Happy Member in Marvel

Chapter 92 The God of the World

Chapter 92 The God of the World (recommendation ticket requested)
"Nick, we have recovered the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, how is your progress?" Xu Fan said.

"It's not ideal. When I knew that Hydra had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., I always felt like everyone was Hydra. Maybe it's because I've been under too much pressure recently."

"Really, if this is the case, I think it's better not to put the Cosmic Rubik's Cube back. As long as the Hydra is not wiped out, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube may be taken away at any time, and next time, I'm afraid I won't be so lucky." Already." Xu Fan put forward his opinion to Nick.

In fact, after such an encounter, Nick also began to re-examine S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Rubik's Cube.

Tony is a special consultant recruited by himself, and he has a heroic heart. Putting the Rubik's Cube in him is indeed safer than the current S.H.I.E.L.D.

Besides, with Xu Fan and Banner there, it is not easy for Hydra to snatch the Rubik's Cube.

After some thinking and Xu Fan's kind reminder, Nick finally chose to let go and agreed to put the Rubik's Cube on Tony's side.

However, this is only temporary. When the Hydra is eradicated by himself, or when it is necessary, the Avengers must return the Rubik's Cube unconditionally.

As for Nick's conditions, Xu Fan and Tony also readily accepted.

In Tony's studio.

"Well, even God is on our side, so we will have enough time to study the Rubik's Cube." Tony spread his hands like a winner.

Xu Fan also returned to the old town at this time.

No one can prevent himself from studying the energy of the Rubik's Cube and applying it to the anti-angel armor.

"But is it really necessary for us to do this?" Banner folded his arms around his chest, still feeling a bit inappropriate.

After these days of contact, he found that Tony Stark was a very confident, planned, and purposeful character.

In order to ensure the safety of the 'Hulk', he has completed the prototype of Veronica.

Then it just needs to be manufactured and tested.

Therefore, Tony, who holds the Rubik's Cube, might really be able to create anti-angel armor.

No, it's not that maybe, but it will definitely be possible.

"Huh? Haven't we considered this issue before?"

"But we didn't have a Cosmic Rubik's Cube before." Banner said in a low voice, stepping back and forth, "Maybe the energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is greater than we thought, once it is added to the anti-angel armor, Xu Fan might have life Danger."

"Isn't this what we want? Is it possible that we still have to play house with Xu Fan?"

Tony paused, and continued: "But you don't have to worry, Banner, I'm just taking precautions, do you understand prevention? I don't hope that when Xu Fan turns black one day, we won't have the power to suppress him."

"But don't you think this is too much? For you, Xu Fan did not hesitate to break into SHIELD to steal the Rubik's Cube. Although the plan went well, if an accident happened, he would be targeted by SHIELD and never seen again." There's no peace, I've worked with this kind of department and I know how dark it can be."

Banner took a deep breath and continued: "And now you want to build a guillotine for something he hasn't done yet, Tony, Xu Fan is our friend."

Looking at the emotional Banner, Tony couldn't help but fell silent.

He was really moved by what Xu Fan did for himself. Not only did he solve his problem of palladium poisoning, but he also let himself know that his father had always loved him deeply.

But because of this, I must be firm in my determination.

If it was Xu Fan, he would definitely hope that someone would stop him when he turned black.

"Tony, if you just study the Rubik's Cube, I'm willing to help you. I can't accept it as a weapon to kill Xu Fan." Banner said righteously, hoping that Tony would wake up.

"Banner, didn't you also participate in Veronica's design?"

Banner couldn't help being startled, he didn't expect Tony to compare these two things.

"It's different, Tony." Banner took a breath and stabilized his emotions, "Xu Fan's power comes from the gifts of angels, while Hulk comes from the curse of knowledge. He is like a madman. The beast, every time he wakes up, the only thing he will do is to smash desperately."

"Maybe that's the other side of you, but you haven't learned how to control it yet." Tony said without thinking.

"Believe me, I've been with this guy for five years. He's a beast living in my body, uncontrollable, and irrational, and Xu Fan...God, why do you think he's going to turn into Hulk." Banner really couldn't understand Tony's thoughts.

He actually wants to use the most powerful weapon to deal with his friends.

Tony fell silent, picking up the parts on the table and playing with them.

He was hesitating whether to speak out his thoughts truthfully, and if possible, he didn't want to treat his friends like this.


"Tony? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine..." Tony put down the parts in his hand, and finally decided to tell the truth, "I'm not worried that Xu Fan will lose control."

"Huh? Then what are you worried about?"

"I'm worried that he will use this ability to become a ruthless dictator in human society, but I can't find any reason to deny my idea." Tony's eyes became a little sad.

Emotional on the one hand, rational on the other.

And he never labeled himself as being emotional.

"What?" Banner couldn't help being taken aback, "Why do you think so?"

"Because it's a god, and his power comes from the gods, and...Xu Fan is already looking for a theological expert to compile the doctrine." Tony walked towards Banner, "Do you still remember the night of hatred?"

But this time, Banner was silent.

"All living beings are equal because there is no existence above all living beings. Maybe there is faith in this world, but no one has ever seen a real god. But now it is different. Xu Fan is a god walking on the earth."

"Think about what he said when he killed the abomination, I walk in the world on behalf of the gods, and the gods can do anything, but I am omnipotent. At that moment, don't you think he is very strange? The whole body exudes like Euphemia Ya's brilliance destroyed Harlem in an instant."

Tony's voice trembled. Since that night, he hadn't had a good night's sleep, and Xu Fan's words were always echoing in his mind.

He can't forget.

"Maybe Euphemia will stop him..." It took Banner a long time to spit out such a sentence, but he himself felt that this sentence was not convincing.

"You also said that maybe, Banner, when a disaster occurs, there are two kinds of people. The first type prays to God to save the world; Three kinds of people, I will prevent disasters from happening."

Banner: "..."

 The house ran into water, the update is a bit late, sorry~
(End of this chapter)

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