must never be piled up with people!

There are a total of 2 people on the opposite side. If they fight head-on, Tang Zhan will not be effective if he wipes out these 10 people.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhan sighed helplessly.

"Have the special forces under Li Tianyang been dispatched? Let them investigate the specific situation. I don't believe that this mountain bag has no weaknesses!"

"Commander, the fact is that the little devils have already realized the infiltration method we often use. In order to prevent infiltration, they hoarded food for several months in advance, and the supply troops put down the ammunition and left.

And the supplies have been supplied for so long, I reckon that the little devils here have at least a few months of supplies, so we don't know the internal situation at all! "

Tang Zhan clenched his fists. To be honest, the little devil is really hateful.

With such an iron wall, Tang Zhan really didn't know what to do.

Tang Zhan also understood that the original form of Shimadzu Taitaro's mountain fort warfare method was actually stronger than his setting.

To put it differently, Taitaro Shimadzu is an imitation of Dongshi. Although there are some similarities, there is no comparison with the real Xishi.

Tang Zhan is quite lucky, if he meets the original author, he will say goodbye completely!
(End of this chapter)

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