nanming man

Chapter 325 Fan Yongdou wants to smash the plate

Chapter 325 Fan Yongdou wants to smash the plate
Outside the restaurant, it was drizzling, and the rainwater fell drop by drop along the blue tiles, into some muddy puddles under the eaves.

These profiteers in Nanzhili are really unscrupulous. At this time, they come to Huguang to fry food, which is blocking Fan Yongdou's way.

Last year, when Li Zicheng captured Shanxi, he suddenly copied Jiexiu Fan's family, almost wiped out his decades of savings.

This time, Dorgon lent him money to run the business and let him buy food for the Qing Dynasty, so that he had a chance to make a comeback.

Dorgon lent him money in the hope of getting relatively cheap grain from him. Naturally, the Qing court would not give him too high a price, so Fan Yongdou bought grain in Huguang, and the lower the grain price, he shipped it to Beijing. The more you earn.

Now that the profiteers in Nanzhi have raised the price so high at once, he will definitely not make money in Beijing after excluding the cost of transportation.

After all, it is impossible for him to sell to Daqing at too high a price, which would cause Daqing to misunderstand him, thinking that he deliberately raised grain prices to blackmail Daqing.

With the Prince Regent's temper, he might be chopped off with a single knife, and then all the money and food would be confiscated.

Now that the price of grain is so high, Fan Yongdou is very passive and continues to eat. If he goes to Huguang, he will lose money instead. If he does not eat, he will not be able to complete the task of buying grain given to him by the Qing Dynasty.

Part of the grain they bought from the south was to be eaten in the north, and part was to be given to King Azig of England and King Duoduo of Yu as military rations.

Since it is military rations, do you feel delayed?

The shopkeeper's surname is Qian. Hearing what it said, he hurriedly picked up the ledger and flipped through a few pages, then raised his head, "Master, there are still [-] shi, which have not been transported away!"

"Only [-] shi?" Fan Yongdou frowned, and suddenly asked: "Finish prices have risen so fast, Huguang Chief Political Officer, did not send someone to manage and suppress food prices?"

"There was a notice to crack down on hoarding, but no one died of starvation, and the people from Nanzhilai seem to have a lot of background, and the local business houses are also involved. As long as there is no civil uprising or major incidents, how can the government Take care!" Shopkeeper Qian said.

This is indeed the case in the government. The bureaucrats have always been aloof. If there is no problem, they will not see people. Only when things get big will someone come out to clean them up.

The local forces are intertwined, and they are also related to the government. As long as there are no major problems, the government will generally not manage them.

Although the price of food has risen sharply, compared with the year before when Zhang Xianzhong made troubles in Huguang, it is still not at the highest point.

After hearing this, Fan Yongdou knew that it would be impossible to rely on the Ming government to open warehouses and sell grain at a low price, and to suppress grain prices.

His eyes were filled with anger, and he waved his hand: "Don't take away the [-] shi of grain from Yuezhou, and keep the grain that was brought in recently, I will use it."

Shopkeeper Qian was also a follower of Fan Yongdou for many years, and he couldn't help being surprised, "Master, do you want to tear down the Nanzhi gang and bring down the price of food?"

Fan Yongdou had a sneer on his face, "Of course we want to smash their plates. Such high food prices are not good for us or the Qing Dynasty."

For the Qing court, the lower the food price, the better for them.

"Boss, the people from Nanzhi inflated the price of grain. If we smash it down, they will definitely lose money. I'm afraid they will bear a grudge against us!" After all, it was in the Ming Dynasty, and the treasurer Qian was still a little worried.

"When I work for the Qing Dynasty, I am afraid of people from Nanzhi. This time I will not only smash their plates, but also make a lot of money." Fan Yongdou's eyes showed greed, but the strong dragon does not suppress the local snake, he really It also required a little preparation, so he ordered: "Master Qian, send someone to bring 5000 taels of silver, and immediately go to Wuchang to pay a visit to Huang Shu, the supervising army, and clear up the relationship, so as to prevent Xiaoxiao from making trouble for us!"

