The heroine's heartthrob strategy daily

Chapter 176 Raiders of the High-cold Actor

Chapter 176 Raiders of the High-cold Actor (26)

"Mo Chen, what's going on?" Shen Anzhou came up and asked.

"Shen Anzhou, Shen Anzhou, you are really blind, you will regret it." Lin Jingchen rushed over and grabbed his lapel.

Shen Anzhou grabbed her hand, curled his lips and said, "I won't regret it, Lin Jingchen, you should give up that heart, I won't like you."

"You came to me for her, you were desperate for her, you could do anything for her, but you know what I did for you? I sacrificed everything for you."

Lin Jingchen looked at him, scenes of the past emerged in her mind, Shen Anzhou said: "Fengqing has an accident, only you can save her, I beg you."

Shen Anzhou said: "Fengqing wants something, and only you can get it, so you are doing me a favor."

Shen Anzhou said: "Lin Jingchen, help me protect Fengqing, she is my life."

Lin Jingchen suddenly laughed.

"Shen Anzhou, you are so cruel."

"Shen Anzhou, you don't love me, but you've been taking advantage of my love."

"Shen Anzhou, sometimes I wonder if the food I made for you wasn't tasty enough, if the handwriting I learned wasn't good enough, if the gift I gave you wasn't careful enough, no.

Then I was thinking again, is it because my clothes are not suitable enough when I go out, is it because my makeup is not pressed enough when I see you, is it because I am not beautiful enough, or not.

Later I understood, it’s not that I’m not good enough, it’s not that I don’t love you enough, it’s not that I don’t do enough, it’s that you don’t like me when I like it. "

Shen Anzhou frowned, looking at her, he couldn't bear it after all, and only a stupid woman like Lin Jingchen could do this.

"Let's go, it's useless, even if you talk about the hype, I only have Fengqing in my heart and eyes."

Lin Jingchen left, and she said, "Even so, I still like you very much."

"Ka, very good, Ma Jing and Jiuqian are doing well." After Fang Weizhi called out Ka, the camera's image just froze on Shen Anzhou's elusive expression.

"Thank you, Director Fang." The two were praised politely, of course.

Fang Weizhi waved his hand and said, "Okay, I will leave work early today, it has given me enough energy, and tomorrow will be the highlight."

"Jiuqian, can we talk?"

As soon as Gu Jiuqian walked out of the studio, she heard Lin Chengfeng's voice, and she was really afraid of something.

System: "Host, it's over, he probably knows something, he came to settle accounts with you, after all, your bug is quite cheap."

Gu Jiuqian rolled her eyes and said helplessly, "Impossible, if he found out earlier, would he wait until now?"

Lin Chengfeng walked up to her quickly, and said with a smile: "Jiuqian, do you misunderstand me? Give me some time, can we sit down and have a good chat?"

Gu Jiuqian thought to herself if she misunderstood you at all, and she didn't want to talk to you about where you like to play, but she just smiled on her face.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Lin Chengfeng felt that there might be a misunderstanding, so he continued: "Jiuqian, I think we really need to talk..."

Gu Jiuqian didn't have time to listen to him at this time. A tall and handsome man appeared in her sight. Although he was wearing sunglasses, he still couldn't stop his infinite charm.

(End of this chapter)

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