Her Royal Highness is playing a demon again

Chapter 578 I Have So Much to Eat

Chapter 578 I Have So Much to Eat

As soon as Nan Yuan looked up, she saw Brother Huang's expression that life was worse than death, and she immediately shook her head wittily: "No need, sister queen, eat more if you like."

Fu Xueyao pushed the oranges into Nan Yuan's hand again: "No way! I have so many to eat."

Nan Yuan still refused and shook her head, her eyes fell on the candied haws that Eunuch Li was holding, and suddenly, as if she had found a savior, her eyes lit up: "I have candied haws to eat."

These words also reminded Fu Xueyao, who was in a great mood because she ate what she wanted, Fu Xueyao turned her head: "I also have a bunch, and I want to eat candied haws too."

Before Nan Qi had time to react, the sour handsome face heard this, and immediately glared at the imperial doctor: "The imperial doctor said that the candied haws are filled with syrup, and eating too much is not good for children."

Fu Xueyao, who had just had a sunny face just now, heard these words, and immediately puckered her mouth, and she was about to turn into a thunderstorm.

Seeing this, the imperial physician immediately said weakly: "Your Majesty, I heard rumors that if pregnant women do not eat what they want during pregnancy, they will become big eyes."

Depend on--

Nan Qi frowned and looked at the imperial physician with displeasure, but seeing Fu Xueyao's face turned sunny again, she didn't know where to start her hostility towards the imperial physician.

Nan Qi asked lightly: "What do you mean that the queen has nothing to avoid?"

The imperial physician immediately replied in fear: "Yes! It is something that can easily cause miscarriage and body cold. In the future, the Imperial Physician will be fully responsible for the empress's meals. As for snacks..."

The imperial doctor glanced at the snacks in the hands of the empress, and found that the eyes of the empress and the emperor were all on him, and immediately said respectfully: "Snacks can be eaten, but you should eat less. The empress still has to control it, there are many people. Eat something to be healthy, and if you keep up with your nutrition, you won’t be afraid that you won’t be able to take medicine for some minor ailments during pregnancy.”

Nan Qi stretched out her hand, tapped the queen's little head, and said softly, "Did you hear that? Eat less."

Fu Xueyao, who was knocked, looked aggrieved, a little reluctant, a little sad but still weakly pushed the candied haws in her hand towards the emperor's palm: "Then give this to the emperor?"

The lingering sour in his mouth was so sour that he couldn't recollect it for a long time, Nan Qi pinched his chin that was almost sour, frowned and said: "It's not that you can't eat, it's that you should eat less."

Hearing this, Fu Xueyao knew that although the emperor didn't like her eating these things, he still acquiesced.

Fu Xueyao was overjoyed, and immediately said happily: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

It's rare that Fu Xueyao reserved this smile for herself. Nan Qi was infected, her pursed lips slightly raised, and her handsome face was smiling.


The imperial physician called softly, but before she had time to say anything, Nan Qi said with a cold face: "Didn't you say you want to resign, why don't you leave after talking so much nonsense."

Imperial Physician: "..."

Come on, blame him for trying too hard to please the empress, he deserves it.

Seeing the appearance of the emperor and empress, the imperial physician straightened his sleeves and stepped back silently.

While eating candied haws, Nan Yuan said cautiously: "Although the imperial doctor said it's okay to eat, it's better for the empress sister to eat less. What if I hurt the baby?"

Hearing the word baby, Fu Xueyao subconsciously looked down at her stomach, and became cautious when chewing candied haws.

(End of this chapter)

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