Mo Shao's new wife is online

Chapter 645 Too Uncommon

Chapter 645 is too unusual
Zhao Xuan suddenly said, "So that's the case! Because she has amnesia, she doesn't remember anything from the past, so even if we ask, we won't be able to find anything."

Jiang Yuyuan had a disgusted look on his face that "you have finally opened your eyes".

"Oh, then there's nothing we can do." Zhao Xuan shook his head and sighed, "We can only find other people on the list first. If we really can't find them anymore, let's ask Bai Mushu at the end."

Jiang Yuyuan: "Yes."


Bai Mushu and the others had a hearty meal before leaving the restaurant and returning to the office.

When leaving the restaurant, Bai Mushu subconsciously glanced in Jiang Yuyuan's direction.

There were already other diners sitting in that seat, and Jiang Yuyuan had already left at some point.

On the way back to the office, Xu Laisheng was still driving.

"Good Luck western restaurant is quite delicious. That guy Deng Zhu is very good at enjoying it! I also want to eat his house every day." Xu Lai said that he still couldn't finish it.

"Of the three of us, you order the most and eat the most. I remember you just ate bread two hours ago!" Bai Mushu was speechless.

"I ate that bit of bread for breakfast, will it fill my stomach?" Xu Laisheng argued.

"You specially saved your stomach for lunch, right? You didn't pay, and I was the one who paid!" Bai Mushu resentfully said.

"Didn't I just hand over the revenue of the office to the club? The rest of the money is used to pay the rent for the next quarter. I usually have to support Xiao Yuyu and Sixue. Oh, you don't know how bitter I am." Hard work!" Xu Laisheng said at the end, with a look of "life is difficult".

Xiao Yu rested his chin and looked out the window, "It's your turn to make breakfast this morning. But you got up late, and sister Xue and I made the breakfast ourselves. You are not required to raise it."

Xu Laisheng: "..."

Bai Mushu gloated at Xu Lai's voice in the rearview mirror.

It was dismantled.

Xu Laisheng coughed and changed the subject, "Senior Sister Mu, tell me, who introduced Deng Zhu to Cao Mingce? Does the person who introduced Deng Zhu know what Cao Mingce is going to do?"

Bai Mushu's eyes dimmed, "It's hard to say."

"I was thinking, the person who introduced Deng Zhu to Cao Mingce simply acted as a middleman?" Xu Laisheng mused.

"There is another possibility." Xiao Yu stared out the window and spoke suddenly.

Both Bai Mushu and Xu Laisheng vaguely guessed what he was going to say.

"The introducer may have something to do with the Youhu Tourist Resort incident. In other words, the Discretionary Club may have something to do with it." Xiao Yu said without hesitation.

When Xiao Yu mentioned the possibility that they all thought of, Bai Mushu and Xu Laisheng still took a shallow breath.

If the incident at the Youhu Tourist Resort is really related to the Zhuanyan Club, then this incident is too unusual, and even her life in the Zhuanyan Club for five years will be overthrown and reconsidered...

Bai Mushu didn't want to think about it for the time being.

Whether it's the boss or Yu Zixie, if it weren't for them in those five years, she wouldn't have grown into what she is now, and she would even be alive...

"We'll wait for the results of Deng Zhu's investigation first. There are quite a few members of the Discretionary Club. If it's really related to the Discretionary Club, they may not be people we know well." Bai Mushu thought.

She said this not only to them, but also to herself.

"We will continue to investigate Tang Dajun and Wu Lanxing. See if we can use their two lines to find out who is behind the scenes." Bai Mushu continued.

(End of this chapter)

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