weird world corpse

Chapter 490 Iron Count Immortal's Counterattack Plan

Chapter 490 Iron Count Immortal's Counterattack Plan
The store, which wasn't very big at first, was already full of people.

After one person saw Tie Suanxian sneezed, he rushed over flatteringly: "Boss, are you okay? Did you catch a cold because of too much work recently?"

Tie Suanxian looked at this man with the eyes of a mentally retarded person, and said speechlessly: "When I reach my level, will it be easy to get cold?"

In terms of flattery, this guy's realm is still too low.

The little brother who flattered him scratched his head in embarrassment, and retreated silently.

Tie Suanxian patted the table, and the noisy shop immediately quieted down.

He coughed lightly when the shop became smelly of needles falling.

A map was placed on the table by him, with criss-crossing roads on it.

Tie Suanxian pointed to the map and said, "This is the road map of the entire ghost city, please take a closer look."

Everyone looked around the road map, but they didn't understand what it meant.

Originally, everyone was doing their own thing, but suddenly Tie Suanxian called them over, and then asked them to look at the map for no reason.

Tie Suanxian took out a pen and drew outlines on the map for a long time. After putting down the pen, he said mysteriously, "Look again."

"Is this... the store for all of us?"

One person found something wrong. All the streets outlined by Tie Suanxian on the map were shops owned by them.

Tie Suanxian nodded and said, "That's right, do you see anything wrong?"

"The shops are criss-crossed, and all the streets occupy an extremely lively location in the ghost market."

"It seems that other streets have no business recently, and the owner of the ghost city can't stand the weird annoyance."

"So the boss is trying to seize business? He really deserves to be the boss."

Everyone gathered around the map and began to express their opinions.

When the time was right, Tie Suanxian raised his hand to stop the commotion and said, "If it's just to grab business, I wouldn't let everyone come here."

With a wave of his right hand, the map on the table disappeared, and an extra letter appeared.

Tie Suanxian picked up the letter, met everyone's suspicious eyes, and said: "This is sent by Director Wuxin of Supervisor Tiansi. I think you all know Director Wuxin."

As soon as the words were finished, before Tie Suanxian could continue, there was an uproar in the field.

As long as it is the rice bowl of Xuanshi Duan, who doesn't know Director Wuxin?
Among the directors of Tianjian Division, they know every director, which is the most basic, otherwise they may offend someone one day, and they don't know who they offended.

One of his subordinates said cautiously: "Do you...have a good relationship with Director Wuxin?"

Tie Suanxian grinned: "Not only is it very good, everything I am here is ordered by Director Wuxin, so you understand?"

Everyone nodded in unison, just about to understand, but after realizing it, they immediately froze.

This...was arranged by Director Wuxin?

If that's the case, Director Wuxin has already started to pay attention to the ghost market's movements?
Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Tie Suanxian opened the envelope: "I think you must be very curious about what's in the letter. I'll read it to you."

"No, no, no." Everyone waved their hands in unison.

The less you know, the longer you live. Sometimes you know too much, and accidents are easy to happen.

Tie Suanxian said with a smile: "Since you are called here, it is something related to you, you just need to listen."

After a pause, Tie Suanxian cleared his throat, and read the content under the terrified eyes of everyone.

"Order Tie Suanxian and the others to collect the shops in the ghost market immediately, and grasp all the shops as soon as possible. The ghost market cannot be kept."

In a simple sentence, when Tie Suanxian finished reading, the letter paper disappeared.

The ghost market... can't stay!

When everyone heard the last sentence, they understood Jian Tiansi's meaning.

This means that they are going to attack the ghost market.

A Xuanshi smiled wryly and said, "I didn't expect that the boss is actually a member of Tiansi Supervisor, may be dangerous to speak out in public."

This is a ghost market after all, and the owner of the ghost market has deep-rooted minions, and the content of their conversations may be heard by the owner of the ghost market.

Tie Suanxian rolled up his sleeves, and there was an iron ring on his right arm.

There are beautiful patterns on the iron ring, which makes people look dazzled.

"Director Wuxin gave it to me." Tie Suanxian pointed to Tiehuan and said, "He can let me temporarily block the master's surveillance."

"But the contract..." Xuanshi said bitterly: "After all, what you signed is slightly lower than the owner of the ghost market, which is equivalent to a subsidiary. If you want to take down the ghost market, you will probably be suppressed by the owner of the ghost market."

As an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years, the owner of Ghost City certainly cannot make such a low-level mistake.

Tie Suanxian is still in charge of half of the ghost market, but the contract signed is a second-level contract.

In other words, at best he is just a part-time worker, and the owner of the ghost market is the boss.

So when Tie Suanxian expressed his thoughts, the people below immediately thought of this question.

Tie Suanxian shook his head and said: "This is not what you need to think about. I just need to ask you if you want to do it? I will solve other problems. If you don't do it, you can hand over your shop. If you want to do it, then come with me,
I can assure you that once you succeed, you will definitely get no less than what you have now. "

Everyone looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Do it, why not do it?
Is it possible to suffer a loss by following Jian Tiansi?

Tie Suanxian was very satisfied with everyone's performance, but there was one more thing to explain.

Tie Suanxian knocked on the table and said seriously: "Some of you have been with me for a long time, since I was in charge of the first street, you can say that you are very familiar with me.
But some people are different, he may be a newcomer, or even someone I don't know, and I haven't investigated too much,

The reason why I dare to call all of you here and not worry about other issues is because of my consideration. "

As they spoke, some people's hearts rose.

Tie Suanxian stood up from his seat and said with a smile: "I don't care what you think, but now that you have agreed, just do it with my heart and mind, don't think about doing things that are both sides to please."

"Boss, I..."

One Xuanshi was very excited and wanted to speak.

Tie Suanxian raised his hand, telling him to stop talking for now.

Some Xuanshi broke out in cold sweat, apparently what Tie Suanxian said just now touched their inner thoughts.

Tie Suanxian took out a handkerchief and smiled all over his face: "Come on, wipe it off, don't be nervous, listen to me first."

In the eyes of this group of people, Tie Suanxian's expression was more terrifying than weird, especially when he directly expressed their thoughts without covering up at all.

(End of this chapter)

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