Chapter 699

"Didn't Xia Yu have such a sense of superiority just because she thinks she is rich? Doesn't she feel that everyone is inferior? Now she has been severely slapped in the face! Haha!"


Seeing that the Laiguo Mental Health Association and the Depression Care Association rejected her donation so mercilessly, Xia Yu became the target of everyone's ridicule again, and became furious.

For the first time, she felt so shameless.

"It was you who asked me to apologize! It was you who asked me to say the donation! It's alright now, no one cares about my apology and donation. I'm even more ridiculous than a clown!" Xia Yu yelled at Wu Lanxing. Shouting from the bottom.

Wu Lanxing did not expect that the Laiguo Mental Health Association and the Depression Care Association would be so ignorant of flattery.I wanted to sell favors and use money to resolve this incident, but it was self-defeating.

Wu Lanxing also felt sorry for Xia Yu, and said guiltily, "It's true that my mother made a mistake this time. But, look, although there are voices mocking you on the Internet, there are still fans who support you because of your apology, scolding those two for you. of an association."

"But the point is, I was still being laughed at!" Xia Yu growled, her face suddenly turned ferocious, "It's all that bitch Bai Mushu! It's all because of her that I became a clown!"

When Bai Mushu was mentioned, Wu Lanxing's expression also turned cold.

yes!If it weren't for Bai Mushu, would her precious daughter be so angry?
Originally, her precious daughter has always been going smoothly, and she is being treated with great hospitality.

Ever since Bai Mushu appeared, things had changed, causing her precious daughter to suffer such a great humiliation.

"I'm going to cripple Bai Mushu's legs! Let her be inferior to others, so she can't hold her head up!" Xia Yu gritted her teeth, "The matter of her parents won't affect her being Mrs. Mo. I want to see how Mo Qianlie will treat a disabled person. How much love can be!"

Wu Lanxing's eyes flickered.

Although Xia Yu's approach was a bit extreme, if something happened to Bai Mushu, it would at least temporarily stop her from continuing to investigate the matter of Youhu Tourist Resort, which would be a good thing for her, Wu Lanxing.

So Wu Lanxing didn't say a word, and acquiesced to Xia Yu's words.


Xia Yu's incident has been going on for a long time on the Internet.

Xia Yu became the laughing stock of everyone, and no one mentioned Bai Mushu's bullying and her parents anymore.

Bai Mushu knew that the reason why Xia Yu's matter was at the top of the trending searches all week was because Mo Qianlie must have helped her behind the scenes.

Besides Mo Qianlie, the video that Lu Xian'an gave her also helped a lot.

In order to thank Lu Xian'an, and to celebrate that the turmoil was finally over, Bai Mushu and Mo Qianlie asked Lu Xian'an and Shen Xiucan to have dinner at a Chinese restaurant.

As the hosts, Bai Mushu and Mo Qianlie arrived first.

When they were studying the menu, Lu Xian'an and Shen Xiucan came in.

When the two of them first came in, Bai Mushu felt a little different from usual.Not only their expressions and expressions, but even the atmosphere around them is different from before.

Soon, the sharp-eyed Bai Mushu was the first to notice that Lu Xian'an and Shen Xiucan came in hand in hand!

"You—" Bai Mushu pointed to the hand that Lu Xian'an and Shen Xiucan were holding, and quickly nudged Mo Qianlie with her elbow to let him see.

Mo Qianlie raised his eyelids, glanced at it indifferently, his eyes shook slightly, and then lowered his eyes to look at the menu again.

(End of this chapter)

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