Mo Shao's new wife is online

Chapter 198 Walking the same path as your parents

Chapter 198 Walking the same path as your parents

"That's right. Bingqiao told me that when Mrs. Mo went to her class to continue her studies in architecture, I still didn't believe it. After all, Mrs. Mo, you are... your age. Most of the sophomores are under 20 now. I didn't expect you, Mrs. Mo, to be quite courageous." Ma Yanlian said.

The "guts" here is of course a derogatory term.Ma Yanlian's words were actually ridiculing her for being so thick-skinned that she had the nerve to study in the same class as her daughter at such an old age.

Bai Mushu didn't speak, and looked at her with a half-smile.

"Mrs. Mo, are you here alone tonight? Why didn't you see Mr. Mo?" Ma Yanlian asked.

"He didn't come." Bai Mushu said calmly.

"Mr. Mo didn't come to such an exchange meeting, I can understand. I, whenever I attend a banquet, I will bring Bingqiao with me. I just want her to learn more since she was a child. But tonight's exchange meeting, what did Bingqiao say? Neither. It is a waste of time for her to come to such a low-level exchange meeting.

Too.Bingqiao always goes to high-end banquets.On an occasion like today, of course she would disdain to come.If my husband hadn't wanted to discuss business with several bosses, we wouldn't have come to such an exchange meeting.So I can understand that Mr. Mo didn't come. "

Ma Yanlian looked considerate, but she was actually mocking Bai Mushu. As Mrs. Mo, she even had to attend such an exchange meeting. Don't you think it was a drop in price?
"By the way, I heard that Mrs. Mo is an intern at Jingming Architects, is that true?" Ma Yanlian asked with concern.

"Yes." Bai Mushu slightly hooked her lips.

"Mrs. Mo is really hardworking, actually going to such a small firm for an internship. The Mo Group also has an architectural design department, why don't you go to the Mo Group for an internship?" Ma Yanlian asked cautiously, "Could it be that Mr. Mo didn't arrange an internship for you?" ?”

What Ma Yanlian actually wanted to ask was, could it be that Mo Qianlie and Bai Mushu's relationship is not good, that's why they don't want her to go to the Mo's Group for an internship, and it doesn't matter where she goes for an internship?

Bai Mushu naturally understood the meaning behind Ma Yanlian's words.

She figured it out, Ma Yanlian came to her for nothing more than to find out about the situation and trample on her a few times.

She chuckled, "I am the young mistress of Mo's Group. Do you think other people dare to do anything to me when the young mistress is going to do an internship?"

"Oh, that's right." Although Ma Yanlian said so, she didn't think so in her heart, she just felt that there must be something wrong with the relationship between Mo Qianlie and Bai Mushu.

"You are now an intern in such a small architectural firm, but you have taken the same path as your parents. You have lost your memory, maybe you don't remember that your parents were also architects and once ran an architectural firm, and the current Jingming The scale of the architectural office is about the same." Ma Yanlian expressed emotion and nostalgia.

Bai Mushu twitched the corner of her lower lip sarcastically, shaking the juice in the glass, "I thought you didn't remember the past."

Ma Yanlian was startled, and looked at Bai Mushu in disbelief.

Didn't she say she lost her memory?

Why does her tone, her expression, and her words not make people feel like she has lost her memory at all?

" know?" Ma Yanlian was stunned.

"Know what?" There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of Bai Mushu's mouth, "Know that my father asked you to make false accounts and evade taxes? Know that my parents privately appointed cheap and substandard construction material suppliers in order to get more kickbacks?"

(End of this chapter)

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