weird world corpse

Chapter 214 Yin dart and wedding dress

Chapter 214 Yin dart and wedding dress

"Come on!" Director Wu knocked on the table.

The man in Tsing Yi came in and stood aside respectfully.

"At the speed of my apprentice." Director Wu raised the letter in his hand and said, "How long does it take from Jinglong County to the headquarters?"

"Three days." The man in Tsing Yi had contacted Fang Mu, and gave a guess: "If nothing happens on the road, it will be there in three days."

Director Wu frowned: "It seems that something happened."

The letter arrived today, and it took a total of four days to arrive from Jinglong County.

Among them, the letter was delivered through the special channel of Tianjian, which was specially sent by the speed type Xuanshi, but the letter arrived, but Fang Mu hadn't arrived yet.

"My subordinates will investigate immediately." The man in Tsing Yi bowed.

Director Wu saw another problem: "Our transmission of information seems to be too slow. It is true that my apprentice is excellent, but our transmission speed is still too slow."

Standing in his position, you always need to see something different.

Even if it is an extremely small place, it needs to be found.

The man in Tsing Yi smiled wryly and said: "The strength of the messengers in different places is different, and the strong ones have already been promoted, so there are some difficulties."

Director Wu stood up and waved his sleeves: "I'm going to have a meeting with them. We must find a solution to this matter. In addition, you should check and follow the route."

"Yes!" The man in Tsing Yi replied: "This subordinate must have found traces of the Young Master."


On Jiantiansi's side, Director Wu has already dispatched manpower.

On the other hand, something happened to Fang Mu.

He hurried all the way along the route, and when he saw that he was only halfway away from Jiantiansi, something went wrong.

This is a mountain trail, and there is a group of people on the trail.

There are about ten people in this team, with knives around their waists.

The two people in the front rode horses, while the dozen or so people behind walked on their feet.

Among the dozen or so people, there was a carriage with piles and piles of goods on it.

On the clothes of this group of people, there is a word "Long" written on it.

This is a dart team, and the Long on it should be the name of the dart team.

The so-called dart team is also called dart bureau or dart line.

It is an organization that specializes in protecting people's property or personal safety. The dart transport of the Escort is also the transport of goods.

Originally, Fang Mu didn't take such a team seriously.

But when he saw the appearance of this team, he had some problems.

This group of people has no human appearance, with pale cheeks, stiff movements, and walking postures on padded feet, they don't look human at all.

The ancients said that if your feet do not walk on the ground, those who do not walk on the ground are ghosts.

When people walk, their heels touch the ground.

This phenomenon of not landing on the ground indicates that there is a ghost behind or possessed by a ghost.

Fang Mu's pupils were covered in gray and white, and Fang Mu cast the ground pupil technique.

The technique of the pupil of the earth can see through falsehood, not just formations.

In front of Fang Mu's eyes, the dart team changed.

No longer looks like a human being.

The pale skin slowly changed, finally showing the grain of wood.

On their hands and feet, there are red silk threads wrapped around them.

The end of the silk thread is connected to the mid-air, constantly fluttering in the mid-air.

Every time the puppets move, the silk threads will move.


Fang Mu rubbed his chin, inexplicably thinking of the name of a song.

There is a folk legend that there are two types of dart runners, one is the Yang dart, and the other is the Yin dart.

The Yang Dart delivered the goods of the living, while the Yin Dart delivered the goods of the dead.

Whenever the Yin dart passes by, the living should stay away as much as possible, otherwise they will be sick for three or two days.

Judging from this legend, it seems that Yin darts do not do much harm to people, as long as they don't die to grab the darts.

Fang Mu looked at the box on the carriage, and let out a slight snort.

There is a faint gray gas coming out of the box, and the gray gas is being continuously absorbed by the puppets.

Fang Mu stroked his chin and thought for a while, then made a decision to become a roadblocker.

This barren mountain is actually a place for robbery.

Thinking of this, Fang Mu jumped over the dart team and came to the front of the dart team.

"Ta Tata..."

The sound of neat and stiff footsteps stopped, and the puppet of the escort team looked at Fang Mu with dull eyes, and their jaws moved several times.

Fang Mu raised his right hand, and the pig-killing knife appeared in his hand, with a murderous aura.

The two people who walked in the front rode horses, which were also wooden horses.


The sound of mechanical rotation came, and the puppet at the front raised its hand: "Hostile! Not a passer-by! Kill!"


The long knife flew fast, and as the puppet at the front moved, the other puppets also moved.

Fang Mu's pupils shrank slightly.

This disagreement did not exceed his expectations, what exceeded his expectations was the strength of these puppets.

These puppets were left alone, and their strength was not very strong, but when they got together, their strength changed qualitatively.

Like the wind, the knife formed an impenetrable net in front of Fang Mu's eyes, strangling towards Fang Mu.

The five-fold golden body art was used, and a five-layer golden mask appeared on Fang Mu's body.

The knife light fell on Fang Mu's body, and four of the five layers of golden light were removed, leaving only one layer.

But that's all there is, the last layer cannot be broken through.

"It seems to be a formation." Fang Mu raised the pig-killing knife, and the 64-way beheading knife appeared.

The sky was full of sword lights, and the long knives in the hands of the puppets were all broken.

Fang Mu stretched out his hand and touched the puppet...

The strange thing is that there was no beep, and the corpse touch technique was not triggered.

"Isn't it weird?" Fang Mu frowned slightly.

The puppet who lost the long knife stopped suddenly.

The red thread connected to the puppet disappeared, and blue smoke came out of the puppet.

In the green smoke, the puppets turned into streaks of ashes and disappeared between heaven and earth.

In just a moment, there were no other people on this trail, and even the wooden horse disappeared together.

Except for one thing, the box on the carriage.

The three boxes fell steadily to the ground, and did not disappear with the puppets.

What's happening here?
Fang Mu walked over and looked at the box that was still steaming.

The three boxes overlap each other and are arranged in the shape of "pin".

Fang Mu didn't move, but circled around the box.

The box is still emitting gray gas, but there is nothing unusual other than that.

Since it's a dart walk, it's their goods inside.

Fang Mu used the tip of the butcher's knife to pry one corner, and gently opened it...

Inside the top box was a piece of clothing.

This is a wedding dress with beautiful patterns on it.

Fang Mu picked up the wedding dress with a butcher's knife and looked at it carefully.

When he looked at the wedding dress, the wedding dress changed.

Green smoke rose from the wedding dress, and in Fang Mu's eyes, the wedding dress quickly turned to ashes.

"Is this gone?"

Fang Mu raised his foot and kicked the top wooden box to pieces.

Apart from wood slag, there is no interlayer.

(End of this chapter)

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