my primitive boyfriend

Chapter 123: Another Wave

Chapter 123: Another Wave (3)
"Director Wang, how are you doing these days?" Lin Ye's words were clearly ironic, since the authority has been removed, and he can only lie in this hospital bed all day long, what's so good about it?

"Heh!" Director Wang glanced at them, and turned his eyes away in disdain. How could he not know that the reason why he ended up in this situation, in the final analysis, was not because of their family?
"Yes!" Lin Ye deliberately glanced at the room and the guards outside, "It must be bad!"

"Ask knowingly!" Director Wang just looked at them and wanted to tear them apart!
"Why, it seems that you are very dissatisfied with us?" Lin Ye asked persuasively, "So you sent someone to arrest Mrs. Qi?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, Mrs. Qi was arrested, what does it matter to me?!" Director Wang was stunned, and immediately retorted.

However, Lin Ye saw the panic and clarity in Director Wang's eyes at a glance!
It seems that the person who kidnapped Qi's mother was not sent by Director Wang, but he must know something!
"Say! What do you know?" Lin Ye yelled sharply, his wolf-like eyes staring straight at Director Wang.

"I. I, I don't know!" When he was about to die, he didn't plan to tell the truth!

Just as Lin Ye was about to force him to tell the truth, Director Wang suddenly groaned in pain, his face quickly turned purple, and he grabbed his throat with both hands desperately. It seemed that he had been poisoned!
"Say, what do you know?" Seeing this, Lin Ye immediately asked at the last moment.

Director Wang opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he died before he could say anything!

Unwilling eyes widened, revealing deep resentment and resentment!
With such a big commotion, the guards outside naturally noticed it. After entering, before he had time to do anything, he had already died of poison.

The poison was naturally not from Lin Ye and Lin Luo, but the guard still had to ask a few questions as a matter of routine.

Lin Ye and Lin Luo finally returned without success.

After such a toss, it was already 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Luo, who returned to the hotel, was full of frustration, and now even Director Wang's thread is broken!
"Luo, be careful!" Lin Luo, who was concerned, lowered his head, not even noticing the cart that almost hit her.

"Miss, I'm so sorry, are you okay?" The cleaning staff was pushing the cart, and when they saw that they almost hit someone, they quickly apologized to them.

You know, the guests who can live here are either rich or noble. How can they provoke their little cleaners?
"It's okay." Lin Luo reluctantly smiled at the cleaner and shook his head.

It's none of her business, it's because I was absent-minded that I almost bumped into it.

Go back to the room.

Lin Ye apologetically told them the whole story, and Lin Luo was also dying beside him.

"The person who poisoned Director Wang to death should be in the same group as the person who kidnapped Qi's mother. Moreover, this group of people must have some kind of relationship with Director Wang before." Lin Ye also told them his deduction.

"En!" Qi's father nodded, also agreeing with Lin Ye's idea.

"By the way, how did you guys watch the video?" Since Director Wang couldn't get any clues here, he had to start with the video.

As soon as the video was mentioned, Qi Yue's face turned gray all of a sudden.

During this period of time, they carefully looked at everyone who entered and exited the women's bathroom, but none of them were Mama Qi!
And Qi's father has already started to watch this video repeatedly.

There is not even a window in the toilet on the side of the lobby, and there is only one exit for entry and exit. But how could such a large living person suddenly disappear from the world?
"Wait!" Suddenly, Lin Luo made a sound, and Qi's father immediately pressed pause.

On the screen, it is a scene of a cleaner pulling a small cart out of the toilet.

"Luo, what's the matter?" Lin Ye looked at the thoughtful Lin Luo and asked suspiciously.

"This cleaner has a problem!" Lin Luo was absolutely sure!
Everyone turned their heads to look at the screen again, no problem, this woman can clearly see that it's not Qi's mother!

"How could the cleaners go in and clean the toilet at 8 or 9 o'clock in the morning?" Lin Luo hit the nail on the head.

Generally, in such large hotels and hotels, the toilets have a fixed cleaning time. Generally, guests and employees will use the toilets at 8 or 9 in the morning. At this time, it is impossible to let the cleaners go in to clean!
Sure enough, when Qi Yue called and asked the manager in the lobby here, he found out that their toilet cleaning time is usually 6 o'clock in the evening and 1 o'clock in the noon.

At 8 or 9 in the morning, it is impossible for the cleaning staff to appear in the toilet to clean!

"Sister, how did you know?" Finally, there was a trace, and Qi Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

"I've done cleaning work before, so I know a little bit about it." When Lin Luo just graduated, with her school diploma, she couldn't find a better job at all.

"Trolley!" After being woken up by Lin Luo, Qi's father immediately realized that something was wrong. Since there was something wrong with the cleaner, there was naturally something wrong with this small trolley.

In this way, it is very likely that Qi's mother was fainted in the toilet, put on a trolley and taken out!
So, Qi's father immediately sent the female cleaner's appearance to the whole relevant department to send people to look for it.

Finally, Kung Fu pays off.

After several hours of close investigation, a message came.

The female cleaner is the daughter of a local family, and she is only about 20 years old.

Upon receiving the news, Qi Yue and the others rushed there immediately.

However, according to her family, their daughter had been lost when she was 12 years old, and this was the first time they heard about their daughter.

Here, the clue seems to be broken again.

Even their parents don't know the whereabouts of the woman, so where do they find it?

After all, Papa Qi has experienced a lot more than them. He found out the records of missing persons in those years, and found that the number of missing persons in those years was extremely high!

It doesn't look like a criminal, but more like a large group of criminals!

Qi's father has a relatively wide network of contacts in this area, so he immediately contacted the relevant authorities and found the criminal record at that time.

Some of these missing children were also recovered. According to him, the abducted children were brought together and trained separately.

From this point of view, this situation may be that some underworld organizations recruit and expand their numbers in this way!
In other words, this woman pretending to be a cleaning staff is also very likely to be from a mafia organization!
Thinking of this, Qi's father immediately thought of the second batch of gangsters who intercepted them in Tengchong!Maybe they are a gang!

(End of this chapter)

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