Chapter 339 Ending Trivia

The fairy concubine dominates the world, and this is the end. Thank you to the book fans who have been following the article.
There are many, many empty cities. Without your company and comments, the book Xianfei would not have so many wonderful stories.

Because of your expectations, it has become the driving force for me to work hard.

When I was writing the ending, everyone was happy. But at the end, I felt a little melancholy in my heart.
Reluctant, not willing.
Because of this love, I engraved it into this book bit by bit, and incorporated the love I want into it.
The first book, perhaps not as good as many authors.
But I am still happy. What makes me happy is that there are so many book fans who love me and support me.
At the beginning, Jingjing would scold me when I saw bad comments, thinking that I wrote so hard. How many nights I stayed up. Why can’t I understand.
Later, I laughed it off. A book always has some loopholes that are pointed out by readers and corrected.

For those who do not respect others, one day they will not be respected.

Concubine Xian has thousands of comments, I can say that I didn't miss one, I read each one seriously and carefully.

Someone asked, can you not be so cruel. In fact, Jing Jing wanted to say
Many years later, every time I think of us who shed tears today, I will be moved. We were young, excited and longed for the love like a fairy tale. That is the most sincere us.
Jingjing's new book will be released next month, and it's based on 3D games. If you practice, you'll also have the love of life and death, and you'll be a little white.

With Xianfei Dominating the World at the bottom, the next book, Jingjing's conception and writing style will definitely let everyone see a different love story.

Of course I can't do without you.

Extra episode, who do you want to see the most?Chu Yin VS En En, Bai Qi VS You You, Qian Niao VS Nine-Tailed Fox, or Rabbit VS Mo Bei. Haha, this depends on your comments. After all, Jing Jing wrote the book for you.

With Jingjing QQ, I can chat with me or follow my Weibo whenever I have nothing to do:
Okay, not much to say. I also rested for a few days. Hahaha, I basically didn't sleep last night, and I was rushing to the end.

Please collect this book and leave a message~~~~ Is it super big?
go for a walk~~
(End of this chapter)

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