Mo Shao's new wife is online

Chapter 425 Don't know who has the upper hand

Chapter 425 Don't know who has the upper hand
After all, he is suspicious of her now, and only by enclosing her in his project and keeping her under his nose can he feel at ease and find out more clues.

"Before nine o'clock tomorrow morning, send a new version of the design to my mailbox. This time, I hope you will take it seriously and don't disappoint my expectations of you." Cao Mingce gave Bai Mushu a heavy look, and stood up. Got up to go.

"Okay, we will definitely do it and design another version and send it to you." Xu Laisheng continued, "I will send you out."

After Xu Laisheng sent Cao Mingce off, Bai Mushu slumped on the sofa powerlessly.

As soon as he returned to China, he was pointed at his nose and yelled at.Although he knew what the other party's purpose was, he still couldn't help feeling unlucky and annoying.

"This Cao Mingce is really looking for trouble on purpose!" Du Sixue frowned, "Look at the way he just lost his temper just now, it's annoying to watch."

"He should be very comfortable scolding." Xiao Yu remained expressionless.

"Could it be uncomfortable for him to scold, the white ones are almost being scolded black by him." Bai Mushu sneered.

Xu Laisheng, who had sent off Cao Mingce, came upstairs at this time.

"Senior Sister Mu, it's very likely that Cao Mingche's intentional pickiness is because of Ming Xi's affairs! He must be suspicious of something." Xu Laisheng speculated.

"Yes. I thought so too." Bai Mushu nodded.

"However, what's the point of him coming here and scolding us like this? Can it dispel his doubts about us?" Du Sixue spread his hands in confusion.

"Indeed, there is no meaning at all, the only meaning is, as Xiao Yu said, he felt comfortable scolding." Bai Mushu shrugged, "Ma Yanlian went to prison, Ming Xi died again, Cao Mingce should have noticed. He was flustered, but he didn't have any evidence, and scolding me this time will at least make him feel that he has the upper hand, and that I'm still under his control, so he can feel a lot more at ease."

"What should we do now?" Xu Laisheng asked while pondering.

"I don't know who has the upper hand. Let's just take one step at a time." Bai Mushu pouted her chin.

"Then, do you want to draw another copy for him?" Du Sixue asked.

"Let's draw it again, just perfunctory. He will definitely use this version of the blueprint when the time comes." Bai Mushu stretched her waist and yawned big.

"Senior Sister Mu, you had a great time in Xiji Island, you're so tired." Xu Laisheng winked at her ambiguously.

"Hey wool! I was so scared, okay!" Bai Mushu glared at Xu Laisheng angrily, took out the gifts she bought for everyone in Xiji Island, and gave them to them respectively.

"Scared? Who scared you? It must not be Mo Qianlie!" Xu Laisheng opened the local Xiji Island snacks that Bai Mushu bought for him on the spot, and stuffed them into his mouth.

"Wow! Senior Sister Mu, this seaweed is delicious! I've heard that the seaweed in Xiji Island tastes the best, and this time I finally got the authentic one." Xu Lai said flatteredly, and vaguely urged Bai Mushu, "Quickly tell me, Who frightened you into this."

Bai Mushu said three words sadly: "Deacon Yu."

Everyone stopped unwrapping gifts and looked at Bai Mushu in astonishment.

Xu Laisheng: "Caviar??"

Du Sixue: "Deacon Yu??"

Xiao Yu: "??"

(End of this chapter)

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