Chapter 294 Raiding Baoyu (Seventeen)
Baoyu said foolishly: "I don't know either, I just know that I don't want you to be angry, I want to see you smile and see you happy."

Daiyu looked at him and smiled and said, "Then you have to remember what you said today, and don't make me cry for you again."

Baoyu nodded and said, "No, my dear sister, I won't make you angry anymore."

That day Daiyu had nothing to do, she took a nap on the bed, and all the maids went out to enjoy themselves. The room was very quiet. Baoyu lifted the soft embroidered curtain and went into the room, only to see Daiyu sleeping there.

Baoyu hurriedly came up to push her and said, "My good sister, I just ate and went to bed again." After waking Daiyu up, Daiyu saw that it was Baoyu, so she said, "Go out for a stroll. I had a night of trouble before. I haven't rested yet, and my whole body is sore."

Baoyu said: "Aches and pains are minor, but illnesses when you sleep out are serious. I'll relieve your boredom, and you'll be fine if you get over sleepy."

Daiyu just closed her eyes and said, "I'm not sleepy, I just take a rest, and you can go somewhere else to make a fuss and come back."

Baoyu pushed her and said, "Where am I going? I get tired of seeing other people."

After hearing this, Daiyu sneered and said with a laugh: "Since you want to stay here, go sit there honestly and let's talk."

Baoyu said, "I'm crooked too."

Daiyu said, "You're crooked."

Baoyu said: "There is no pillow, we are on the same pillow."

Daiyu said: "Fart! Isn't there a pillow outside? Get one to sleep on."

Baoyu went out to the outside room, took a look, came back and smiled and said, "I don't want that, and I don't know if it belongs to that dirty woman."

After hearing this, Daiyu opened her eyes, stood up and said with a smile, "You are really the demon star I have chosen! Please sleep on this one."

Saying that, he pushed his own pillow with Baoyu, got up and took another one of his own, and put himself on the pillow, and the two fell down facing each other.

Daiyu saw a blood stain the size of a button on Baoyu's left cheek, so she leaned over and came closer, stroked it with her hand, and said, "Whose nails are scratching this?"

Baoyu turned sideways, hid, and said with a smile: "It's not scratched, I'm afraid it's just washing out the rouge cream for them, and it got a little bit on it."

As she spoke, she looked for a handkerchief to wipe off, so Daiyu wiped it off with her own handkerchief, saying, "You've done these things again, it's all right, you must still put on a cover, that's all." Uncle can't see it, but other people see it, and they take it as a novelty to imitate the tongue, and blow it into Uncle's ears, and everyone should be unclean and angry."

Baoyu never heard these words, but only smelled a faint fragrance, which came from Daiyu's sleeves, and the smell was intoxicating.

Baoyu grabbed Daiyu's sleeve and said, "Sister, tell me quickly, what kind of incense are you smoking? Why does it smell so good?"

Daiyu said with a smile: "Winter is cold in October, who brings what incense?"

Baoyu laughed and said, "In that case, where does the incense come from?"

Daiyu said: "Even I don't know, it must be the fragrance in the cabinet, and I don't know what is infected on the clothes."

Baoyu shook his head and said, "Not necessarily, the smell of this incense is strange, not like the incense of those incense pancakes and incense bags."

Hearing what he said, Daiyu sneered and said: "Could it be that I have some arhats and real people who can give me some incense? Even if I get a strange fragrance, I don't have any brothers or brothers who get flowers, Duo'er, Shuang'er, Xue'er Cook it for me, all I have are those vulgar fragrances."

(End of this chapter)

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