Her Royal Highness is playing a demon again

Chapter 511 I Will Take You To Find Her

Chapter 511 I Will Take You To Find Her

Nan Yuan got out of the carriage, and watched the servants bring the congratulatory gifts with a blank face. King Wu Mu's butler came out to greet her, and led Nan Yuan and Duan Yijun to a seat that was only inferior to Nan Qi's, on an equal footing with the prime minister on the spot.

As soon as she took her seat, Nan Yuan tugged on Duan Yijun's sleeve, a little impatient, all she could do was remember her purpose of coming here: "Duan Yijun, let's go find Sister Wangfei!"

Duan Yijun stretched out his hand to hold Nan Yuan's little hand, and comforted him: "No hurry."

After a while, the emperor came, and everyone saluted. It just happened that the auspicious time had come. The joyous King Wu Mu and Mu Nazha, who was covered with a red hijab and couldn't see his facial expressions clearly, began to pay homage. Smiling with joy on his face, he didn't feel unhappy at all.

The steps of their marriage are almost the same as those of Nan Yuan and Duan Yijun. The surrounding dignitaries and nobles probably knew the importance of Princess Wumu because of this, and they were reused by the emperor. They even married a princess of a country as the princess. Congratulatory words and joyful congratulations It was beyond words, no one remembered that there was another Princess Wu Mu who was originally married by King Wu Mu.

Seeing it made her angry, Nan Yuan glared at the crowd angrily, and then teased Duan Yijun, and found that there was no need to attract Duan Yijun's attention, as Duan Yijun's attention had always been focused on her.

Even so, Nan Yuan still teased Duan Yijun: "You are not allowed to congratulate King Wu Mu like everyone else."

Duan Yijun smiled lightly and nodded: "Yeah!"

Seeing Duan Yijun's smile appear at the wedding, Nan Yuan also felt that it was very dazzling, and couldn't help raising the price: "You are not allowed to smile."

Duan Yijun also agreed to this unreasonable request, but before withdrawing his smile, he said softly: "When I see you, the corners of my mouth involuntarily want to rise."

Hearing these words, Nan Yuan's angry little mood is sweet at this moment. The biggest advantage of having Duan Yijun is not to have someone who will accompany her for the rest of her life, but to have someone who can share the same hatred with you and tolerate your little waywardness.

Nan Yuan smiled: "Duan Yijun, don't you think I'm making trouble for no reason?"

Duan Yijun shook his head: "No, but you laughed."


What kind of experience is it that the rules I just set were broken by myself, and the person who enforced the rules pointed out what kind of experience, probably Nan Yuan's experience!

Nan Yuan immediately withdrew her smile, looked at the wedding scene expressionlessly with her pretty face, and said lightly, "Then I won't smile anymore."

This result seems to be different from the original intention. Why did this matter become a gamble for no reason?
Nan Yuan, who kept her face expressionless all the time, could only look at King Wu Mu and Mu Nazha, feeling very bored, couldn't help but tugged at Duan Yijun's little hand, and complained to him incomprehensibly: "Sister Wangfei laughed so hard. Very happy, someone robbed her beloved man, is she very happy?"

Duan Yijun shook his head lightly, and he didn't know why: "After dinner, I will take you to find her."

"Yeah!" Nan Yuan's mood improved a little.

After dinner, and the wedding came to an end, Nan Yuan immediately held Duan Yijun, walked the path she had been walking before, and skillfully arrived at the former bedroom of the concubine's sister.

Fortunately, although King Wu Mu wanted to change Mu Nazha to be the princess, he did not move the princess's sister's bedroom, and the two's new house was arranged in the opposite direction.

(End of this chapter)

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