I'm just a peach

Chapter 528 Chapter 2

Chapter 528
Patted their little heads: "Okay, okay, then I will tell you the story of Grandma Qin."

His eyes moved to the river, and his eyes flickered slightly: "Once upon a time, I liked a woman very much. At that time, I thought that no matter what everyone thought of her or thought of her, I would marry her as my wife, but because of A moment of timidity lost her."

"How could it be, Grandpa Qin is so good, how could he be so timid!" The second son waved his hands in disbelief, "It must be Grandma Qin's fault!"

Qin Chaofu shook his head, his eyes were unprecedentedly serious: "No, I did something wrong."

Someone once said that the happiest thing in the world is to be an emperor.

Sitting in the country, above ten thousand people, no one can disobey an emperor. I also thought so when I was young, until I sat in this high position.

Qin is a big country, with barbarians in the north and Xixia in the south. Every country is staring at it, expecting that once I relax, I will take the opportunity to attack. Therefore, in the 47 years of my reign, I hardly have a single day. The happiest day was when she was hunted down outside the palace.

That was the first time I saw her.

She is lively and cute, but reveals an evil spirit, excellent martial arts, no, maybe it should not be called martial arts, it is a kind of magic technique that I have only seen in the national teacher, she easily drove away the Several assassins turned and left without hesitation.

At that time, I had a strong desire to keep her. If I didn't, I was afraid I would never see her again.

So for the first time, I made a fool of myself and asked her to send me to the capital.She is a money addict, and she couldn't walk when she saw the money bag, so she escorted me to the capital in the end.

As soon as I returned to the capital, the chief guard found me, and the day when I parted from her finally came.

When I returned to the palace, I only wanted to see her again. For this reason, I widely distributed the imperial list, as long as women of the right age, regardless of their family background, can participate in the draft.I am looking forward to meeting her again in the palace, and I swear that as long as I can see her again, I will firmly hold her hand.

Thanks to God's pity, I really saw her again!

She said her name was Qianluo, but she had a completely different personality from her name, she dared to love and hate, but she was wanton and unrestrained.

I kept her sign, but saw that there was no joy in her eyes. I knew that her heart was not on me.I am mad with jealousy, I am the emperor, above one person, under ten thousand people, how could anyone dislike me?
I flipped through her brand, forced her on the bed, and tried to cook the raw rice, but when I saw her tenacious resistance, I suddenly lost my strength.

Her heart is not on me, what can I get if I force it?
I didn't go to her palace again, but I had a glimmer of hope that when she forgets the man in her heart one day, she will obediently stay by my side and stay with me forever.I thought that I would always touch her, but I was wrong.

When the fact that she was a demon unfolded in front of my eyes, I was scared and timid!

I am not afraid that she is a demon, but I am afraid that the ministers will kowtow day and night, and I am afraid that the throne I have finally won will be shaken.Below me, there are too many people who want to take the throne. I can't lose, at least I can't lose here.

I gave up, I let go of her hand, I let them take her away.

(End of this chapter)

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