Huang Shu was Zuo Liangyu's supervisor. Historically, this person instigated Zuo Liangyu to rebel in the east. Later, after the Donglin Party messed up, he defected to the Qing court, deceived Zheng Zhilong, led the Qing army into Fujian, and overthrew the Longwu court.

Shopkeeper Qian hurriedly said, "Boss, I'll let my son handle this matter."

"Okay!" Fan Yongdou nodded, and then ordered: "You tell Xiaofeng to go today, and then take out all the cash in your hand, I want to buy food!"

Shopkeeper Qian had doubts on his face, "Boss, aren't you going to smash the price of grain with grain? Why are you harvesting grain instead? Isn't this making the price of grain even higher?"

Fan Yongdou had a sneer on his face, "Of course it is interesting to drop the price of food from a high place, so that we can earn more. Aren't those businessmen in Nanzhi want to stir up speculation? Let me help them to drive up the price of grain even higher." Some, after I reach a high level, I will throw out the grain in my hand. With so much grain entering the market, the price will definitely plummet. Those merchants who hold high-priced grain in their hands must be scared to death, and they will inevitably sell them first to recover their losses. At that time, I will be able to get the food back from the low position. If I sell high and buy low, my boss will make a lot of money! Hahaha~"

Fan Yongdou is indeed a person who has been in business for many years, and the business earns only a difference.

That group of Nanzhi people would never have imagined that they would make wedding dresses for him in the end.

If this matter is successful, not to mention recouping his losses in Shanxi, at least he can use the money from the Qing Dynasty to come to an empty-handed white wolf, and he can save a lot of money.

Outside the city of Yuezhou, in the Dongting Lake thirty miles to the southwest, there is a small island named Junshan, which is far away from the famous Yueyang Tower through the ages.

It is located in Dongting Lake, surrounded by water on all sides, with tangled peaks, ravines, green bamboos and picturesque scenery. Since ancient times, it has been a good place for literati to watch the lake and write poems.

Great poets such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Huang Tingjian, and Xin Qiji once enjoyed exotic flowers and plants in spring, the vast Dongting in summer, fisherman's songs and autumn moon in autumn, and migratory birds in wetlands in winter. They left many poems and stone carvings. A sacred place in the hearts of scholars.

Today, because of the arrival of a group of people, this holy place is filled with the smell of copper.

Although Junshan is not big, there are five wells and four platforms on the small island, as well as several temples.

At this time, in one of the meditation rooms in the backyard named Junshan Temple, more than a dozen people were sitting on futons and discussing secretly.

Ma Hongshan sat in the middle, closed his eyes and meditated, and a middle-aged man next to him said, "Old Ma, the price of grain has been raised to six taels per stone, and the price has tripled. You can double the profit, can you throw away part of it first?"

The price of grain in Huguang was originally two taels per shi. Ma Hongshan and others charged three taels first, and then four taels. At this time, they could already make huge profits from selling.

Ma Hongshan slowly opened his eyes, and gave him a disdainful look, "Where are we going?"

Ma Hongshan used to be just a wealthy gentry in Bozhou, and he had a close relationship with Ma Shiying, the chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty. The trade quickly expanded, and he became a big and prestigious businessman in Nanzhili.

Now that Ma Yuanwai is not what it used to be, his vision and ambition will naturally grow accordingly.

At this time, Ma Hongshan glanced at everyone with a pair of piercing eyes, and stretched out a slap, "Continue to fry, at least five times higher."

Now that Ma Yuanwai has money in his hands, he has to admit Ma Shiying as his uncle even at an age. He has a great network and has confidence in his heart.

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure walked in, lowered his head and whispered in his ear.

The horseman who was still in high spirits just now frowned and fell silent~
(End of this chapter)

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