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Chapter 549 No previous memory

Chapter 549 No previous memory

The boy opened his mouth to respond, but no sound came out.

He could only helplessly listen to the voice calling him getting farther and farther away...

He panicked, afraid that they would just leave him here alone.

He desperately opened his mouth to shout and struggled desperately, but his throat seemed to be pinched by hands, but he couldn't make any sound...


Jiang Yuyuan woke up from his dream covered in cold sweat.

The feeling of helplessness in the dream of not being able to make a sound and being afraid of being abandoned still lingered in his chest clearly.

He looked at the ceiling in the hotel room, breathing slowly, allowing himself to gradually return from the dream to reality.

After he almost calmed down, he got up and got out of bed, and went to the living room to pour a glass of cold water.

He didn't turn on the light, held cold water, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looked at the night view of Lai City with undulating tall buildings and flashing neon lights outside the window, and drank the water one sip at a time.

This is not the first time he has had this dream.

The little boy in the dream was when he was a child.

When he was a child, he would have that dream every few years.In recent years, he has had that dream more and more frequently.It was so frequent that he almost doubted whether that dream was real.

But in his memory, he has never encountered the scene in his dream.

However, it is also possible that he has encountered it, but he does not remember it.

Because he has no memory of before the age of ten...

He has no memory of before he was adopted by his current parents.

If he had encountered something in his dream, when was it?Where is the matter?

If not, why does he keep having the same dream over and over again?

While Jiang Yuyuan was drinking water to sort out his thoughts, his cell phone rang suddenly in the bedroom.

He approached the bedroom, picked up the phone on the bedside table and glanced at it.

It turned out to be a call from the housekeeper in Austria.

At this time, Austria should still be in the morning.

"Hello." Jiang Yuyuan answered the phone.

The housekeeper's urgent voice came from the mobile phone, "Master, it's not good! The master suddenly suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and was sent to the hospital. The condition is very bad!"

Jiang Yuyuan's shocked face changed...


Jiang Yuyuan immediately asked Zhao Xuan to rebook the ticket, and rushed back to Austria overnight.

After getting off the plane, Jiang Yuyuan got in the car that came to pick him up and rushed directly to the hospital.

Jiang's father's condition finally stabilized after a day and night of rescue.

Because of the sudden cerebral hemorrhage this time, Jiang's father was almost killed. Jiang's mother stayed by the hospital bed and never left for half a step.

Seeing Jiang Yuyuan rushing back, Jiang's mother haggardly and excitedly stepped forward to meet him, "Your father has finally passed the dangerous period. This time he has a big fate. He walked around in front of the god of death and came back again."

Jiang Yuyuan understood what Mother Jiang didn't say.

If Father Jiang didn't make it through this time, I'm afraid he won't even be able to see him for the last time...

Sometimes life is so impermanent, obviously before he went on a business trip to Lai, Father Jiang was still fine.Suddenly, people almost lost their lives...

"Go and see your dad." Mother Jiang said.

Jiang Yuyuan nodded and continued walking in.

Although Jiang's father had saved his life, due to the sequelae of cerebral hemorrhage, the corners of Jiang's mouth were crooked, and his whole appearance was haggard.

Jiang Yuyuan's heart throbbed, and he felt the devastation of aging and illness for a moment.

"Dad, how do you feel?" Jiang Yuyuan sat in front of the bed, trying to soften his voice.

Jiang's father nodded, and spoke with difficulty, "In a while, I won't be able to die."

Jiang Yuyuan smiled softly, but his chest felt tight.

(End of this chapter)

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