Mo Shao's new wife is online

Chapter 249 Today I Have a Private Schedule

Chapter 249 Today I Have a Private Schedule
Lae University Theater Festival.

As one of the most prestigious traditional festivals of Lae University, the Drama Festival has always attracted much attention.

The drama festival has also changed from being only open to school students at the beginning to being open to all people inside and outside the school.This year's drama festival will even be broadcast live on major live broadcast platforms.

There is still nearly an hour before the opening of the drama festival, and the multi-purpose hall of Lae City University is full of seats.

In addition to the fame of the drama festival itself, there are also some people who heard that the daughter of the main culprit in the Youhu Tourist Resort incident played in this "Yuhu Tourist Resort Tragedy", and they came here specially to watch the excitement.

Ma Yanlian knew from Chen Bingqiao that Bai Mushu not only agreed to act in this drama, but also acted in her, so she dragged her husband Chen Ji and came over early.

At this time, Ma Yanlian and Chen Ji were sitting under the stage, listening to everyone's discussion, they were very happy to wait for the good show to take place:

"Have you heard the news? The daughter of the main culprit in the Youhu Tourist Resort incident more than ten years ago also participated in this drama festival. The play she starred in is "Yuhu Tourist Resort Tragedy"!"

"The incident more than ten years ago, I occasionally heard the elders mention it, saying that many people died that year, and the trouble was serious. The daughter of the principal culprit repeated the accident. I don't know what she was thinking."

"How else can I think about it? It's just shameless, wanting to be popular and crazy. Look at this drama festival, which department has played such a gimmick to attract attention? It is true that like a father, like a daughter. Shameless to the extreme ! If I were her, I would definitely hide it from others, how can she use it as a selling point!"

"Maybe she has no other intentions, but simply thinks that what her parents did was wrong, so she expresses her repentance in this way?"

"Hehe, you are too simple. I think she just doesn't care about her dignity and morality, she just wants to hype and become famous!"

A group of people were chattering, when suddenly a girl covered her mouth, widened her eyes, pointed at the entrance, and exclaimed, "Look! Is that Mingxi!"

Everyone heard her call and looked towards the entrance.

Mingxi was wearing a beret and a mask, and holding Bai Wanyang's arm, the two came in intimately.There were three bodyguards by his side.

The hall suddenly exploded.Some were overwhelmed with excitement, some covered their mouths to keep themselves from screaming, and some stomped their feet excitedly.

Some boys also blushed when they saw real Ming Xi from such a close distance, and couldn't take their eyes off her for a moment.

Ming Xi humbly let Bai Wanyang take a seat first, and then she sat down on the empty seat beside Bai Wanyang.

The students sitting around Ming Xi were almost crazy with joy.It feels like they are really possessed by koi today!
A student came forward impatiently, wanting to take a photo with Ming Xi, but was stopped by Ming Xi's bodyguards.

Ming Xi smiled apologetically at the boy who wanted to take a photo, "Sorry, I'm on a private trip today. I just came to see my friend's performance. I don't want to draw too much attention."

Bai Wanyang sat on the side with a blank face, and hummed contemptuously in her heart to the pretending Mingxi.

"Ming Xi, your friend also participated in the drama festival?" The female student in the front row heard Ming Xi's words, turned her head and asked curiously, "Is it the girl who saved you during our school's anniversary?"

"It's her." Mingxi smiled lightly and nodded.

"Huh? What's her name?" The female classmate asked the girl sitting next to her, not remembering her name for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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