Chapter 164

The ground of the whole village vibrated at an extremely irregular frequency, and the ecstatic vibration of the anchor was getting louder and louder.

Fang Mu's gaze narrowed slightly, and he stood up slowly.

"Are you going to start?"

How could it be so weak after merging all the weird Jian Kong.

Fang Mu winked at Gui Yi, then stroked his neck again.

The ghost understood in a second, and nodded cooperatively.

Fang Mu withdrew his movement and looked at Jian Kong again.

Let's wait and see first, and if the format is wrong later, Fang Mu will slaughter both of them.

The magnitude of the ground vibration is getting bigger and bigger, and cracks have already appeared.

There was the whistling sound of wind coming from the crack, and the rustling sound of objects being dragged.

See Kong put his hands together and recited Buddhist scriptures, his legs changed.

The originally normal legs began to wither and were covered with dense leaves.

A vine emerged from the empty legs and burrowed into the ground.

The cracks in the ground became bigger, and strips of dead vines emerged from the ground.

Seeing Kong's body began to grow taller, not an ordinary growth, but being lifted up by something.

The ground under Jian Kong's feet completely collapsed, and a huge banyan tree emerged from the ground, Jian Kong was standing on the banyan tree.

It is not so much a stand as a fusion with the banyan tree.

His legs had already turned into tree roots, tightly coiled around the top of the banyan tree.

What surprised Fang Mu was not this, but the fact that the banyan tree had blossomed, not only blossomed, but also a lotus flower!
Every lotus flower is extremely large, and there is a faint golden light shining in the center of the lotus flower.

"Buddhism is boundless." Jiankong recited a Buddhist name, saying: "Buddhism has five trees and six flowers. The poor monk combined one tree and one flower to create the law of flower trees. The poor monk replaced the flower tree with a flower tree. The defense is unparalleled.
The benefactor, with the strength of the poor monk and the talent of the benefactor, will definitely be able to achieve the kingdom of bliss. "

Even at this time, Jian Kong still couldn't forget Fang Mu's solicitation.

At first he tricked Fang Mu to leave, firstly because he wanted to kill Fang Mu, and secondly because Fang Mu's existence was very unstable.

But since Fang Mu killed a strange one, Jiankong changed his mind.

Maybe... Fang Mu can help him solve the real problem.

Fang Mu sneered, he knew about five trees and six flowers.

According to legend, the five trees refer to the linden tree, tall banyan tree, betel palm, betel nut and sugar palm.

The six flowers refer to lotus, manjusri, turmeric, frangipani, Burmese osmanthus and diyong nasturtium.

Of course, this is a legend in the previous life. Fang Mu doesn't know what the five trees and six flowers are in this world.

But being able to combine a tree and a flower, this Jiankong is indeed a talent.

Seeing the sky, Fang Mu didn't say a word, and didn't say any more, and rose into the sky.

The part of him connected to the tree broke, and he rushed towards Tall and Weird.

The two collided, and there was a loud bang.

The tall and weird fist hit Jiankong accurately, and Jiankong didn't show weakness, fist to fist.

The two sides punched each other, and each punch sent a huge shock.

Although it looks small and small, it is as tall and strange as it is.

In the center of the lotus on the banyan tree, the light flickers on and off.

Jiankong punched, and the lotus flower above flickered.

There were only loud noises and two entangled monsters left in the whole sky. Fang Mu looked up and found that the tall monsters had started to fall into a disadvantage.

"My lord, there's something wrong with that tree." Ghost walked up and whispered.

Fang Mu nodded, and after thinking for a moment, he walked towards the tree.

Seeing that Kong is relying on one flower and one tree, he is on par with Tall and Weird, and the problem of this tree and one flower is getting serious.

As they got closer, Fang Mu felt more and more that this tree and flower were abnormal.

The closer he got, the holy feeling rose in his heart. Facing the banyan tree and the lotus, he couldn't think of any evil thoughts.

"Banyan tree... lotus..."

Fang Mu whispered to himself, came to the banyan tree, and reached out to touch it.

The notification sound did not come, this banyan tree does not seem to be weird.

This bizarre situation made Fang Mu's frown deepen.

At this time, he felt a line of sight and followed it.

In the sky not far away, while Jiankong was fighting Gao Dawei, he looked at his position from time to time, as if he was very worried.

Gui Yi also sensed Jian Kong's gaze, and said: "My lord, it seems to be very scared. Could it be that trees and flowers are its weaknesses?"

Fang Mu didn't speak, and what Gui Yi said was very likely.

But he didn't act because he always felt that something was wrong.

"No, it shouldn't be like this." Fang Mu put one hand across his chest and the other on his chin, thinking to himself: "This old bastard is very sinister. I don't know how many years he has lived here. Could it be so simple to expose weaknesses?"

A guy with a fur that looks like a monkey, will he easily expose his weaknesses?
And this thing can fool others, but it really can't fool him.

Even the corpse touch technique wasn't triggered, and this tree with lotus flowers wasn't weird at all.

Seeing that Kong himself can't trigger the corpse touching technique, and neither can this tree, so it's worth thinking about.


There was another loud noise, causing Fang Mu to look up.

I saw that the battle in the sky had come to an end, and the tall and weird man was retreating steadily. Under Jian Kong's offensive, his body was covered with deep bone wounds.

Fang Mu looked at Gui Yi and said, "Are you sure, this guy is not a regular?"

Ghost thought for a moment, then nodded with certainty: "This subordinate can be sure."

Although he is no longer weird, he still has strong cognition in this area. After all, he has done the same old business before.

Fang Mu raised the butcher's knife, hesitated for a moment, then put down the butcher's knife.

In the sky, that tall and weird figure is getting worse and worse.

Following Jian Kong's punch, the tall and strange body was completely shattered into pieces.

Fang Mu suddenly found a problem, and Ah Bai on his shoulder didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

When Ah Bai followed him before, every time he got rid of Wei Yi, Ah Bai would devour Wei Wei.

But this time it was different, Ah Bai didn't seem to swallow any weird thoughts at all.

Sensing Fang Mu's gaze, Abai let out a meow, and turned his gaze to the ground, showing a very greedy look.


Fang Mu was stunned, and a flash of light flashed in his mind.

There was a sound of wind, Jian Kong fell to the ground, looking at Fang Mu with complex expressions in his eyes.

"You found out?" Jian Kong said slowly.

Fang Mu shrugged his shoulders: "I didn't find out all of them, I just thought that you bastard is really yin."

Jian Kong sneered: "Tell me, what did you find?"

He has been observing Fang Mu from the beginning to the end. From Fang Mu's calm expression now, he understands that something is wrong with his plan.

Fang Mu looked at a tree and a flower in front of him, and said with a smile: "Is this thing fake too?"

(End of this chapter)

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