Chapter 135 Doting My Wife Too Much [1]

She can't cry!

What's there to cry about!

Chu Yang and her were never meant to be together, and now they are all free.

Su Qingying, from now on, Jun Chuyang will completely leave your life—the same goes for Qian Xi!
With all her strength, she walked out of the gate of the Sixth Prince's Mansion.

Outside, a warm and elegant man was standing under the weeping willow not far away.

He was dressed in white clothes, standing against the wind, his face was like jade, exuding the elegance of the world.

Without saying a word, she ran down the steps lightly, bumped into his arms with her whole body, buried her face in his arms, and wept softly.

Jun Xiye hugged the little woman in her arms, raised her eyes, and sighed lightly, "Yingying, you made the best decision for everyone."

"But I..." Her tears were printed on his skirt, her voice was hoarse, "But I, I can never go back."

Chu Yang, Thousand Attacks, Thousand Attacks, Chu Yang.

Can't go back, can't go back again.

"It's okay." He stroked her long hair and said in a gentle voice: "You still have me, I will always be with you."

"Xiye—" she whispered with tears in her eyes, calling his name for the first time in her life.

Jun Xiye froze, and then embraced her even more deeply, "Yingying, my Yingying..."

Leaning lightly on his heart, tears flowed like broken pearls, and the torn wound in his heart was difficult to heal.

In Qionghua Garden.

"Sixth Brother! Sixth Brother!" Jun Chuxiao hissed.

On the soft couch was Jun Chuyang, who was spitting out his painstaking efforts.

Pale hands caressed the heart, where there was no more pain, and it became dead still.

It turns out that the end of heart disease is not pain, but heart death—oh, the heart is as dead, that's probably the case.

【Your Majesty, love your wife too much】

Ever since she came back from the Sixth Prince's Mansion that day, Qingying locked herself in Qinxue Pavilion.

Jun Xiye didn't even pay attention to government affairs, and concentrated on being with her. Whether she spoke or not, he was always with her.

Su Qingying is Su Qingying after all, even if she loses love, she will not let herself be sad for too long.

So, after drinking the tea in hand for the eighth time, she finally raised her eyebrows and said, "Jun Xiye, don't you need to go to the palace?"

Fearlessly pouring warm tea into the cup for the ninth time—Jun Xiye, who is the ninth time today, handed the cup to her gracefully, "Hey, drink the tea first."

"I don't drink tea!" Lightly put the tea cup on the table with a sway, "I drank a lot of water today, what do you want to do!"

"Drink more tea, it's good for your health." Jun Xiye's voice was always warm, and he picked up the teacup with a third-degree internal injury, and put it on his light lips.

"..." Breathe, breathe, breathe—

"Yingying, women are made of water, so..."

Your uncle, your sister's, your uncle's sister—

"Besides, this tea is brewed by me personally..."

Qingqing was so angry that she stared, pinched her waist flatly, and bared her teeth at him: "Dangshen, donkey-hide gelatin, privet privet... Are you tea! You are medicine at all!"

"That's right." Jun Xiye smiled, her smile was like a lotus flower, elegant and elegant, "herbal tea is also tea."

"You..." Qingying gritted her teeth, "Shameless!"

"Drink tea." He held up the teacup and insisted that she drink it.

"What do you want me to drink this for?" She drank eight glasses in a row, no matter how good it was, she couldn't drink it anymore.

Slowly, Jun Xiye bent her lips and smiled, "I'm pregnant."

(End of this chapter)

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