open sea

Chapter 314 Bowing

Chapter 314 Bowing
Go to war!

The atmosphere of the coming rain is most obvious in Guangzhou city.

In just half a month, Nanyang Guard purchased more than [-] stones of military rations from the surrounding areas of Guangzhou, and more than [-] stones from the Guangzhou government.

Not to mention, first Chen Mu sent a letter to the Governor's Mansion of Guangdong and Guangxi, followed by a large-scale mobilization of soldiers and horses. Not only Lu Tong, but even Yu Dayou, who had just returned from victory in Guangxi, was shocked.

No one is a fool, as soon as they contacted the Fanyi invaded Lingdingyang a while ago, the common people could guess who Chen Shuai Moma Libing was going to fight.

The sand table in the war room of the Chen residence has been piled up in the shape of a map of Manila. However, due to insufficient information, the surrounding mountains cannot be accurately piled up. Fortunately, Manila is in the harbor, so there is no need for them to make long-distance raids after landing.

"But this is precisely the most dangerous place. The harbor is guarded by the north and south banks and the two islands in the middle. It is the first line of defense we need to break through, and we may encounter a large number of enemy ships and gunboats stationed in the big harbor." Chen Mu raised his finger. To Manila, he said: "In addition, Li Yuxi, a businessman who often travels to and from Luzon, said that there are many forts on the shore of Manila, and camps are set up along the way."

"Guangdong has three fleet-level Nanyangwei with hundreds of small shark ships and hundreds of Dafu ships and Guangzhou ships. This is what I think, leaving a fleet with Nanyangwei small shark ships to guard Nanyang, Lingdingyang and the coast of Guangdong. I want to invite Yu Shuai and Lu Shuai to sit in the town, but I don’t know the two seniors?"

Yu Dayou and Lu Tong are rare experts in naval battles in the Ming Dynasty, not to mention no one in land battles can beat Yu Dayou at this time. Now that these two old generals are here, Chen Mu will definitely not let them rest.

Lu Tong didn't say much, and nodded in response.

He had never met Chen Mu in the past, but he had been friends with him for a long time. Guangdong Jiaowu Naval Academy was established by him with the letters Chen Mu sent from Xuanfu, so he was very curious about Chen Mu.Even if there are those textbooks, even if you have invited a veteran Zhishi to teach you, you have experienced many battles in the past, but you just can't understand things like surveying and mapping, but others are easy to understand.

Just like the naval department, it does not pay attention to fire battles and jump battles, but highly respects artillery battles. It is full of wealth and wealth. The key is where to find so many cannons.
But when I went to Nanyangwei, it was easy for them to carry ten guns of different sizes on a ship.

Although the tactics are heresy, they are useful.

It was Yu Dayou who laughed, and said: "The old man has only been free for a few days, and Chen Shuai has found something for Yu to do. Don't worry, Yu will definitely not let Pu Yi hold Chen Shuai back."

What Guangdong needs to guard against is not others, but the Portuguese and Japanese pirates.

"Thank you to the two seniors. With the two of you in charge, Guangdong can sit back and relax."

After Chen Mu finished speaking, he pointed in the direction of Hong Kong Island and said, "At the vanguard, Mr. Chen wants to divide the troops into three groups. I will lead the army along the way. General Chen will lead the battalion. General Bai will lead the Guangdong guards."

This is the point, Chen Lin cupped his hands and said: "Chen will live up to his trust!"

Bai Yuanjie cupped his fists and said nothing. He was thinking, where is his boat?There are three fleets in total, one in Guangdong, one led by Chen Lin, and Chen Mu will never fly over by himself, but if Chen Mu doesn't fly over, isn't that just asking him to fly over?

"Chen Zongbing led a fleet with two purposes. One is to land on the coast of the mountainous harbor in the western part of Manila Bay, unload the luggage, and set up strongholds at dangerous places to deploy defenses. If there are enemies, they will be defeated. Otherwise, they will rush eastward to Manila. .”

