Mo Shao's new wife is online

Chapter 532 Worship me as a teacher

Chapter 532 Worship me as a teacher
"Cao..." Xu Laisheng wanted to say something, but Cao Mingce had already stood up and reached out his hand to stop him from continuing.

"Mr. Xu, it's not that I'm harsh on you, it's that I can't do anything about it. If the general construction plan is delayed for a day, the construction of the residential area in Tongxian's characteristic town will not start. What is delayed is labor costs and money!" Cao Mingce called Played the emotional card.

"We also understand your difficulties. But three days is too difficult for others." Xu Lai said.

"You guys find a way to solve it. The time I can give you is only three days." Cao Mingce became tough again.

He was about to leave when Xu Laisheng stood up and called him back, "Mr. Cao..."

"Mr. Xu, I've said everything I need to say. I only have three days! You have time to quarrel with me here, why don't you let your architects and engineers hurry up and reproduce the general construction plan." Cao Mingce looked upset I got impatient.

Xu Laisheng wasn't angry at all, but smiled, "I know, since you said three days, we'll get out in three days if we work overtime. But that's not what I want to talk about."

Cao Mingce nodded in satisfaction and asked, "Then what do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is, Mr. Cao, according to the contract, after we finalize the design draft, should your company pay the first payment?" Xu Laisheng reminded with a smile.

Cao Mingce was in a daze for a while, and seemed to have just remembered such a thing.

He said, "Of course I remember that it's time to pay. This payment is also in the payment process. However, you know that for a big company like ours, the process will be much slower. But, it is time to pay I will definitely pay. It’s just that it takes a lot of time to go through the process.”

"Where is the process of this payment now?" Xu Laisheng asked.

"I don't know about this." He asked the assistant on the side, "Where did the first payment process of Jingming Architects go, do you know?"

The assistant shook his head, "There are too many things, such small details, I have to go back and ask to find out."

"Did you hear that? He will tell you after he goes back and ask. You don't have to worry, we are such a big company, our credit is still very guaranteed." Cao Mingce vowed.

"Mr. Cao, of course I can trust you. It's just that the last time we called the finance to ask when we can pay, you also said that you are going through the payment process. When you asked where the payment process went, you also said that you are checking Tell us later. Then... there will be no more." Xu Laisheng laughed meaningfully.

"There is such a thing? I will teach them a lesson when I go back!" Cao Mingce frowned, looking like he was fighting against the enemy, "Don't worry, the money will definitely be paid. You can rest assured that the general construction plan will be completed within three days. Come out."

After Cao Mingce finished speaking, he stepped up and walked away.

"Mr. Cao, Mr. Cao..." Xu Laisheng pretended to chase after him a few words, and didn't even bother to go down to see Cao Mingce.

Bai Mushu sat on the sofa, and let out a long breath, "It took three days to re-create the general construction plan? Cao Mingce really tried his best to punish me."

"Just watch it, don't care if it's three days or not. Cao Mingce dares to press after the three-day deadline, so I'll ask him when he plans to pay the money." Xu Laisheng waved his hand indifferently.

"You have policies and countermeasures, you're clever enough." Bai Mushu praised authentically.

"To deal with old fried dough sticks, of course you have to use old fried dough sticks. Sister Mu, you have to take me as your teacher in this regard." Xu Laisheng immediately opened the dyeing room.

(End of this chapter)

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