weird world corpse

Chapter 399 Middle-aged man and big cock

Chapter 399 Middle-aged man and big cock


The clear chirping sound became smaller and smaller, and accompanied by a tooth-piercing sound, the door of the room was opened.

The old woman was holding a broom in her hand, her eyes were slightly surprised after entering the door, as if she felt outrageous because they were still standing here.

This surprised expression only lasted for a moment, the old woman lowered her head again, and walked over while holding the broom.

"Two guests who came from afar, can you please go out first, I'm going to clean the room now, so you can continue to stay tonight."

While talking, the old woman pretended to sweep around.

The wooden bed that was shattered by Fang Mu swept into a pile, and the old woman went out the door directly with the end of the broom against the residue of the wooden bed.

After finishing the whole set of movements, she never looked at them directly, as if they were all air.

The door of the room was open, and it was no longer the night outside, but bright sunlight came in.

"The time doesn't seem right." Fang Mu frowned and said, "It's impossible for one night to pass so quickly. Could it be because of that chirping sound?"

After the cock crowed, everything was back to normal, and the cold uneasiness that had been surrounding him was gone.

Qing Ruowu said in disbelief: "My unreasonable anger is gone, as if it has never happened before."

Fang Mu fell into deep thought.

The cold and restless feeling, as well as the unwarranted anger, disappeared with the sound of the rooster crowing.

Fang Mu suddenly remembered a person, the crazy person he met at the gate of the village, who wanted to hold a very brave big rooster in his hand.

A look came over, and from the shape of Qing Ruowu's mouth, it could be seen that she also thought of that person.

"Dead! Die!"

"Why are you still alive!"

"Damn you! Can it protect you by relying on it?"

"Sooner or later we'll have you skinned and cramped!"

Just then, there was a commotion outside.

Fang Mu said without hesitation: "Go! Go out and have a look."

When the two left the room, they found that the street outside the house was already full of people.

These people's eyes were dull, and their body movements were very stiff. They were surrounding a figure and kicking him vigorously.

The person who was kicked was none other than the crazy person he met before.

Fang Mu just took two steps forward when he noticed something unusual.

I saw that middle-aged man's eyes were extremely firm, protecting the cock in his arms, without any appearance of madness.

Compared with last night, this middle-aged man seemed normal.

And that chicken...

Fang Mu cast his gaze over and found that the chicken had become mediocre.

He vaguely remembered that last night, the chicken's eyes were very sharp, like a sword tearing open the world.

But now... it's like an ordinary rooster.

Fang Mu thought for a while, then walked up and grabbed the two nearest people.

A very bad texture came, as if scratching a lump of wood.

With Fang Mu's strength, the two were directly divided into two.

"Ah! Killed!"

"Hey hey, he dares to kill people here."

"Don't hit him anymore, let's go quickly, and you won't be able to kill him."

The crowd's discussion became smaller and smaller, and then disappeared, as if they had turned a blind eye to Fang Mu's actions just now.

On the ground, two torn corpses jumped up, and their wounds were covered with dry branches.

In less than a moment, the two torn corpses regrouped and left quickly.

Fang Mu didn't go after her because the situation was similar to that old woman.

What's more, compared to chasing these people, there is a more important person here.

Fang Mu squatted down and found that the middle-aged man was also looking at him.

"Let's go!" The middle-aged man said quickly: "I don't know what caused the changes here, everyone has been controlled by that place."

Fang Mu frowned and said, "The place you mentioned just now? Where is it?"

The middle-aged man hugged the rooster in his hand tightly, shook his head quickly and said: "You don't understand after I say it, the scope of things here is very large, you definitely don't understand, hurry up, you can leave while it's daytime."

Fang Mu stared straight at the middle-aged man, and suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Even though they have fallen to this point, middle-aged people still maintain a particularly weird dignity.

Seeing that Fang Mu didn't answer, the middle-aged man continued to urge: "Go, I don't want to hurt mortals, you hurry up!"

Fang Mu raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm curious, who are you?"

The middle-aged man smiled wryly and said, "You don't know everything, even if you say it, it's just getting more and more complicated. You may not have heard of my name."

Fang Mu laughed, very loudly.

Both the middle-aged man and Qing Ruowu looked at him with strange eyes, apparently not understanding why they were laughing now.

The scene fell silent for a moment, only Fang Mu's laughter remained.

After a while, Fang Mu's laughter gradually stopped.

"You say I don't know?" Fang Mu's eyes gradually became serious, and he said two words softly: "Phoenix."

It was just two simple words, but the middle-aged man was dumbfounded.

"You just said..." The middle-aged man swallowed, and said in disbelief: "You just said the word Phoenix, who are you? Why do you know it?"

Fang Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, pressed the middle-aged man's shoulders, and said, "Compared to who I am, this is not important at all. The most important thing now is... who are you?"

"Who am I..." The middle-aged man seemed to be lost in memory, his eyes were confused and he said: "I have forgotten some important things. My name is... Huode Xingjun."


Fang Mu raised his head sharply, and said with sharp eyes: "The people I know who are similar to you should be in that mysterious world. Are you sure you are not lying?"

Lord Huode Xing is the God of Fire in his previous life, and also the star king of Ying Huo Xing, who is in charge of all fire things in the world.

Now that they suddenly met outside, Fang Mu couldn't help but think of that world.

"What world?" Huode Xingjun asked suspiciously: "I don't know what happened, anyway, Phoenix was in danger at the time, so we came here inexplicably, responsible for protecting..."

"Us?" Fang Mu looked at the ordinary rooster and said, "This rooster too?"

The rooster tilted his head, his eyes lost their sharpness, which is normal.

Huode Xingjun smiled bitterly: "Since you have heard my name, you should have heard his name too. He is Uri Xingjun."

Uri Xingjun?Another fairy from the previous life?

In the mythology of the previous life, Pleiades Star Officer is one of the 28 constellations and lives in the Bright Palace in the sky. In reality, he is a big rooster six or seven feet tall.

Fang Mu felt more and more confused, what happened here?
(End of this chapter)

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