"Secondly, use the fleet to protect the Fuchuan Guangchuan that transports the luggage, sweep away all the warships and merchant ships with Spanish cross sails on the sea surface, ensure that the route is safe, and at the same time transport the subordinates of Commander Bai to arrive here."

Bai Yuanjie closed her eyes, come on, the boat was built under the supervision of Lao Tzu, and I would let Lao Tzu rub the boat in a war.

Chen Lin asked, "How far is this port from Manila?"

Chen Mu looked at Li Yuxi, a merchant who was sitting on the edge, and said, "It's 180 miles away, but the place is remote. They are all local people, and there are very few Westerners."

"If it's 180 miles, why don't you land on the back of Manila? It's not difficult to go around the coast." Chen Lin pointed to the east coast of Manila and said, "It looks like it's only a hundred miles away."

Chen Mu laughed when he saw it. He also wanted to land there from the beginning. This time, Li Yuxi didn't need to speak, so he said: "Because there is no road, and there are mountains and jungles in between. There are too many variables. It is better to walk 180 miles. At least There is a road, and there is only one, and there is a guide who is familiar with the terrain, so you will not get lost."

"Brother, you don't need to be in a hurry, as long as you can be faster than the Spanish reinforcements from other places."

As soon as Chen Mu said this, Bai Yuanjie and the others changed their colors. According to Chen Mu's words, they wanted to take Manila for themselves!

"It's too risky, how can a fleet capture a city?"

It was Chen Lin who spoke.

"Don't worry, if Manila's city defense forts are too powerful, I will try my best to destroy the enemy's large ships in the port and retreat to the north coast. As long as I retreat a dozen miles, their forts will not be able to hit me. If it is not possible, go north for fifty miles and be on the shore. Waiting for your large forces to converge, but the best thing is to take Manila directly in one go."

"And don't underestimate my fleet. I have Chihai and Gousheng. The big ships of the Spaniards are just Clark sailing ships like the big black ship. Most of them are smaller than Gousheng. They don't have as many guns as mine. Three Even a big ship may not be able to beat our two ships."

When Chen Mu called out the name of the boat, Deng Zilong pouted and turned his head away, the joy of winning the first place in the vanguard suddenly disappeared with the shameful name of the boat.

Although the name of the ship is not good, what Chen Mu said is still reasonable. The largest gunboat of the entire Guangdong Navy, Chihai, and the only iron-clad warship, Gou Yu, are in Chen Mu's hands, and there are no ships for one-on-one It will be the opponent of those two sea monsters.

Moreover, Chen Mu knew that his Chihai was not the largest ship in the world, and the Spaniards had already appeared the Galen ship, an improved model of the Carrick sailing ship, but in East Asia, there was no warship that could rival the Chihai.

Because the Ottoman Empire is fighting with Spain, Venice, and the Pope to form the Holy Alliance of Christendom at sea.

"At the beginning of the war, we will win one after another, there is no doubt about it. But then most of the battle will fall into a seesaw. Our sea transport capacity, supplies, and warships will all determine whether we can completely remove Luzon from the Spaniards. liberation!"

"We don't care what ships the Longjiang Shipyard builds, but the big ships and small shark ships of the Xiangshan Shipyard must speed up the progress. By the way, these days, the leftover iron shells are painted and dyed into wood color, don't Let people see it and learn from it for others.”

Deng Zilong's face became more sunken, let's just let it be a bad name, the captain is ugly, flat and flat, and the iron color was painted off when the job was done, and the guns and troop loads are less than a ship of the same size... This is good. It seems that there are no other advantages besides beating resistance.

After explaining the battle, Chen Mu issued the last order, feasting the whole army with wine and meat on the last day at the end of May, then he got up and paced, glanced over everyone's face, and bowed slowly.

"The age of sailing in the Ming Dynasty began when I left Hong Kong to go south. I am honored to be included in the annals of history with you, and Chen is extremely honored!"

(End of this chapter)

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