weird world corpse

Chapter 418 Seeing the Stone Statue

Chapter 418 Seeing the Stone Statue

After Fang Mu finished speaking, the middle-aged woman suddenly stopped.

"Do you know who you are talking to?" The middle-aged woman turned around, her appearance had changed.

Dry cracks appeared on the face of the middle-aged woman, and then khaki mud emerged from the cracks on that face.

Mud dripped down the middle-aged woman's chin, and splashed in all directions after falling on the ground.

The villagers present were silent and frightened by this scene.

"I'm so lonely." The middle-aged woman spat out mud while speaking: "After I died, I was in a coffin, in such a narrow place, do you know how scared I was, darkness... loneliness... and... what are you doing!"

Before she finished speaking, she discovered that Fang Mu had turned into a butcher's knife.

Fang Mu slashed at it with a knife, and said domineeringly: "You little boy, why are you talking so much nonsense? You can live a few more episodes by saying a few more words?"

The bright knife light descended from the sky, cutting the middle-aged woman into pieces.


After the middle-aged women were turned into pieces, they became piles of mud.

The mud kept surging, and then slowly stopped moving.

Fang Mu withdrew the knife, looked around, and said, "If you don't have the strength, you talk too much. This is what will happen to her."

The villagers nodded in unison without talking nonsense.

This terrifying monster was beaten to death with a single knife, so they have nothing to say.

Fang Mu took two steps forward and glanced around.

The outside world has been closed by earth walls, and the sun cannot be seen.

If it weren't for the oil lamps in the mourning hall, it would have been plunged into darkness.

Fang Mu swung his knife in one direction, and the light of the knife fell on the earth wall and melted into it without causing any damage to the earth wall.

Except for the mourning hall, there is darkness everywhere.

"I remembered." The middle-aged man swallowed suddenly, and said, "I had a strange dream a few days ago, it was about Aunt Liu."

Fang Mu frowned and said, "What dream?"

The middle-aged man said fearfully: "Because Aunt Liu has no children, most of the time no one goes to the memorial service, so... Aunt Liu found me in a dream and said that she was very sad and lonely, and asked us to often Play with her."

Fang Mu pouted, not taking it seriously.

The things in the dream do have a certain degree of reference.

But it's only related to this weak and shameless weirdness. To be honest, he is not interested.

He is more interested in how the weirdness is formed, because the weird appearance has something to do with it.

The khaki mud, isn't it stained with the word "earth"?

If you think of the earth spirit again, everyone will get in touch.

"Where is the earth spirit you are talking about?" Fang Mu asked, "Take me to see it."

"This..." The middle-aged man showed embarrassment. This chapter said that outsiders are not allowed to enter the ancestral hall at will, but when he thought about the current situation, he said, "I'll take you there."

After speaking, the middle-aged man was ready to lead the way.

Form is no longer something humans can deal with. Only the young man in front of him can solve it. After all, the horror of that knife is still unforgettable to him.

Fang Mu shook his head, pointed at the people around, and said, "It's not you who take me there, but all of us are going."

When the villagers heard this, they agreed without hesitation.

They are not stupid, so how could they not know the truth of following Fang Mu to survive?
"I'm not going!"

At this moment, an old voice erupted, attracting everyone's attention.

The old woman clutched her clothes tightly, her knuckles turned white: "I want to guard him, I want to guard him, I am already old, death is useless to me."

The middle-aged man was helpless, and stepped forward to explain.

At this time, Fang Mu stepped over, grabbed the old woman's collar, narrowed his eyes and said, "No, you have to go."

The old woman struggled desperately, but to no avail.

For Fang Mu, this old woman was a great suspicion.

The village chief's injury was caused by a second-degree injury. The old woman was the village chief's bedside person, so the suspicion was very high.

In the eyes of everyone, Fang Mu directly lifted the old woman's collar, and his action was very direct.

"Not leading the way yet?" Fang Mu frowned and said, "Why do you have to do it every time I tell you?"

"Yes yes yes!" The middle-aged man said quickly: "Lead the way immediately!"

He didn't hesitate anymore, and was the first to go out.

Fang Mu winked at the villagers again, and said, "Go behind him."

The villagers looked at each other, afraid to speak, and could only follow what Fang Mu said.

The crowd set off in a mighty way, and Fang Mu was the last one, looking at the group of people and observing their movements carefully.

If the corpse touching technique didn't trigger, it must not be killed by the weirdness, so the problem must be among the people inside.

In the dark, everyone walked slowly, and it took a long time to reach the ancestral hall.

The middle-aged man held the oil lamp in his hand and gently pushed open the door of the ancestral hall.

It was dark inside the ancestral hall, the middle-aged man turned on the lights in the ancestral hall, and took a cautious look at Fang Mu.

"This is the earth spirit." The middle-aged man pointed to the middle of the ancestral hall, and said, "We put it here, and the ancestral tablet will guard it."

Fang Mu's gaze moved over, and when he saw the stone statue in the center, he frowned slightly.

A very ordinary stone statue looks very heavy. The only problem is the face of the stone statue. At this time, the face of the stone statue looks like the village chief.

Fang Mu said, "Look at the stone statue."

The middle-aged man was rather strange. Hearing this, he looked at the position of the stone statue.

This glance directly frightened the middle-aged man, because... the appearance of the stone statue.

Fang Mu pointed at the stone statue with a butcher's knife, with a sense of oppression: "You are surprised, I want to know why."

"The stone statue has no face." The middle-aged man said in fear, "It... how did it become the village head?"

Fang Mu's eyes darkened: "Tell me about the origin of the stone statue."

It's getting weirder and weirder, and the weirdness hasn't come to make trouble, Fang Mu feels very boring.

Yes, it is boring.

He prefers to go straight and straight, and this kind of twists and turns is too complicated.

The middle-aged man explained: "The stone statue was found on a mountain. It was found by the village chief. Because he thought it was strange at the time, he asked someone to carry it back. I didn't expect it to be able to solve the problem of crops..."

As the middle-aged man talked, Fang Mu gradually understood the cause and effect of the incident.

This village chief has a big problem.

The reason is simple, who has nothing to do and wastes manpower to carry it back because the stone statue is strange?

And it was discovered that the stone statue can heal the crops, also because of the relationship of the village chief.

It is said that the accidental discovery was made because the village head accidentally fell and scratched his hand on the stone statue.

But is it really such a coincidence?
How can there be so many coincidences? When there are too many coincidences, there will be the possibility of deliberate arrangements.

So far, the stone statue is normal, but Fang Mu wants to try this stone statue.

(End of this chapter)

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