Chapter 251 Relying on Iron Cavalry

Yuan Shao's so-called big killer is his heavy armored cavalry with the strongest combat effectiveness. Because he is the overlord of the north, he attaches great importance to military strength. Cavalry plus heavy armor can be said to be the strongest in the Three Kingdoms at that time.

Further north of Jizhou ruled by Yuan Shao, there are tribes of northern nomads. To deal with them, Yuan Shao also increased his combat power.

"Liu Xie, don't think that you are lucky enough to take advantage of a few small battles. This world is yours. When I, Yuan Shaoyuan, first fought in the world, you were still wearing crotch pants!"

Yuan Shao is really not bragging, he has fought all his life, and he is much better than Yuan Shu.

During the battle against Gongsun Zan, this tactical idea of ​​using heavy cavalry was more clear and specific.

Among the military generals, there is no shortage of fierce generals and wise generals, and Yuan Shao is not lacking. Why is there so many talents in Hebei?
Now, his veteran Ju Yi is the ultimate trump card in his hand.

Qu Yi (also composer Yi, Ju Yi), whose birth and death dates are unknown, was a general under the warlord Yuan Shao in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. .

Later, he was killed by Yuan Shao because of his arrogance and misconduct because of his high meritorious service.

But now that Yuan Shao has been defeated one after another, Liu Xie is about to lead the whole army to pounce on him. Yuan Shao can't suppress his anger, and patiently asks Qu Yi. In front of Qu Yi's camp, Yuan Shao puts on In his most luxurious attire, he announced loudly in front of the whole army that he appointed Qu Yi as a general, defeated Cao Cao and was promoted to a first-class official, and became a marquis.

"Thank you Lord Ron!"

Qu Yi's reply was a bit lost, Xie Zhu Long En said it as if Yuan Shao had become the emperor, but Yuan Shao was very happy to hear it.

Of course, Yuan Shao severely punished Yuan Tan, but he did not kill him. No matter what mistakes he made, Yuan Tan was still his own son after all.

"Old General Qu, tell me, how should our army defeat the enemy?"

"General, why should we be afraid when the enemy is weak? If he dares to send troops to attack, I will smash him with my army!"

Qu Yi was also a bit confused by the praise, he announced loudly to everyone:

"Our heavy cavalry has traversed the desert and defeated alien races. Who dares to resist the brave cavalry? If we can't defeat Cao Cao and the emperor's army within three days, I will raise my head to see the general!"

"it is good!"

Everyone cheered as if they were cheering, but they also murmured in their hearts about Qu Yi's big talk, can it really work?
"General, please come to the North Camp tomorrow to watch our military drills and drills. The day after tomorrow, the last general will lead his troops to fight against Liu Xie and Cao Cao. Kill them all!"

"Okay, then you have something to do!" Yuan Shao said happily.

On the second day, Yuan Shao brought all the civilian and military officers in the battalion ready to watch the drill, and the seats were full.

Within the barracks, there are many soldiers and generals, and the Yuan family shows no signs of being defeated at all. The civil servants include Tian Feng, Jushou and other celebrities, and there are also many military generals. For a while, no one can feel how much danger lies around them .

Although the four courtyard pillars are gone, the Yuan family has no vacancies. Jiao Chu, Zhang Nan, Jiang Yiqu, Zhao Rong, Meng Dai, Han Xun, Han Meng, Lu Kuang, Lu Xiang, Lu Weihuang, and the third son All nephews know martial arts, Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, Yuan Shang, high-ranking officials!
And the heavy cavalry led by Qu Yi is really majestic and murderous. About ten thousand heavy cavalry can be regarded as pouring most of Yuan Shao's wealth and effort. Yuan Shao looked up and saw the rumbling heavy cavalry. The cavalry are all wearing heavy armor, even the horses are also wearing armor!

"This horse is covered with battle armor. Besides, what every cavalry wears is impenetrable to ordinary bows and arrows. Even spears, halberds, and swords are hard to destroy. Our soldiers can kill a large number of mobs like them. I believe that when the time comes, that good-for-nothing emperor will obediently surrender!"

"Okay!" Yuan Shao personally brought Tian Feng and Jushou a group of civil and military soldiers down to check. Sure enough, the cavalry has evolved a lot compared to the previous armored heavy cavalry. Yuan Shao was overjoyed and patted Qu Yi's shoulder happily, "Old General Ah, it seems that the important task of turning the tide of battle is in your hands, I sincerely wish you a successful start and success in no time!"

"Thank you, General," Qu Yi continued triumphantly, "With the weapon in hand, you can rest easy, General!"

"Let me borrow your good words, I hope that the world can be pacified as soon as possible, and the great man can be revived..."

Yuan Shao also pretended to be deep, frowning, and there were piles of worries about the country and the people on his face:
"Well, the prosperity of the people is suffering, and the death of the people is suffering. The most pitiful are the people at the bottom. From now on, if there is peace in the world, this general must reduce corvees and taxes, so that every ordinary person can live and work in peace. In the future, we will encourage the common people to have more children, and the big man will become more and more prosperous!"

"Ahem! General, do you want to check whether the equipment of the three armies is suitable? Everyone, think about it. Are there any mistakes?"

Military advisor Tian Feng was a little dissatisfied with his lord Yuan Shao's daydreams, so he couldn't help interrupting Yuan Shao's wild thoughts at an untimely time.

"Hmm... I should take a look, let's go and take a look with this general!"

Yuan Shao's expression was suddenly very unhappy. The feeling of being interrupted from a beautiful imagination was like seeing a beauty addicted, and then just about to pull the beauty to have a good time, but Tian Feng disturbed the good thing, of course Tian Feng didn't Don't disturb such good things as Yuan Shao.

"Look, General, these soldiers and horses seem to lack coordination when running. It seems that General Quyi needs further training..."

Tian Feng dutifully pointed out, failed consecutively, the hair of his military adviser really turned white overnight, in the past in Yuan Shao's army, the most capable Sitingzhu, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhang Yun, Gao Lan all collapsed, three As soon as he died, Tian Feng was thinking why is this Liu Xie so powerful?

He defeated us as if we were destroyed. Could it be that the heavens are helping Liu Xie?

At the same time, Tian Feng also had opinions on Yuan Shao. From the very beginning when he sent troops to attack the south, Tian Feng kept saying that he was afraid that it would be very difficult to succeed. Why don't we develop our strength in the north and enrich the people and strengthen the army? Emperor Liu Xie and Cao Cao It is also very difficult to develop power in the Central Plains after a long period of war. It is not as good as in the north. The time for a decisive battle is not ripe, but Yuan Shao has to listen to him.

Now, Yuan Shao's habit of militarism makes him believe that the only thing in the world that determines the victory or defeat of Wang Kou is strength and military strength.

"Just watch the cavalry charge drill!"

Qu Yi pointed to the other side, the ground trembled with the countless cavalry rushing forward, and the halberds each of them held in their hands had a gloomy cold light on the tip of the halberd. Shoot, and then the rows of cavalry rushed over, and the ordinary branches that were arranged were powerless against their mobile fortresses.

"Boom rumble..."

Immediately afterwards, countless similar cavalry rushed over, which shocked everyone. The combat power of this cavalry heavy armor is too scary, right?

(End of this chapter)

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