weird world corpse

Chapter 561 Ghost 1 Begins to Develop

Chapter 561

"It's safe, it's finally safe." Lao Tzu sat on the ground with no image, panting heavily.

This mysterious space is full of chaotic scenes, and not far in front of it is a huge luminous sphere, which is emitting a shining blue light.

As if feeling that Lao Tzu was coming, the luminous sphere flickered on and off.

"I knew you would lose."

A clear voice came from the luminous sphere, which instantly woke up Lao Tzu who was resting.

Lao Tzu got up from the ground in a panic, raised his hands, bowed to the luminous sphere, and said two words that made people's scalp tingle: "Teacher."

This luminous sphere turned out to be Laozi's teacher. If you want to get to the bottom of it, there is no one else who can be Laozi's teacher except Hongjun.

Hongjun said slowly: "When you go to the person with the original power, you have already lost."

Lao Tzu's shoulders shook, but he didn't speak.

Hongjun continued: "If you search for Tongtian with all your strength, you will definitely be able to discover his conspiracy, so that he will never succeed, but you are not greedy enough, and the current consequences are inseparable from your decision-making .”

Lao Tzu bowed his head and said in a low voice: "The matter has come to this, please save me, Teacher."

"It can't be saved." Hongjun said lightly: "I said at the beginning that you only need to kill the other saints slowly, and then I will let you do the way of heaven, but now it seems that although those saints died Yes, but there are a few more."

Lao Tzu smiled wryly and said: "All of this was done by Tong Tian, ​​teacher, you have great powers, you must save me."

Hongjun remained silent.

The mysterious space fell silent instantly, and I didn't dare to speak.

"I give you strength."

After a long time, Hongjun spoke the first sentence.

"After receiving my power, you will develop your own potential."

Hearing this, Lao Tzu said excitedly, "Teacher, please help me."

The matter has come to this point, he has been driven to a dead end, and now he dare not even go out of this place.

Hongjun said: "Let go of your mind."

A faint cyan light appeared from the luminous sphere, surrounding Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu closed his eyes tightly, letting the blue light corrode.

But in less than a minute, Lao Tzu suddenly opened his eyes with horror.

"This is... erasing my soul!"

He could feel that the cyan light was slowly devouring his soul.

"No." Hongjun said: "He just changed your soul. I make you a lunatic, and you can exert your full strength. It is because you are afraid that you are weak. After I make you a lunatic who loses reason, It will naturally become stronger."

Lao Tzu struggled crazily, but because he had just started to let go of his mind, he was now unable to struggle.

Hongjun said indifferently: "A bereaved dog, your only role now is to go out and cause a commotion for me. They have already noticed me, and you have to draw attention away."

"Who are they...!" There was despair in Lao Tzu's eyes.

Hong Jun said: "They...heh, they are the people I dream of surpassing."

Lao Tzu fell to the ground in pain, and the sanity in his eyes was rapidly disappearing.

After a while, the sanity in Lao Tzu's eyes was replaced by madness.

He rushed out of this mysterious space like crazy, with boundless killing intent on his body, and any space that touched him was on the verge of shattering.


In the Forgotten River.

Ghost Yi looked at the peaceful Wangchuan River in front of him, and stretched out his hands: "My lord has stepped into the Human Profound Realm, it's time for us to break through."

Beside him, Ah Bai and Ah Hei stood quietly.

The piano, chess, calligraphy and painting appeared from Guiyi's body, followed by a fierce brilliance.

Since they came to this world, they have been trapped at the bottom of the Wangchuan River.

Gui Yi has been making breakthroughs all the time, because Fang Mu's breakthrough led to Gui Yi's breakthrough.

With Ghost One's current strength, he felt it was time to leave the river bottom.

Ghost one took a deep breath, the light of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting became more and more intense, and the river at the bottom of the river slowly parted.

The divided river spread at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye, the entire Wangchuan River was split into two.

"Go!" The ghost yelled, and jumped out with both legs.

Ah Bai and Ah Hei also jumped up without hesitation.

Before the Wangchuan River closed, everyone jumped to the bank.

"It's finally out!" Gui Yi let out a long breath.

"Meow!" Abai called out.

Ghost One said slowly: "Let's explore, we can only explore, and while your two abilities have changed, we can add fire."

At Wangchuanhe, the avatar of the master used some method to change the abilities of Ah Bai and Ah Hei.

Ah Bai and Ah Hei can devour and copy the things of this world to improve their strength.

"Actually... isn't there a ready-made one here?" Ah Hei pointed to the Wangchuan River, and said, "There are quite a few things in it, which can just be used to improve."

As soon as this sentence came out, the ghost was immediately reminded.

Yes indeed!Isn't there something ready-made in here?
Now that I have stepped into the Human Profound Realm, I can absolutely grab the things below, and then feed and copy them for Ah Bai and the others.

The ghost nodded and said: "It's done, let's clean up the river here before going out."

They didn't know that the Ancient Yue Kingdom had already poured all of its resources into it.


In another place, Fang Mu was killing wildly.

As long as he can see everything, he will not let it go.

After killing the people in these mysterious worlds, he used his original power to turn these people into strange creatures and perform the corpse-touching technique.

After going back and forth, Fang Mu has already accumulated six hundred traces of deceitfulness.

The little golden man in the body has also undergone earth-shaking changes, and half of the golden gauze is covered with dark lines.

"It's comfortable." Fang Mu showed a satisfied expression on his face.

He felt very comfortable being able to use the corpse touch technique without any scruples, and there was a steady stream of leeks for him to cut.

"Next, continue heading in this direction." After Fang Mu rested for a while, he continued to rush forward.

But before he took two steps, a chill came from his whole body.

Fang Mu stopped and looked into the distance.

In the dark night in the distance, a trance figure is approaching.

This figure carries an unparalleled deterrent force, and the space around the figure is broken void.

Fang Mu held the butcher's knife with a serious face.

This thing that just came out... is strong.

Thinking of this, the figure slowly became clear.

When Fang Mu saw clearly who was coming, he turned around and ran away without saying a word, his movements were already very skillful.

(End of this chapter)

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