Anti-Japanese Jagged Captain

Chapter 375 Discussing Strategies

Chapter 375 Discussing Strategies
Seeing that Jin Dadao was so rampant, everyone started to tease him.

"Jin Dadao, we are indeed not wine bags and rice bags, but you are! Although the battalion commander's military order is strict, you are not allowed to drink, but you are a good eater!
Dun Dun is a cornmeal pancake, and you have to drink four big bowls of corn porridge after eating it. You are a real rice bag! "

"That's right, you eat more than the three of them, no doubt about it!"

"Jin Dadao, Jin Dadao, tell me what are your strengths?"

When Jin Dadao saw that he was being teased, he felt aggrieved.

"Then I really don't have enough to eat! We martial arts practitioners exercise a lot, so we eat more than ordinary people. Isn't this a normal thing!

You are also really, just know how to laugh at me! "

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, everyone, go back and deploy!"

Chen Xiaochuan came out at the right time to smooth things over, because if everyone continued to talk like this, Jin Dadao would definitely cry!This kid looks very strong, but in fact he is still very fragile inside!

To put it bluntly, he is a small-minded person, he can't be provoked, once he starts to cry, he can drown Chen Xiaochuan to death!

On the other side, Tang Zhan is also making arrangements in full swing.

Because the predetermined condition of this exercise is that the revolutionary army has broken through the three rivers, and after crossing the three rivers, it can be said that there is no danger to defend!
Faced with such a situation, Tang Zhan had to withstand the opponent's advances.

But Tang Zhan is not good at defensive battles under the predetermined conditions. Although he has repelled the little devils' attacks several times, he is now playing the role of a super-class army of little devils who can't escape and don't want to take the initiative to attack unless he has to, so he can't be sloppy!
Tang Zhan is still very anxious!

On the other side, Liu Badou did the same.

Although he has a lot of knowledge, the defensive warfare during World War II is still very novel. To be honest, he also dabbles very little!
what should we do?

So, Tang Zhan also held a meeting, and all the company commanders arrived!

"To be honest, everyone, this is the first time I've fought this kind of defensive battle. I don't have much experience. If you have any opinions, please let me know!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Obviously, they played less.

In the past, they either took advantage of natural dangers or took the initiative to attack. They seldom played this kind of defensive battle that sapped the enemy's will to attack.

So there is nothing good for everyone for a while.

At this time, Cui Kangfang, Liu Lianchang, stepped forward.

"Since everyone doesn't speak up, I'm going to play tricks and say it bluntly! What do you want in a defensive battle, what you want is layer upon layer of defense, what you want is superiority in troops!
Think about it, everyone, although the number of people on the other side is the same as ours, they can concentrate their superior forces to attack one point!But we are different, we have to defend every point that will be attacked by the enemy!
It can be said that a defensive battle with equal numbers is not easy to fight!So I think the first thing we need to do is boost morale!Because the battalion commander said that this is an actual battle, if it really happens, everyone will be sad!

Therefore, I think we can follow the example of Yu Qian, a patriotic literati in the Ming Dynasty. When the critical moment came, all the troops drove out of the city and set up defenses outside the city.
Only in this way can we fight to the death with the enemy! "

Tang Zhan was not at all happy.

This Cui Kangfang graduated from the lecture hall, which has also explained defensive warfare. In addition, Cui Kangfang has a high level of comprehension and has unique ideas about defensive warfare.

With such a company commander, Tang Zhan felt so lucky!
In the future, this person will definitely be entrusted with important tasks!
"Well said, you continue!" Tang Zhan's happiness was beyond words.

And the revolutionary army is not those decadent feudal dynasties. Under the influence of Tang Zhan, everyone will not accept anyone, but only those who are capable.

As long as you have the ability, even if you are an ordinary soldier, everyone will listen to you and will not interrupt you!

So the scene was completely silent!

"The above is about the situation in a desperate situation. Next, let's talk about the actual combat situation. Our revolutionary army's fighting style is relatively simple. Since we are playing the role of a super smart villain, we must know this information!
So based on this information, I guess that the revolutionary army's attack must have a fighting method of directly attacking Huanglong.Because every time, we hit the little devil hard like this!

In addition, the opponent has tanks, so a frontal attack is unlikely!But on the other hand, the opponent also knows how wary we are, so there will not be too many troops going straight to Huanglong. Most of their troops are concentrated on the frontal battlefield just like our attack on the provincial city of Taixi!
So let me talk about our strategic policy first.

First of all, the frontal troops are deployed along this line. There are four county towns here, which just form a four-corner encirclement, blocking the enemy's attack road.

We have deployed 4 people here, stationed in four cities.

If the enemy disperses the attack, we just need to stick to it.If the enemy concentrates their forces, no matter which county is attacked, the rest of our counties can take the initiative to make their dumplings!
I won't go into detail about the defense situation one by one, I will show you later.

Unfortunately, we can only leave 1 people in the urban area of ​​Yufeng City.I guess, the revolutionary army will definitely attack together with the tank troops, so this is the key point of the whole war!
Fortunately, we have 88 anti-aircraft guns, which can still deal with medium tanks!So let's go out of the city directly, deploy all the defenses outside the city, and spread out the formation, their Panther tanks will definitely not be able to hold on!
When the Panther tanks are eliminated, we can fight to the death!Of course, the deployment situation will be given to everyone later!

But I hope everyone can work hard, don't underestimate the enemy, and try not to charge if you can.But you have to seize the right time, and you must not let it go when you can charge! "

Speaking of this, everyone stood up unconsciously at the same time, as if silently assuring that they would never let Cui Kangfang down!
Soon, deployment began in the city.

And those four counties also entered the garrison respectively.This is considered a frontal battlefield, but not the main battlefield, so there is no need to go out of the city gate here, as long as you stick to the city wall!

Things have progressed to this point, everything is going well, just as Tang Zhan thought, everyone's desire to fight is still very strong!

As long as everyone has the desire to fight, Tang Zhan feels that his efforts have not been in vain.Only the troops that earnestly practice are the troops with combat qualities. If they are treated as children's play games, then the troops will be finished!

Soon, Chen Xiaochuan launched an attack!
Hulala 4 horses plus [-] Panther tanks drove over!
The fight between the two sides is quite interesting, and they did not start the fight directly, but according to the exercise instruction manual.

The offense and defense of both sides are strictly limited!
(End of this chapter)

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