weird world corpse

Chapter 407 That's right, I made it again

Chapter 407 That's right, I made it again
The phoenix was directly stunned, it was actually beaten by a man, and it was almost hanged and beaten in the field of fire, which it is best at.

Although he couldn't believe it, Phoenix was still struggling crazily.

"You dare to attack the noble Phoenix family, after Fengzu wakes up, he will never spare you!"

"Feng Zu?" The reckless man asked strangely, "What is that?"

"You!" Fenghuang was in a hurry, unable to speak.

On the other side, Fang Mu came over.

"Master, you can sense the breath of flames from such a distance." Fang Mu said leisurely: "It seems that Master's supernatural level is very high."

It was none other than Director Wu who came.

Fang Mu had already seen the huge fire ball and the wretched figure in the grass in the fire ball as early as when all birds were facing the phoenix.

Director Wu stepped on the phoenix and said, "It's not very tall, it's just much taller than this bird."

Fang Mu didn't get entangled in this, and asked: "Master just said... to seize the house?"

What is Duoshe, the literal meaning, everyone understands.

"I'm a master at playing with fire." Director Wu said disdainfully, "I can feel what it wants to do from far away."

"He is your master?" Fenghuang was stepped on, and he also heard the reason, and said in surprise: "Someone dares to accept you?"

"My apprentice is so outstanding." Director Wu stomped hard and said, "You mean to question my decision?"

There was resentment in Fenghuang's eyes, and he stopped talking.

Fang Mu said cheerfully: "You know, I didn't believe you at first, because don't seem to be angry with Wutongmu."

"How do you know?" Phoenix asked in astonishment.

Fang Mu pouted at Qing Ruowu, and the meaning was already obvious: "Mr. Huode Xing lied to me with a mural, but you directly said that you have hatred for sycamore, but come on, Qing Ruowu doesn't hate sycamore, that's you lying to me."

If you don't hate the sycamore wood, it proves that the sycamore wood is not the enemy of the phoenix, maybe it is a means of protecting the phoenix.

Fenghuang stopped talking and closed his eyes.

Winner and loser, it has nothing to say.

Fang Mu wiped his neck with his hand, and said, "Master, kill it."

Keeping it is also a scourge, it is better to start early to avoid long nights and dreams.

Director Wu shook his head and said, "No rush, not at all."

Fang Mu raised his eyebrows and said, "Master, have you taken a fancy to this flame?"

"No." Director Wu said with disdain on his face, "I have my own way, and I don't need other people's things to influence me. I am seeking some benefits for her."

At the scene, Qing Ruowu, who had a very low sense of presence, was named again.

Qing Ruowu's face was full of bewilderment. From the beginning to the end, she had been called by name, and now she was numb.

Even Fang Mu was surprised. Does this mean that Qing Ruowu can still reap benefits?
"Master Director." Qing Ruowu reacted, and asked doubtfully, "What benefits can I have?"

"You have its breath." Director Wu pondered, "I can hold down its flame and put it on your body."

As soon as these words came out, before everyone present had any reaction, Phoenix began to struggle violently.

"Mortal!" Fenghuang said crazily: "You dare to seek the supernatural powers of the Fenghuang clan, you are so daring! Fengzu will not spare you!"

"Wait until the Fengzu you're talking about comes out."

Director Wu stretched out his hand, and a ball of pure white flame appeared in his hand.

When the pure white flame appeared, Fenghuang's struggle gradually stopped, his eyes stared at the flame in Director Wu's hand, showing an expression of obsession.

"It's pretty." Director Wu said flatly: "The more beautiful something is, the more it can kill you."

The pure white flame fell and landed on Phoenix.

Phoenix didn't scream, nor did he make any movements.

Wrapped in pure white flames, the phoenix slowly turned into a mass of red flames.

The red flames were surrounded by pure white flames, and there was no movement at all.

"Stretch out your hand." Director Wu said.

Qing Ruowu raised her hand in a daze.

A hole was exposed in the pure white flame, and the red flame inside appeared and melted directly along Qing Ruowu's hand.

Director Wu scattered the pure white flames and said, "It's done."

Fang Mu gestured: "Is this all right?"

According to the description in the novel of the previous life, shouldn't this be earth-shattering?

Director Wu said in surprise: "This thing is like an inheritance, she has to absorb it slowly."

Qing Ruowu nodded half-understood, covered his forehead and said, "I have a lot of things in my mind, but I need to dig slowly."

Fang Mu understood that this was like a funnel, which needed time to settle.

"Hmm..." Director Wu clapped his hands and said, "You guys go first, I still need to find something."

I thought the matter was over, but I didn't expect that his master still had something to do.

Fang Murao said with interest: "What?"

Director Wu didn't hide anything, and said directly: "This time, besides me, your teacher's wife also has a feeling. It seems to be related to the pupil technique."

Eye surgery?

A strange look appeared on Fang Mu's face.

This pupil technique... seems to be related to him.

Director Wu was still talking to himself: "I don't know what's going on, but your mistress sensed a very special pupil technique, and it's very close to here, so I stopped by to have a look."

Fang Mu understood that it was indeed related to him.

To say that it is close to here is the most important thing.

When he was in the cave before, he had used the phalanx, and that phalanx was the phalanx of Erlang Zhenjun.

What is the most famous feature of Zhenjun Erlang, it must be the eyes on the forehead.

That's why Fang Mu came to this conclusion, and this matter has something to do with him.

Fang Mu said with a strange expression: "Master, maybe you are talking about this thing."

Fang Mu took out the phalanx and lay it quietly on his hand.

"This is..." Director Wu was puzzled.

Fang Mu told about the finger bones he got from that world, of course, he concealed something.


Hearing that it was that world, Director Wu immediately became interested.

"Your teacher may be able to research something."

Fang Mu is also interested. If he can research the big secret, then he can get a lot of information.

Thinking of this, Fang Mu raised his foot and prepared to leave.

At this time, Director Wu turned his head and looked at Qing Ruowu with a serious face.

Qing Ruowu went in without knowing, very puzzled.

Director Wu said seriously: "You can't tell what you see here, especially about Fang Mu."

Qing Ruowu understood: "Obey."

Director Wu looked at Fang Mu again, and said, "Everyone has secrets, but if your secrets are known by someone who cares, you must be ruthless."

Fang Mu laughed: "Master, don't you understand me?"

Director Wu knew his apprentice very well, so he just mentioned it in passing.

The few people didn't stay any longer, and left the village directly to Jiantiansi.

Fang Mu has a feeling that maybe this time when he returns to the headquarters, he will discover many secrets.

(End of this chapter)

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