Happy Member in Marvel

Chapter 42 Is He a Millionaire?

Chapter 42 Is He a Millionaire?
Tony Stark's father's name is Howard Stark. He has been hailed as a mechanical prodigy since he was a child. He participated in World War I and World War II. He is also one of the founders of SHIELD.

For Tony's growth, Nick, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., has been secretly observing and looking for opportunities to win him over.

However, what they didn't expect was that Tony would lose a hand and a leg during this trip to the Middle East.

This is a considerable loss for both Tony and S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, at this moment, Phil suddenly thought of someone.

Xu Fan, the man who was initially arrested for promoting illegal religious sects, and later showed divine power.

So, Phil reported his thoughts to Nick Fury, and soon got a reply, asking Phil to introduce Xu Fan to Tony Stark and treat his injury.

In addition, Nick also gave Phil a special task, asking him to investigate clearly how Tony fell into the hands of terrorists and how he escaped from there.

As a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Phil was naturally extremely efficient in his work. Within 5 minutes of contacting Xu Fan, he appeared in the old town.

"Mr. Xu Fan, are you sure you can treat a person who has lost his limbs?" Phil picked Xu Fan into the car and set off for Tony's house.

According to the plot of the movie, after Tony Stark escaped from the hands of terrorists, the first thing he did when he returned to New York was to hold a press conference, announcing that he would shut down Stark Industries and start developing Mark II Iron War. Clothes.

But now there is a deviation.

After Tony returned to New York, he cut off contact with the outside world. Even the loss of his hands and feet was suppressed by a certain S.H.I.E.L.D. organization.

"I said, your problem can be solved with money." Xu Fan sat in the co-pilot's seat, admiring the scenery along the way.

Seeing Xu Fan's confident expression, Phil nodded in relief, took out a bag of things, and handed it to Xu Fan, "Everything you want is in it."

Xu Fan didn't say much, took the things and checked them first.

Because of the different cultures, there is no such thing as an ID card here in the United States, so what Phil applied for Xu Fan was a driver's license and a bank card at the same time.

It has to be said that the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. did save a lot of trouble.

"By the way, who needs my treatment?" Xu Fan deliberately pretended not to know anything.

"I thought you were a person who just gave money and didn't ask anything."

"Indeed, but it's always good to know the identity of the other party. For example, if he is a millionaire, I can provide additional services."



Phil couldn't help but glance at Xu Fan, how obsessed this guy is with money, he even wants to exchange money for a smile.

However, when I think of the identity of that person.

"You'll like him."

"So you are a beautiful lady?" Xu Fan said without thinking.

Although he had already guessed that the other party was Tony Stark, he had to do all the acting.

"No." Phil shook his head. "Believe me, he attracts you more than the hottest girl. His name is...Tony Stark."

"What?!" Xu Fan immediately screamed, "Did I hear that right? The one from Stark Industries?"

This time, Phil chose to smile without saying a word.

Xu Fan, on the other hand, secretly laughed in his heart without saying a word.

Phil's driving skills are very good, and Xu Fan sat very comfortably. After about a few hours, the two arrived at Tony's villa.

This villa is built on a cliff by the sea, just standing here, you can feel the luxury of this villa.

"When there is a chance in the future, let Tony help me fix one too." Xu Fan's heart suddenly moved.

However, the security level here is also very high, and outsiders are prohibited from approaching.

Of course, this was no problem for Phil.

After a while, Phil led Xu Fan straight in.

"Who are you? This is a private residence. How did you get in?" A lady in smart uniform noticed Phil and Xu Fan, and directly blocked their way with a displeased expression on her face.

Xu Fan was no stranger to this person in front of him. She looked exactly like the one in the movie. Her full name was Pepper Potts, also known as Pepper.

At present, he is only Tony's personal secretary, and by the time of Iron Man [-], he became Stark's CEO.

However, this also aroused Xu Fan's curiosity.

As we all know, Human Torch and Captain America are played by the same person.

I really don't know what the expressions of these two people will be when they meet.

What's going on, I was a little looking forward to it.

"Hello, Ms. Potts, I'm Phil Coulson, and I belong to the Homeland Strategic Defense Offensive and Logistics Support Agency. This is my business card."

"I don't care if you are...what? Well, Mr. Phil, I don't care which department you belong to. This is a private residence. You have no right to enter here without Mr. Tony's permission, so...in the police Before coming, I think it's best for you, no, get out of here quickly." Xiaojiao said resolutely.

"Even if we are the only ones who can treat Tony Stark?" Phil did not turn away, but raised the corners of his mouth with a smile.

"What?" Little Pepper was stunned for a moment, not understanding the meaning of the words.

And Phil took a step forward, "Our homeland strategic defense attack and..."

"Stop saying that awkward name, what do you mean you can heal Tony?"

"It literally means it." Xu Fan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Ms. Potts, I am not a doctor or a scientist, but a believer who has truly mastered divine power. You can call this a miracle."

Little Pepper couldn't help being startled, his eyes flicked back and forth between Xu Fan and Phil.

If it was changed to another place, she would not hesitate to regard the two of them as liars.

However, the other party was able to easily decipher the security code here, and walked in swaggeringly.

This made her a little skeptical.

"Forgive me." Phil saw that Pepper was a little shaken, and continued, "With the current technological power, it is impossible for Tony to regrow his arms and legs. If it were me, even if there was only a [-]% chance Will try it once."

Phil paused for a moment, "The most important thing is, to Tony, money is just an insignificant number, so why should he worry about being cheated?"

"You know Tony's..."

Little Pepper was stunned for a moment. They had adopted a blockade method for this news, and they have not announced it yet. What channel did the other party get it from.

Could it be that……

That awkward department has been secretly watching Tony?

 Thank you for drinking alone and dreaming drunk in September, ↘ポ↗ポ↘◇☆ for your tip.

(End of this chapter)

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