Mo Shao's new wife is online

Chapter 496 She still wants to show some face

Chapter 496 She still wants to show some face
"No more?" Mo Qianlie stared at her with dark eyes, and his voice was hoarse.

Bai Mushu rubbed her nose, not knowing how to answer.

It's okay to continue.

However, Mo Qianlie is currently in poor health.Moreover, she still wants to show some face...

Bai Mushu was struggling, but Mo Qianlie pushed her away: "Go out, I can do it myself."

Bai Mushu: "..."

"Then...then I'll go out first, you should be careful." Bai Mushu's voice was a little weak.

"Yeah." Mo Qianlie tried his best to keep his head empty and not think about those things.

Bai Mushu got out of the bathroom, her heart still beating wildly, and her face was as red as an overripe apple.

Alas, why do you feel so nervous every time, as if you were on the battlefield for the first time?

Bai Mushu was sitting on the sofa, listening to music and reading gossip news on her mobile phone to distract herself and calm down.

When she regained her composure, Mo Qianlie also came out of the shower.

The button of Mo Qianlie's jacket was not buttoned, and there were still tiny drops of water rolling on his body.He had just washed his hair, and his hair was also wet, with drops of water constantly falling from the tips of his hair.

"Why didn't you put on your clothes and come out without drying your hair?" Bai Mushu frowned, "You catch a cold easily like this! Your injury has just started to heal, if you catch a cold again, what if the injury worsens?" manage."

She stood up and took the hair dryer, "Come and sit down, button up your clothes, and I'll blow your hair."

Mo Qianlie looked at her serious expression, but felt warm in his heart.

He obediently sat down on the seat designated by her, and looked at her with a half-smile, "Since you unbuttoned the clothes, of course you have to button them."

Bai Mushu's face immediately turned red.

Mo Qianlie has such an upside-down face, his hair is still wet, and such a picture of a beautiful man out of the bath, and he utters such charming words, it is simply a crime!

Bai Mushu groaned as if emphasizing herself, "I will buckle it."

After buttoning up her clothes, she angrily put a dry bath towel on Mo Qianlie's head, "Wipe your hair first."

Mo Qianlie obediently wiped his hair with a bath towel.

Then she plugged in the hairdryer and dried his hair.

The warm wind from the hair dryer was blowing on his hair, and Bai Mushu's soft, boneless hands were inserted between his hair from time to time, which warmed Mo Qianlie's heart.

He likes such moments very much, feeling that he is surrounded by blissful happiness.


Mo Qianlie's injury gradually improved, and he was able to walk like a normal person gradually.

Bai Mushu still stayed with Mo Qianlie in the hospital every day, and never went back to the hotel.

When Mo Qianlie slid the pad with his left hand to handle work, Bai Mushu would also hold the computer beside him, busy with work.

Gao Bo knocked on the door and came in with an insulated lunch box, "Mr. Mo, the meal is here."

"Meal?" Mo Qianlie looked up at him, "What meal?"

All along, he ate hospital meals.It's not how delicious the hospital meals are, but because of his current situation, he can only eat bland hospital meals.

"I asked Gao Bo to order the hotel's kitchen to make porridge with preserved eggs and lean meat, and bring two plates of stir-fried vegetables. You don't get tired of the bread and milk you eat every day, I'm tired of it for you." Bai Mushu continued He passed the insulated lunch box in Gao Bo's hand, put it on the bedside table, opened it, and took out the food inside.

"The porridge and vegetables on top are for Mr. Mo. The rice and side dishes below are for you." Gao Bo explained.

(End of this chapter)

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