Angel Patriarch of Super Seminary

Chapter 99 The Eight Legions of the Heavenly Allied Forces

Chapter 99: The Eight Legions of the Heavenly Allied Forces

Just when Hua Yutian summoned the legions of all civilizations to meet in the Deno galaxy, many civilizations in the fringe galaxies of the known universe had already been wiped out.

The triangular civilization is progressing rapidly, occupying almost one percent of the planets in the marginal galaxies.

Not only that, in addition to the triangular body, there are also a large number of animal body civilizations raging everywhere.

There are no god-level civilizations in the marginal galaxies, and they are only relying on the few space-level civilizations to resist.

And even if the cross-galaxy shuttle technology is used, when the huge fleet of the Heavenly Court Alliance Army arrives at the battlefield of the marginal galaxy.At least it will be several days later.

After all, this is the front line of the conflict with the triangular body and the beast body civilization. Even the fleet of the space-level civilization here has already taken defensive measures, and built an indestructible line of defense with all the warships to firmly protect their civilization. behind.

Although the reinforcements have not yet arrived, the physical war has already begun!
The two forms of cosmic life represent the highest civilization and engage in the most tragic fight in the starry sky.

The degree of tragedy far exceeds any previous Nebula level battle.


One day later, Deno Galaxy!

At this time, the flagship of the Tiandi has gathered the vast majority of civilization masters above the aerospace level in the known universe.

The coalition meeting is going on at the command center. After the strong men representing multiple civilizations are seated, Hua Yutian sits on the main seat, Kieran and Hua Lingyun line up on the left and right, and there are some strong men from the Angel Saint Guard.

"Most of you here belong to the civilization of the Heavenly Court, so I won't talk nonsense. Everyone, let's talk about your views on the battle of the body."

After Hua Lingyun received Hua Yutian's eye signal, she glanced at everyone and said softly.

"Deno Civilization, let's talk first."

She set her sights on Kayo and Zhao Yan, the German Star Spear.

Kao said without hesitation: "No matter what contradictions our civilizations have, we must let go of our prejudices and be consistent with the outside world in the face of physical battles."

"And that's why our civilizations gather here."

"Marshal Kayo is right. Now it can be said that it is the survival of our Shenhe civilization. This is not a matter of civilization. Under the physical competition, no civilization can escape!"

"So we can only get through this difficulty by uniting. Our Deno galaxy resolutely obeys the orders of the heavens!"

Xin Zhao of Dexing also said.

"Our Lieyang civilization is also willing to obey the orders of the heavens!"

Pan Zhen spoke immediately.

And Hua Yutian on the throne turned his head to look at Di Hongkun on the side, and smiled.

It seems that Di Hongkun has realized that Tianting may unify the universe through physical battles, which is why Pan Zhen is here to show his favor to Tianting.

However, the attitude of Lieyang Civilization was not good before, so Hua Yutian might let Lieyang Civilization go so easily.

It's just that the physical battle has just begun, and it's not convenient for him to do it now, and the Lieyang civilization is also a god-level civilization after all, and it would be too wasteful to just destroy it like this.

It's better to let them play a little bit of heat in the physical battle.

"My Xinglan Civilization is willing to join the coalition and obey the orders of the Heavenly Court!"

"My Nok civilization is willing to join the coalition and obey the orders of the heavens!"

"I, Al Civilization, are willing to join the coalition and obey the orders of the heavens!"

With Lieyang civilization's statement, other civilizations present also quickly announced to join the Heavenly Court Alliance.

Looking at all this, Hua Yutian and others can tell at a glance that not one-eighth of the civilizations are people from the Lieyang civilization, and [-]% of the civilizations are not affiliated civilizations of angels. It is a loyal subsidiary of the heavenly court.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the physical war is over, whether these civilizations can still stand here is still a question!

By then, it will be easy for Heaven to unify the universe, although it is also easy now!
Then Hua Yutian nodded to Kain and the Eight Kings in front of him and said: "Let's get started, all the civilized coalition forces here, you can command them as you like!"

"Yes, God!"

After the eight members of Kain saluted respectfully, they turned around and looked at the numerous representatives of civilization in front of them.

Tiankill Wang Huayu took the lead and said: "Sarachi Civilization, Del Civilization, Hong... Civilization, your 1 civilizations, together with the Tiankill Legion, form the Fifth Corps of the Physical War Celestial Alliance, responsible for sweeping all the nebulae in the western part of the known universe. triangle."

"As ordered!"

As soon as Huayu's voice fell, more than 1 representatives of civilizations in the command center stood up and responded.

After reaching out her hand to signal them to sit down, Kaisha took a step forward, took Huayu's words and said: "Holy Word Civilization, Guangyu Civilization,..., your [-] civilizations, together with the Heavenly Blade Legion, form the fourth legion of the Heavenly Court Alliance Army in Physical Warfare , responsible for the enemy of the nebula in the northwestern part of the known universe."

"As ordered!"

Similarly, more than 7000 representatives of civilization stood up to receive orders.

Then the remaining six angel kings are He Feng, Yuan Kai, He Xing, Kai Yin, Liang Bing, and He Xi in order!
Each of them led thousands to [-] civilizations to form legions, and established the eighth, seventh, sixth, third, second, and first legions respectively.

Each legion is responsible for a direction!
Because Liang Bing and Hexi did not directly belong to the Legion, the Second and First Legions led by the two of them were joined by the Imperial Guard Legion and a part of the Imperial Army.

They are the strongest two of the eight legions!
Seeing that everyone had already divided their respective combat areas, Hua Lingyun stepped forward and announced: "The Emperor of Heaven ordered that the physical war begins, and the legions will set off immediately, and must rush to their respective areas of responsibility to fight as soon as possible."

"In addition, the flagship of the Tiandi is the command center of this war, and it is here, the Deno galaxy!"

"Okay, let's go!"

"As ordered!"

With an order, the representatives of all civilizations in the command center got up and left here.

(End of this chapter)

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