The practice of fast wear is successful

Chapter 692 The Ancient Mother

Chapter 692 The Ancient Mother ([-])


Disgusting black water flowed from the sharp teeth of the tall monster, like thick oil, but with a strange light and a smoky smell.

Jin Ke pointed his nine lights at the monster that was much bigger than him, and was ready to wait for the opportunity when it was relaxing!


Soon, the monster jumped three feet high, stayed in the air for a while, and then fell quickly. Jin Ke flapped his wings and raised his sword to meet it.

I have to say that this kind of unknown monster is really difficult to deal with, because Jin Ke treated the matter of killing the monster just now to make him stronger, and it is inevitable that such a thing will happen again.

She thought, this kind of monster is neither soft nor hard when cut, it is like a mass of air, and it will also turn into black mist, and then condense into a more powerful monster. How can we really destroy it?

The monster still attacked Jin Ke relentlessly, like the instinct of a wild beast, Jin Ke just avoided it.

For this reason, a lot of the bright scales on her wings were torn off, which, I have to say, was very painful.

Suddenly, she realized that she couldn't go on like this forever, so she would attack its most special place. If it couldn't be killed and faced with making it stronger, then she would face it herself.

So, she stabbed at the only place that was different from the black on her body, it was the monster's eyes, gray-blue, lifeless, but easy to identify.


When she attacked the monster's eyes, it panicked, Jin Ke's eyes lit up, it was useful!
So she attacked the monster's eyes at all costs.


He accidentally bumped into the monster's body, and the feeling of hitting the iron block made Jin Ke's arm ache.This is a completely different feeling from Jiuguang chopping it!
I don't know what the body of this monster is made of, but it's so hard, it's obviously scattered when poked with nine lights.




Jin Ke fought against the evolved monster many times, and almost defeated her every time. Sure enough, it was different from her.


In an instant, Jin Ke's Jiuguang was knocked out by the monster, and Jin Ke was startled, "You!"

Before she had time to think about it, she took out all kinds of attack charms she had bought and threw them at the monster. It was really effective. She used the life-saving charm to protect herself, and then remained in a stalemate with the monster.


Finding the opportunity, Jin Ke went straight down, brought Jiuguang back into his hand, and then looked for the opportunity, and passed the monster's eyeball.


The grinning monster suddenly paused, and its body was torn apart like a piece of paper. Jin Ke let out a long breath. Her body was covered with sweat and her face was a little pale. Fortunately, there were no fatal injuries on her body.

The monster's eyeballs were snapped off by her.

Two gray-blue beads exude a faint light.

"Congratulations, master, you have successfully hunted down a second-level evil spirit."

Shi Fang appeared in front of him, and Jin Ke couldn't help but ask, "Is that ugly monster an evil spirit?"

Tsk tsk, thinking of their dark appearance, Jin Ke can't help but feel disgusted, it's really evil!

Shi Fang said, "Yes, those first-level evil spirits who rushed over from the beginning are extremely powerful, but people with a little bit of skill can still hold them back. The difficulty is that they don't know how to kill them. Even though they are the lowest level of evil spirits, each evil spirit has different weaknesses, if you kill the wrong place, it will make the evil spirits advance."

"Just like the one the master saw later, it not only has a stronger fighting power, but also eats other evil spirits to replenish energy. However, his weakness should be obvious, that is, its eyes, which are also its inheritance."

Jin Ke squeezed the beads in his hand in surprise, "Are these two beads the monster's weakness, or is it its ability?"

inherited?I don't know if there is any essential difference from the inheritance in the cultivation world.

"That's right, the inheritance of this monster is about strength. The master is already so powerful that he doesn't need it anymore."

"But just in case, the owner should keep it in a collection. It might be useful in the future."

Jin Ke nodded, "Even though I have great strength, there will be a day when I run out of strength. These two eyeballs can just increase my strength."

Jin Ke put the good things into his pocket with a smile.

"Master, it's almost time, go back, there are still tasks to do."

Shifang brought Jin Ke back to the Dragon Palace.

Fugui rushed forward, "Azhao!"

"Hey, your cat food."

Seeing Fugui, Shifang smiled, "Is everything packed?"

Fugui said, "It's packed."

These cat food are small fish in the Dragon Palace, there are countless, A Zhao asked him to find some cat food, he had to make these small fish into small dried fish.

Jin Ke glanced at the cat food behind Fugui. There was a lot of it. She smiled, "These things should be enough for my cat to eat in this mission world."

She packed things into the space.

Inside, a palm-sized kitten timidly glanced at the small dried fish that was thrown in, with salivation in its eyes, and waited for a long time for no one, then crawled over to eat the small dried fish.

Jin Ke could see the picture inside, she blinked at the little blue cat and smiled, cats are the most healing things.

"Shifang, I'm going to the mission world."


As soon as Jin Ke became conscious, he smelled an unpleasant smell, even if it was pungent, the kind that even wanted to make people faint.

She said, "Shifang, memory!"

Shi Fang replied, "Okay."

Only then did Jin Ke accept the memory.

This world is equivalent to the ancient times of human beings, but it is somewhat different. Human beings have passed through these stages from drinking blood to knowing how to use fire for warmth, and the current human beings have entered the tribal period.

Just like the feudal dynasty, there are constant wars among the tribes, and the destruction caused by the war is huge. The winning party can drive the losing party as a slave, buying, selling, beating and scolding at will. In this era, the life of a slave is the least valuable Yes, although there is no fixed and complete slavery system now, it is similar to a slave society.

The client was called Wu Ya, who was the daughter of the chief of the Ye Tribe, but few people knew about it, because when she was born, the Ye Tribe was attacked by a sky fire, so she was considered unknown, and she was thrown to a nearby village. Tiankeng, there is a bad existence in the eyes of everyone.

The client is forgotten by everyone, but no one knows that Tiankeng, which has always been cast aside by the Ye tribe, is a paradise. There are three thousand peach blossoms here, picturesque scenery, and rich ingredients. Wu Ya was raised by a white wolf here. Later, the wolves here all perished for some reason, leaving only Wu Ya and a bunch of unconscious little animals.

Because the Ye Tribe was defeated by the powerful Yu Tribe, all the people in the Ye Tribe became slaves. The Yu Tribe accidentally discovered the secret of the Tiankeng. Wu Ya was beaten to death because the Yu Tribe had heard that there was a terrible She would bring bad luck to people, so the innocent Wu Ya was beaten to death on the spot.

And her wish is that the tiankeng is not discovered, she doesn't want anyone to come here.

Jin Ke hummed, with doubts, "Is this task so simple?"

Shi Fang said, "It's not easy, you will feel heartache for the initial ignorance of human beings!"

(End of this chapter)

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